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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone

    The Ukrainian Canadian Congress says it plans to go to court to stop the federal government from making public the names of alleged Nazi war criminals who fled to this country.

    The Ukrainian Canadian Congress or UCC is now circulating a letter asking for donations to finance the proposed legal challenge in federal court.

    The organization, which states that it represents the Canadian-Ukrainian community, wants to raise $150,000, according to a copy of the Aug. 28 letter obtained by the Ottawa Citizen. Article content

    “It is appalling that the Canadian government could attempt for no good reason to subject innocent Canadians, their family members and descendants to public scorn,” wrote Ihor Michalchyshyn, CEO and executive director of the UCC in his fundraising plea.

    A number of the alleged war criminals on the federal government list are believed to be originally from Ukraine or other eastern European nations.

    kkkanada burn this so called country to the ground


  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • UN food chief: Poorest areas have zero harvests left

    Droughts and flooding have become so common in some of the poorest places on Earth that the land can no longer sustain crops, the director of the World Food Programme’s global office has said.

    Martin Frick told the BBC that some of the most deprived areas had now reached a tipping point of having “zero” harvests left, as extreme weather was pushing already degraded land beyond use.

    He said that as a result, parts of Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were now dependent on humanitarian aid.

    Mr Frick warned that without efforts to reverse land degradation globally, richer countries would also begin to suffer crop failures.

    The Global Environment Facility estimates that 95% of the world’s land could become degraded by 2050. The UN says that 40% is already degraded.

    When soil degrades, the organic matter that binds it together dies off. This means that it is less able to support plant life – reducing crop yields – and absorb carbon from the atmosphere.

    Soil is the second largest carbon sink after the oceans, and is recognised by the UN as a key tool for mitigating climate change.

    “There's too much carbon in the air and too little carbon in the soils,” Mr Frick said. “With every inch of soil that you're growing, you're removing enormous amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere.

    “So healthy soils – carbon-rich soils – are a prerequisite to fixing climate change.”

    Land degradation can be caused by modern farming techniques removing organic content from soil, but also prolonged droughts interspersed with sudden, extreme rainfall.

    Scientists say many extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense as a result of climate change.

    While it is hard to link climate change to specific droughts, scientists have said global warming has made certain ones, like the recent one in East Africa, more likely.

    Mr Frick said that in Burundi, in East Africa, months of heavy rain and flooding had damaged 10% of its farmland, making it unusable for the upcoming harvest season.

    He pointed to a UN report, released in March, which found that cereal crops in the Darfur region of Sudan were 78% below the average for the previous five years amid civil war and drought.

  • *hits techbro bong* check out my idea to fix the bridge
  • "those are the facts" says biggest moron you have ever met

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 4th to March 10th, 2024 - The Coalition of Losers - COTW: Pakistan
  • I'm so happy I have a flight to take in the next few days and it's an Airbus that's going to take me. Those Frenchies can't do much right but atleast they can build a plane that stays in the air.

  • NSFW
    [Not the Onion] Take a guess what the US is going to build in Gaza.
  • I love the president, he is decisive, ambitious and <ERROR 404: PRESIDENTIAL ATTRIBUTE NOT FOUND>

  • Is anyone else worried about AI taking our jobs?
  • Yes but caveat: I am in the public sector and unionized.

  • NSFW
    Take a crazy guess what happened to NY Mag's personal finance columnist.
  • I know a magazine that might be looking for a personal finance columnist if you're interested.

  • Have periungual wart on side of thumb... fuck this sucker hurts.. any of you dealt with one?
  • ive been using compound w on a planters wart on my pinky toe for a week or so now and its been going away. youre supposed to do it twice a day but i honestly dont have time and am on my feet all day for work, i have to like peel the dead skin off, apply the ointment, then let it do its thing. i imagine it would be faster if i followed the instructions lol

    and clean up and disenfect your tools, razor, tweezers, whatever when youre done. warts are contagious

  • So, what was the thing/s made you lose faith in capitalism?
  • Working commisionable sales and seeing me sell $45,000 worth of camera equipment and getting a $2500 bonus for the quarter for doing it. I sold more than my yearly salary to dentists, doctors and lawyers dropping 3-5 grand on top of the line camera systems so they can take photos of pigeons from their living room.

    Literally I got that cheque and was like "marx was right"

  • Need some help with a VPN
  • Don't use the free ones, you're looking at downloading malware at worst or just ineffective at best.

    I use Mullvad, privacy focused which is cool. No emails, no nothing. Your account is a string of like 24 digits and you add time on their website. They even do envelopes of cash and crypto or bank transfers if you're into that. 5 euro/month.

  • Living in a commercial office?
  • Biggest risk is like fire inspector, city inspector or someone coming in and seeing residential use in a commercial building and an eviction following suit.

    Might get away with an "artist studio" like user above aaidwith a work space in one corner and maybe a futon, basics in one corner and minimum appliances (mini fridge, microwave, kettle) it can't look permanent, which is hard.

  • imagine defending google, the west is so fucking cooked

  • At what cost
  • i am pro golfercide and hexbear is a pro golfercide community

  • The banner of the PM of Israel's Twitter account looks like an Avengers label on a kid's toy
  • Looks like a parody banner from a Starship Troopers type movie. We would criticize it for being over the top of this was a Hollywood movie.

  • Made me laugh
  • No, in fact, it reinforces that I am on the correct side.

  • Discourse