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Varas varasti valvontakameran - lähetti varkaan kotoa kuvaa viranomaisille
  • Joku oli jossain esittänyt kysymyksen, että oliko tämä poliisin toiminta salakatselua?

  • Student dorm does not allow wifi routers
  • I'm not advocating for breaking any rules, but many people dont know that you can hide your wifi routers SSID. even fewer people know how to track these networks.

  • Removed
    Farfalle vs Perplexica
  • I've been toying with Perplexica over the last few weeks occasionally, it feels really restrictive.

    I've had to modify the internal prompts to make it generate better search terms with my SearxNG (And depending on what LLM model you use, you need to fine tune this.....) and having to rebuild the container image to do this has just been annoying. Overall, I've had experience with self-hosted LLM web searches on Open-webui, but perplexica is a fun project to try out nevertheless.

  • Hurstin Avun nettisivut hakukoneiden shadowbänneissä?
  • No tämähän selittää että miksi tätä ei löydy yhdestäkään hakukoneesta.

    Taidankin laittaa sähköpostia tästä eteenpäin, voisi helpottaa ihmisiä löytämään oikean osoitteen.

  • Hurstin Avun nettisivut hakukoneiden shadowbänneissä?
  • On varmaa kyllä, tuolla wordpress-asennus näyttää olevan jossa on materiaalia ainakin vuodesta 2020 alkaen, mahdollisesti vielä aiempaakin sisältöä.

    Kyseinen domaini on myös Hurstin Avun yhdistyksen omistuksessa, sekä Suomen yritysrekistereissä tätä käytetään Hurstin Avun sähköpostilaatikkona. (YTJ lähde)

    Whois tiedot


    domain.............: status.............: Registered created............: 17.10.2013 01:52:35 expires............: 17.10.2025 01:52:34 available..........: 17.11.2025 01:52:34 modified...........: 17.9.2020 09:07:17 RegistryLock.......: no


    nserver............: [] [OK] nserver............: [] [OK] nserver............: [] [OK]


    dnssec.............: no


    name...............: Veikko ja Lahja Hurstin Laupeudentyö ry register number....: 1980574-9 address............: Ounasvaarankuja 1 postal.............: 00970 city...............: Helsinki country............: Finland phone..............: holder email.......:


    registrar..........: Domainkeskus Oy www................:

    Last update of WHOIS database: 20.8.2024 13:16:07 (EET) <<<

  • Hurstin Avun nettisivut hakukoneiden shadowbänneissä?

    Yritännyt keksiä keskustelunaiheita aikaiseksi tänne Lemmyn pieneen maailmaan, osui pieni mysteeri vastaan juuri tänään.

    Rupesin katsomaan että josko muutaman euron laittaisi Hurstin avulle lahjoituksena kun siihen olisi mahdollisuus, mutta en vaan löytänyt Hurstin Avun nettisivuja mistään hakukoneesta (Google, Bing, DDG, Brave, Kagi ja Teclis, jne).

    En keksi mitään hakusanaa jolla tämä sivu löytyisi, edes Google inurl dork ei toiminut.. "inurl:"

    Mitähän ihmettä? Kaikkea muuta kyllä löytyy, jopa tiktok videoita ja bing maps linkkejä Hurstin apuun, mutta ei nettisivu?

    En ole ennen törmännyt näin tehokkaasti hakukoneissa bännättyyn nettisivuun, ja tässä vieläpä Suomalainen sellainen.

    Any “small-web” search engines?
  • This is a bit off-topic, but did you try to increase the JVM limits inside Yacy's administration panel?

    Spoilering to hide wall of text related to this topic.

    This setting located in /Performance_p.html-page for example gives the java runtime more memory. Same page also has other settings related to ram, such as setting how much memory Yacy must leave unused for the system. (These settings exist so people who run Yacy on their personal machines can have guaranteed resources for more important stuff)

    Other things that would reduce memory usage is to limit the concurrency of the crawler for example. There's quite a lot of tunable settings that can affect memory usage. Would recommend trying to hit up one of the Yacy forums is also good place to ask questions. The Matrix channel (and IRC) are a bit dead, but there are couple of people including myself there!

    Also, theres new docs written by the community, they might help as well!

  • Any “small-web” search engines?
  • Yes, I mentioned Kagi because of the Teclis search index is hosted by them.

