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"Who the heck is the president? Someone should write him a strongly worded letter."
  • Just vote harder bro. It will work this time trust me bro. We are gonna stop fascism seriously trust me bro

  • From an unironic liberal tumblr blog, "yes he sucks and broke every promise, but come on, youre not going to vote trump, so dont worry"
  • I mean, people are looking out for their own self interest in general. I think that's horrible and it needs addressing.

    But it's the hypocrisy that really gets me when it comes to liberals.

  • From an unironic liberal tumblr blog, "yes he sucks and broke every promise, but come on, youre not going to vote trump, so dont worry"
  • You know what? I'd be okay with that. At least they should be honest about it.

    I totally get voting for Biden due to self interest. It sucks. But I get it. Self-preservation and all that.

    But don't pretend he's the lesser evil. He's just the evil that benefits you and not someone else.

  • welp
  • Probably? I'm no expert but I always answer with just lower case without issue

  • welp
  • Capchas aren't generally case sensitive though.

  • What Astrophysicists Think About Aliens
  • Really cool and interesting video!

    I also thought the Fermi Paradox was kind of weirdly colonial.

    Hell I don't even think we should be fucking with the Moon.

  • Boost for reddit has now truly 100% died. Hello Lemmy!
  • Very sad day indeed.

    I was already using reddit less. I guess this is the final goodbye.

  • Deleted
    Is Boost for Reddit working?
  • It still works if you're a mod in a community. I don't know why.

  • Reading raw comments is like executing malware on your brain
  • In a way, the job of a teacher or journalist is to filter useful and/or relevant information for interested parties.

  • Slavoj Zizek gives advice to young people on ecology [Eng subtitles]
  • I don't disagree with your point in general, but this doesn't make much sense:

    If people suffer from the collapse of harmful machinery, it is the fault of the machinery.
    No one would have collapsed it if it was not harmful.

    A lot of people depend on machines to stay alive, machines that do produce harmful impacts around the world (that may or may not be possible to reduce), like advanced medical equipment that is dependent on semiconductors.

    As a disabled person myself, I prefer if no one has to die.

  • Democratic Confederalism by Abdullah Ɩcalan Democratic Confederalism

    Abdullah Ɩcalan Democratic Confederalism 2011 The word ā€œQwamā€ plural ā€œAqwamā€ can mean ā€œpeopleā€, ā€œnationā€, or ā€œtribeā€ depending on the context. The...

    Democratic Confederalism

    I think it's an interesting work for solarpunks as it describes the blueprint for what is one of the most democratic and ecological societies around the world.

    Web3 and land stewardship, need ELI5
  • I have not read the entire PDF, but it seems to be at best a new version of the Zeitgeist Movement with more anarchist flavor, and at worse a pyramid scheme disguising itself as the former.

    There simply isn't a good reason to use crypto for this kind of project, except if you want to make ir look technically advanced. I tend to be very skeptical if this.

    Although, I hope I'm proven wrong.

  • Just Stop Oil protester convicted over M25 protest
  • Since we're talking game theory, a basic rule in any competitive game (from chess to League of Legends) is that focusing on loss prevention is a losing tactic.

    We've been doing peaceful protest since the beginning of the environmental movement. It's not getting the goods and the earth is dying. What we need it's a diversity of tactics.

  • Not Voting (in your election)- Made a community
  • Am anarchist and never voted. I see voting as a very ineffective action at best.

    With that being said, I don't vote because I have better shit to do. Not out of some principle or belief that I'm doing something effective by not voting.

    I'm against taking part in a community based around refusal to vote, because the point of not voting should be passive. It should be "I'm already doing a lot of other more important shit to fight the State so why bother?" And not "I don't vote therefore I am having an impact".

    Just like voting is damn near useless, organizing and campaigning around not voting is also pretty meh.

    Edit: OP isn't doing a false flag. That's a pretty common view among anarchists. Especially offline.

  • Why a Decade of Protests Didnā€™t Lead to Revolution | a new book discusses ten years of democratic anarchist protest movements and how they only served to empower right wing autocrats
  • Well, for starters, MPL wasn't anarchist-inspired, it's a coalition movement. Saying it's anarchistic would be like saying Pride is anarchistic due to the lack of a single formal leadership.

    I've been in anarchist circles for years, and never, ever saw anyone mention the book "Change the World Without Taking Power". Most anarchists here are more inspired by older, classical works. I myself tend to critique them for not reading anything after 1950s.

    And he must be referring to anarchists here when he talks about horizontalists, because the other political organizations in MPL are MLs, trotskyists, and maoists. What's insane is that the vast majority of the Brazilian radical left is marxist leninist and pretty much allergic to horizontalism. The reason they build coalitions is because they are in most cases weak and small, not a lack of authority.

  • The Big Nine Collectives ā€“ A new History of the Web
  • That's my exact gut reaction. I read four or five paragraphs and was like "that's enough brain poison for me", and generally I'm into it.

  • Cop28 president falsely says there is ā€˜no scienceā€™ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels
  • Choosing Saudi Arabia for this is like choosing the US for an international conference on anti-imperialism.

  • x_cell x_cell
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