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Just remember to put all your energy into electoral eye washing and never into thinking about systemic problems!
  • Just because it's bullshit doesn't mean it's wrong. If you actually care maybe share memes about taking action instead of doomerism.

  • Former Disco Elysium devs are working on a spiritual successor at new studio Longdue, though Robert Kurvitz and Aleksander Rostov aren't involved
  • It was a big team that made that game. I know there were 6 full time writers for most of the development, and a pretty substantial art team as well. I don't expect them to be able to fully recapture that lightning in a bottle that was Disco Elysium, but there was some pretty substantial talent working there. It's certainly not a given, but it's pretty reasonable to hope they can do something great.

  • Have new distro releases become meaningless?
  • Hey, if you don't think distributions are doing anything, you can always use Linux From Scratch.

    Seriously though, most of the work done by good distros is specifically so you don't notice things. They make a bajillion independent open source projects work together nicely. That's something I'm glad I don't have to do myself.

  • New Steam Agreement gets rid of forced arbitration and waivers for class action lawsuits
  • There are much less expensive ways of suing someone than just flying there and staying until the lawsuit is done. They're still not cheap, but that's a pretty absurd way of doing it.

    Forced arbitration is also complete bullshit. The fact that corporations are starting to realize it's almost as bad for them as it is for us doesn't make it any less bullshit.

  • Bigfive Personality Test
  • The big five is pretty much the only version of this that's actually sort of kind of almost a real thing. Nobody likes being told they have high neuroticism though, so it's not ever a fun fad meme thing.

  • Firefox to the moon.
  • It would be nice, but they gotta eat.

  • 196 has been infiltrated by the toothpaste companies
  • Well, most dentists would recommend most toothpaste. They're a lot more concerned with making sure people are brushing regularly than they are with worrying about the brand of toothpaste they use.

    That kinda means the exceptions are weird and highly dependent on the dentist and toothpaste brand involved. Maybe they think it's overpriced, maybe they think it's less effective, maybe they have ethical concerns about the parent corporation (looking at you, Crest), maybe they're super picky about what they recommend, maybe they've never heard of the brand before, maybe they just got lousy swag from the company rep and they're being petty. It could be all kinds of things, and the ads certainly won't tell you what they are.

  • The hubris of AAA publishing in three panels.
  • Sony released a more realistic looking big budget Overwatch clone. It was fine, but nobody cared, because nobody wants a $40 live service Overwatch clone where all the characters have similar silhouettes. They spent 8 years making an okay game for nobody. If they'd done something different with the same basic characters and gunplay it could have maybe been good. They didn't though, so estimates suggested they sold about 25,000 copies worldwide before pulling it from their store and refunding everyone.

  • Blood Meal
  • There's also the pesky detail that if minerals in the soil are taken up into plants, and plants are then eaten by animals, then animals need to go back into the soil we grow our crops in or the the soils get depleted of minerals. That's why most salt is iodized, because we've leached all the iodine out of our croplands and never put it back. There is only so much fossil fertilizer in the world. Eventually we are going to have to accept that we are part of nature instead of separate beings above it and doing things to it. Factory farming sucks and needs to end, but we can't "Just fucking leave animals in peace." we are not separate from them. They are us and we are them.

  • we are not wholly without mythos
  • I mean, I prefer the real thing to childhood funtime genocide play, but I guess that is a pretty common modern use for the term cowboy.

    Plus if we use the actual historical meaning I can point out that most cowboys were Mexican, which is always a good time.

  • Poor Customer Service Olympics
  • Amazon is super evil, but it mostly comes from the way they treat their employees and sellers. The customer service is... okayish, mostly. They certainly have problems there as well, but it's not the real issue.

  • Who would your preferred Dem be for the new nominee?
  • I don't care. They could put Jimmy Carter on the ballot and I'd vote for him, and honestly he'd probably be a better pick than anyone they actually would consider. This is going to be a stupid mess, just to most likely get the person who would have become president if something happened to Biden anyway at the top of the ticket. Just a bunch of panicked stupidity, because apparently they just figured out that the 82 year old is old this month.

  • Joever rule
  • Why? Now the Democrats are going to start tearing each other apart and in the end they'll pick someone even worse and now we're even more likely to end up with Trump winning. The only people who ever had a problem with Biden being old were the people who had already made up their minds.

  • Also P!=NP
  • "!" in math is the factorial symbol, and 2 factorial is just 2 times 1, which is 2.

  • answer = sum(n) / len(n)
  • Not a guarantee, no. A very, very strong predictor though. You have to have some kind of evidence beyond just vibes to start making claims that this time is totally different from all the others before anyone should take you seriously.

  • answer = sum(n) / len(n)
  • At every step of modern computing people have thought that the human brain looks like the latest new thing. This is no different.

  • Literally France right now
  • Sure, yeah, but there are two major problems I see with that. It is a plan that even if it worked correctly would result in the most deadly war in human history if it happened in the US today, and also it wouldn't work. They'd loose.

  • Literally France right now
  • I mean, stopping fascists from gaining power is a pretty good way of stopping fascists from gaining power. If the government is to incompetent and/or uninterested in running the country to actually fix the issues people are pissed off about it's only a stopgap solution, but a stopgap is better than nothing. If you have an actual plan for how to go about the process of creating an actual better system in the real world starting from where we are then by all means feel free to share, but until then voting will save lives.

  • What are the applications that I can remove from Mint? + Mini Rant.
  • Mint is actually really good about not having weird dependency chains, and even if it did uninstalling apps would warn you about it. That is a very strange thing for people to have said. It is perfectly normal and good to have some things you don't want or prefer an alternative to and uninstall them. Default Mint is a great sane starting point for a complete OS, and I think their updater is the best in the entire Linux world, but it's still Linux. You can still customize it to your heart's content. Anyone who says otherwise is just being a creep.

  • What's the closest you've come to having a car accident?
  • Not counting the time a lady popped her clutch pulling out of her driveway and hit me, since I guess that's not "almost" an accident, probably the time I got caught out by a snowstorm, and on the way home I did a 360 on the freeway before regaining control. Thankfully there was no one else around, so it didn't hurt anything other than my pride.

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals Yozul
    Floof Shipment

    I thought the box was too small for him, but he proved me wrong.

    yozul Yozul
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