kinda looks like it :/ more baseless personal attacks.
maybe you need to go and do something else for a while!
downvoting means i dont think you are adding anything useful to the conversation. I see you learnd to do it yourself at last! You started all this off by posting a false dichotomy and acting like I had asserted it. Everything youve posted since has been waffle. THE VOTING SYSTEM ISSSSS THE SITE. ITS HOW IT WORKS!
are.... are you a bot?
you have a lot of homework. go learn about the platform you moderate. While youre at it go learn to use it too
ohh damnnn i didnt even see the threrat of authoritarianism at the end there.
what youre describing is forums! thisa is a news agregator! wow. i mean seriously wow. are you just so amazingly unemplyed that having you moderate here is better than nothing or something?
yes it does hide them! i mean wow again. maybe your prefered for of front end doesnt or something!. the ineptitude is stagering. first attacking an argument that wasnt made in attempt to seem high and mighty and now the complete lack of understanding as to this whole platform works. please tell me youre still young and are able to improve yourself!
ohh my god youre a mod who doesnt understand how the platform works. I mean wtf!
that is literally the basis to this platform. if you dont use them properly then you are a problem here as you enshitten the service. LEARN TO USE THE PLATFORM YOU ARE USING!
this platform is ENTIRELY based on votes! i never said china wasnt bad! you just put text in my keyboard. your arguments are fake and you should feel bad about that!
and yet look at the votes to work out how even on this platform only some crimes are seen as bad.
did i say that? Use your votes properly and admit that if you call what china does bad then you MUST ALSO CALL OUT OTHER EVILS!
damn those intelligent people and their radical beliefs. Everyone knows you should look to facebook for real knowledge!
no no you dont understand. What I mean is YOUR violence has no place in politics. THUD.
china claims contested area and rams opposers with their ships. EVIL. Israel claims contested area and genocides anyone who opposes. Good guys actually!
its called terrorism....
police officers and politicians? when targeting these people with violence you are called a what now?
what they said was. we didnt mean to murder that one. it was one of the other unarmed protesters we meant to murder. The other one was only Palestinian so chill... they dont matter remember!
what do you think the 17% unknown is?