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Shoulder-mounted CAT
  • E-girls in uniform have been used to promote the IDF, the US armed forces and now Ukraine's military. I haven't seen rhe Russians do it but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. This is a propaganda tactic. I'm sure OP just thought the cat was cute but it is important to know propaganda when you see it.

  • Is it me, or the hive mind mentality has come over here as well?
  • Welcome to the internet! We have bots and people who act like bots.

    In all seriousness though, I think that this is just a flaw in the voting system and human behaviour. People like to go with the general concensus instead of thinking for themselves. It feels like people genuinely have difficulty in thinking about things and act as automatons a lot of the time. I also have a suspicion that bots are involved but I don't have any evidence though it does seem to be a theory that has circulated on the internet for some time.

  • omegahaxor
  • 12 year old me relates to this

  • King Terry
  • this is literally a screenshot from one of his livestreams

  • What would you do with a time machine?
  • The vast majority of people do not see problems like this in an internet joke because they acknowledge it as such. I'm not here to "be a dick" or "discriminate/generalize based on gender/sex"; I saw a funny meme and posted it here. If anything the women in the meme are acting like normal people, the same way most people would while the men are busy being stupid. You claim that this mocks women while the boys are the punchline.

    The users above, as far as I can tell, thought that the meme format was sexist and not me. I said "not everything has to be political" as a way of mentioning that this isn't the sort of response that I expected and that I didn't intend for it to be interpreted in this way. I do concede that the phrase "political statement" was not the most accurate one to use. Really I should have said that calling something sexist is a pretty harsh criticism to throw at a meme like this and left it there.

    I'm also going to ignore your ad-hominem pseudo-psychological analysis of me where you imply that I posted this meme because of I supposedly lack close relationships with women.

  • Good times
  • I didn't know that so thanks for telling me. I'm still gonna keep posting like there isn't a score count though because it means that I am more free to say what I want.

  • Good times
  • As far as I can tell, there isn't a place where the total number of points that you have as a user is displayed. This takes some value away from simply mindlessly pursuing points as points would be attributed more to the individual post rather than the user.

  • Good times
  • That's unfortunate, at least we still have smaller instances. Things seem to be better there.

  • Good times
  • Or were all just enjoying it and you're the one trying to be a party pooper

  • Good times
  • It's pointless because there is no karma system on lemmy and therefore no karma requirement to post on certain communities. Aqcuiring upvotes on multiple posts does nothing in the long term. My thinking was that a system like this might end up leading people to place quality over quantity when making posts.

  • Is threads bad? Yes. But Elon being knocked down a peg or two is worth it.
  • P-please, anything but sitting alone with my thoughts for a while. I just wanna scroll man. That's all. I don't have a problem. This is normal. It's fine. I'm fine. I'm just a lurker man, it doesn't matter if the content isn't good. I just wanna scroll.

  • Good times
  • Unfortunately the redditors have brought their unfunny memes to lemmy. Hopefully they will stop this when the see that karmawhoring is pointless here.

  • What's a quote that has stuck with you for your whole life?
  • "If you want to shine like sun, first you have to burn like it."

  • Is threads bad? Yes. But Elon being knocked down a peg or two is worth it.
  • That's probably a good thing. You don't need to be stimulated constantly with crappy memes and the worst political takes you have ever seen. Smaller platforms usually lead to more meaningful interactions with other users.

  • Is threads bad? Yes. But Elon being knocked down a peg or two is worth it.
  • That's probably a good thing. You don't need to be stimulated constantly with crappy memes and the worst political takes you have ever seen. Smaller platforms usually lead to more meaningful interactions with other users.

  • What would you do with a time machine?
  • I don't see how your analogy is relevant here. When you search the word "sexism" on most search engines you are taken to the wikipedia article for sexism which talks extensively about women's rights movements as well as issues that feminists are concerned with in the today. It can therefore be said that the word has political connotations. By calling something sexist, you accuse it of discrimination using a word with political connotations. This is a conjecture that is political in nature and can therefore be considered a political statement. The word stupid does not have these connotations and thus would not be considered a political statement.

  • What would you do with a time machine?
  • calling something sexist is a political statement

  • What would you do with a time machine?
  • Relax, not everything has to be political.

  • Unixporn voidwalker
    In case you hadn't noticed, I really like the dracula theme