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monster rule
  • Bitter foods are an acquired taste. Sweet foods are not. I remember reading somewhere that sweet foods become less attractive once you've grown up, but nothing about bitter foods becoming more attractive.

    I always thought that people acquire a taste for coffee for the same reason they acquire a taste for beer: repeated exposure. Coffee is the cheapest caffeinated drink (at least in the US), and beer is the cheapest alcoholic drink. Both taste like ass the first time you drink them, but you put up with the taste because you want to get wired or drunk. After repeated exposure, some people grow to like the taste.

  • monster rule
  • Because black coffee tastes even worse than Monster does. (And has a lot less caffeine.)

  • McCafé
  • Occam's Razor. There isn't any evidence that he was murdered, so it makes sense to consider it a suicide.

  • Do you pay for some pirated contents
  • It's a website where you can buy music. I prefer having music in OGG or Opus format, and most of the time you can only get MP3. Bandcamp gives you the option to download your music in several formats, and one of them is OGG.

    That's starting to change, because I can find more file-sharers who are using FLAC as storage becomes cheaper. Then I can convert FLAC to Opus. However, Bandcamp also gives you the option to stream music from their app, and it's nice to have access to so much music on my phone.

  • I just cited myself.
  • You're being downvoted because you're wrong.

    My point was only that .9 repeating is still less than 1 in tangible measurement

    If it's less than 1, then it isn't repeating indefinitely, which is what the ellipsis indicates.

  • I just cited myself.
  • That's more convoluted than the 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 thing.

    3/3 = 0.99999...

    3/3 = 1

    If somebody still wants to argue after that, don't bother.

  • I just cited myself.
  • My favorite thing about this argument is that not only are you right, but you can prove it with math.

  • McCafé
  • What makes you think that Epstein was killed?

  • Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth
  • What convinced you of this?

  • Vesuvius
  • How did you know that he was doing it on purpose? Some people talk that way naturally.

  • You're too slow!
  • My pharmacy does this too. Also this: Receive a text that medication is ready. Go to pharmacy. "Sorry, it isn't ready yet. Come back in half an hour."

    Why did you tell me it's ready when it wasn't ready?!?

  • You're too slow!
  • Probably because they're counting pills and throwing them in bottles for a lot of other people, too.

  • Vesuvius
  • A voiced labiodental fricative.

  • Not to mom shame...
  • How do you define intelligence? What evidence do you have that intelligence is genetic?

  • Death toll at Hajj pilgrimage rises to 1,300 amid scorching temperatures
  • You can have faith that your friend won't cheat you, because based upon their previous actions they have proven trustworthy. That is faith backed up by logic.

  • JavaScript
  • It was 10 days, but, yeah, not a lot of time, especially for one guy. (That one guy was Brendan Eich, by the way.)

  • GNU-Linux
  • It isn't just a copypasta. As KnowYourMeme points out, it comes from Richard Stallman. Wikipedia has a good article about it here.

    The term GNU/Linux is promoted by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and its founder Richard Stallman. Their reasoning is that the GNU project was the main contributor for not only many of the operating system components used in the subsequent development of modern "Linux" systems, but also the associated free software philosophy.

  • GNU-Linux
  • Certain people get angry if you do not refer to it as GNU/Linux.

    I've never seen this happen. I've heard a lot of people complaining about these people, though.

    It's like veganism. I've never met a militant vegan, but I've heard tons of people complain about them.

    I think it's an effective strategy to avoid taking about real issues.

  • GNU-Linux
  • I admit I don't know much about it, but I got the impression that it's great when you need a very minimal Linux system, like for Docker containers.

  • GNU-Linux
  • It's the same reason why people argue about how to pronounce GIF. People get used to doing things one way and they don't want to change.

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