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It’s going good so far 🤞🤞
  • Anything that gains too much steam and mainstream attention is ripe for corporate takeover/infiltration. Federation should hopefully keep them at bay for a while.

  • Only Composite Kids Will Get It
  • Ahh SCART, the beafiest connector. Feels like you're plugging/unplugging a nuclear power plant.

  • The author of vim has sadly passed away
  • You definitely have a point about the "thank you"-messages. I don't think I've ever sent a message like that to the author of any software, but I think it might be time to start, especially for software that is the product of (or spawned from) the hard work of a single person or a small group.

  • The author of vim has sadly passed away
  • Sad news, 62 is way too early. I've been using Vim and the Vim modes/plugins of various IDEs (currently IntelliJ) for many years now, so I'm going to donate to ICCF in his memory.

    :wq Bram, rest in piece.

  • zebibit zebibit
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