    However, most of the search results in Kagi are aggregated from dedicated search engines. (such as, but not limited to: Yandex, Brave, Google, Bing, etc.)

  • Any “small-web” search engines?
  • Teclis - Includes search results from Marginalia, free to use at the moment. This search index has been in the past closed down due to abuse.

    Kagi, whose creation Teclis is, is a paid search engine (metasearch engine to be more precise) also incorporates these search results in their normal searches. I warmly recommend giving Kagi a try, it's great, I've been enjoying it a lot.


    Other options I can recommend; You could always try to host your own search engine if you have list of small-web sites in mind or don't mind spending some effort collecting such list. I personally host Yacy [github link] (and Searxng to interface with yacy and several other self-hosted indexes/search engines such as kiwix wiki's.). Indexing and crawling your own search results surprisingly is not resource heavy at all, and can be run on your personal machine in the background.

  • alt. youtube frontend
  • Have you tried Grayjay?

  • Mayonaka Punch - Episode 6 discussion
  • Hey! I noticed this anime was being made in recent Paolo from Tokyo's video of daily life of anime director!

  • Australia takes home the gold!
  • OMEGATRON is that you?

  • From reddit selfhosted: What do you wish you knew from the start
  • Yes, correct.

    I apologize if someone misunderstood my reply, Plex was the bad actor here.

  • From reddit selfhosted: What do you wish you knew from the start
  • Still with Hetzner yeah. Haven't had to deal with Hetzner customer support in the recent years at all, but they have been great in the past.

  • From reddit selfhosted: What do you wish you knew from the start
  • Plex is a great example here. I've been Hetzner customer for many many years, and bought a lifetime license to Plex. Only to receive few months later a notification from Plex that I am no longer allowed to self-host Plex for myself(and only myself) at Hetzner and that they will block all access to my self-hosted Plex instance. I tried to ask for leniency or a refund, but that was wasted effort as well.

    In short, I was caught on a crossfire when for-profit company tried to please hollywood by attempting to reduce piracy, so they could get new VC funding.


    I am now a happy Jellyfin user and warmly recommend all Plex users to try it, the Jellyfin community is awesome!

    (Use your favourite search engine to look up "Hetzner Plex ban" for more details)

  • From reddit selfhosted: What do you wish you knew from the start
  • I wish I knew not to trust closed source self-hosted applications, such as Plex. Would have saved a lot of time and money.

  • Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI Deal
  • Kagi is a metasearch-engine (apart from their homebrew small-web index, known as Teclis), so the reddit lenses will continue to function long as one of the search engines it's querying is paying reddit.

  • Valtakunnallisesti merkittävää rakennusperintöä päätyi paloina matkailuyrityksen sisustukseen: ”Käsittämätöntä”
  • Ihmettelin myös kun Pöllölaakso purettiin, missään ei ole edes uutisoitu tästä. Rakennuskompleksi on kuitenkin sen verran tunnettu että kaikki on nähnyt videoita/sarjoja/elokuvia/uutislähetyksiä yms tästä rakennuksesta tai sen lähiympäristöstä..

    Tuleepahan varmasti kauniita kerrostaloja tilalle ":)".

  • AT&T Paid a Hacker $370,000 to Delete Stolen Phone Records
  • "See you next year at the same time?" -Hacker.

  • Lähes kaikista suomalaisista on kerätty arkaluontoisia tietoja aineistoon, jota markkinoidaan tutkijoille ulkomailla
  • Tulin ilmoittamaan että omalla osalla meni tällä copy-pastella läpi!


  • What's Your Favorite IRC Client, and Why?
  • WeeChat! I've been using WeeChat for like 13 years now and I love it. I used to use irssi back in the days and mIRC before irssi existed.. Some bitchX experiments may have happened at some point during the shell boom too.

    This remote interface is the biggest selling point to me even today, it's amazing: WeeChat-Android.

  • Nainen tehtaili myyntipalstoilla satoja petoksia – tällaisia tuotteita hän kaupitteli Nainen tehtaili myyntipalstoilla satoja petoksia – tällaisia tuotteita hän kaupitteli

    Oikeudessa nainen vetosi siihen, että oli tapahtumien aikaan tehnyt internetin välityksellä myös lukuisia aitoja kauppoja.

    Nainen tehtaili myyntipalstoilla satoja petoksia – tällaisia tuotteita hän kaupitteli

    On siinä saanu tehtailla..
