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US, India, Russia, Japan are building out wind power much too slowly for climate change, report says
  • Take Taiwan's now minorty ruling party DPP as a lesson.

    DPP’s power-generation policy has been gradually phasing out nuclear power and developing expensive photovoltaic and coal (world rank 5 buying Russia coal, and lung adenocarcinoma has become the main cause of lung cancer in Taiwan) power generation, leading to corruption cases with money flowing into DPP’s pocket. Now power outages occur almost every day in various parts of Taiwan (and the gov’t claims TW has no power shortage issue when it is building more advanced chip foundries, consuming much more eletricity), and DPP always blames it to little animals accidentally touching electrical equipment. (Google “雲豹 能源 弊案”)

    DPP has more than enuf tax payers' money to buy cyber armies, put money in its own pocket, pose as a democratic country and buy US support thru undelivered weaponry purchase. DPP’s incumbent president Lai was once labeled as CCP insider by DPP former president Tsai’s cyber army, for he intended to run against her in 2020 presidential primary ( A DPP-certified CCP insider. LOL.

    DPP, which got minority vote in the president and Congress in 2024, has hundreds of billions of Taiwan dollars in corruption cases, but it is judicially persecuting Taiwan's third largest party, the TPP, in a finicky way. Google “民進黨 司法迫害 site*.tw” then click the News tab.

  • Thai court dissolves reformist party that won election
  • Taiwan’s minority ruling party DPP (40% votes in both president and parliament after 8 years’ corruptions) is doing the same thing. DPP is using all the grand justices replaced and appointed by DPP in the past 8 years to veto the parliamentary reform bill. If the minority party does not accept bills revised and passed by majority parties (KMT and TPP), then what is the use of elections? In addition, Taiwan has no royal family to consider. Fight breaks out in Taiwanese parliament over chamber reforms – The Guardian Taiwan is no longer suitable for foreigners | Taiwanese are destroying Taiwan. They don’t know what they are doing.

    Taiwan's housing prices have increased by 80% in the 8 years since previous DPP party’s Tsai administration. The current housing price/salary ratio is 20, only lower than that of Hong Kong (but the minimum wage is less than 1/2 of Hong Kong's), and the vast majority of citizens cannot afford to buy a house.

    Or search on YT “taiwan housing price for foreigners”

  • Netanyahu says ‘victory’ over Hamas is in sight. The data tells a different story
  • Backgroung info here:

    Taiwan's housing prices have increased by 80% in the 8 years since previous DPP party’s Tsai administration. The current housing price/salary ratio is 20, only lower than that of Hong Kong (but the minimum wage is less than 1/2 of Hong Kong's), and the vast majority of citizens cannot afford to buy a house.

    Or search in YT “taiwan housing price for foreigners”

    After 8 years of being the central government, corrupted DPP only got 40% of votes in the 2024 election (president votes more than half -- 50.x% -- only in 1 city out of 16, and got only 4 cities/counties mayors out of 16 in 2022 and 2018 city/county elections). DPP voters are mostly lower educated, over 65 years old ,or live in the agricultural or heavy-industral southern part of Taiwan. The opposition parties are KMT and TPP. KMT voters are mostly over-50-year-of-age mid-to-higher educated. TPP voters are mostly higher educated young people (TW has way more than enough universities), and TPP got the most votes in Taiwan’s Silicon Valley city, Hsinchu. DPP gave away TSMC’s technology to other countries and declined to buy BNT vacs in order to undermine the lives of the capitol and the adjcent city which did not vote favorably for DPP. All this farce ended when DPP’s previous President Tsai yielded to the pressure from top executives of TSMC, Foxconn and Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation (a.k.a lots of voters. Buddism is a major religion is East Asia). So judge for yourself. [Google “wikileaks Taiwan” to know now minority (40% of votes) ruling party DPP’s politicians have been using anti-China and independence (which US does not allow) as apparatus for election purposes (Taiwan’s Netanyahu?). The opposition parties are trying the pass a law to criminalize government officials making perjury before the present parliament -- which have been often common practices by DPP for the past 8 years.

  • Netanyahu says ‘victory’ over Hamas is in sight. The data tells a different story
  • That is what Taiwan's minority DPP president William Lai (two sons are already US citizens) has been doing, like a chihuahua, barking at CCP whenever DPP polls drop. But do think you're US’s deep state, not realizing you’re just a pawn? Most young voters do not fight for DPP for DPP’s previous presient Tsai has already made TW living hell with housing price/salary ratio doubling to 20, only next to Hong Kong.

  • Israel’s Chances of Getting Hostages Back Are Fading
  • As soon as his emergency powers go away his ass is gonna get ousted and jailed for corruption.

    That is what Taiwan's minority DPP president William Lai (two sons are already US citizens) has been doing, like a chihuahua, barking at CCP whenever DPP polls drop. Think you're US’s deep state? Not realizing you’re just a pawn? Young people do not fight for DPP for DPP’s previous presient Tsai has already made TW living hell with housing price/salary ratio doubles to 20, only next to Hong Kong.

  • Canadian warship passes through Taiwan Strait, drawing China's ire
  • If US is being serious, it should establish a military base in Taiwan – unless US just treat TW as the next Ukraine.

    Note the fact that US never grant TW statehood nor independence. Taiwan is the only pitiful political entity in first island chain that has no US military base, the cost of which TW will be happily to pay.

    TW has been buying US weaponry since WWII. But most purchases delayed, outdated or undelivered.

  • U.S. upgrades military command in Japan, warns of China threats
  • If US is being serious, it should establish a military base in Taiwan – unless US just treat TW as the next Ukraine.

    Note the fact that US never grant TW statehood nor independence. Taiwan is the only pitiful political entity in first island chain that has no US military base, the cost of which TW will be happily to pay.

    TW has been buying US weaponry since WWII. But most purchases delayed, outdated or undelivered.

  • How Hungary's Orbán uses control of the media to escape scrutiny and keep the public in the dark
  • That is exactly Taiwan's now minority ruling party DPP has been doing for the past 8 years.

    DPP has more than enuf tax payers' money to buy cyber armies, put money in its own pocket, and buy US support thru undelivered weaponry purchase. DPP’s incumbent president Lai was once labeled as CCP insider by DPP former president Tsai’s cyber army, for he intended to run against her in 2020 presidential primary ( A DPP-certified CCP insider. LOL.

    In the past 8 years, TW’s president Tsai (2016-2024) did a lot of weird things that seem to be intended to ruin Taiwan (so US can take over TSMC, and probably also make TW the next Ukraine?), leading to DPP getting only 40% votes in both 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections. Her London LSE doctoral thesis scandal was covered up by US. (Just Google “Tsai Ing-wen LSE thesis) Before US election of 2020, TW's DPP was pro Trump (similar constituents, southern farmers and lower educated) and propagated, by subsidized media, Biden’s pedo-like behaviors and his son’s scandals. But after the election result, she immediately gave congrates to Biden, and later lamented his dog’s death on FB (this you probably knew). Lots of tax payers' money went to DPP's pocket.

  • one of the cat ladies

    You have very wrong impression of her. DPP got only 40% votes because of her evil deeds.

    She's not married because she's lesbian. Google "蔡英文 張祥慧 site:*.tw" and click Picture and News tabs.

    Her London LSE doctoral thesis scandal was covered up by US. (Just Google “Tsai Ing-wen LSE thesis)

    DPP has more than enuf tax payers' money to buy cyber armies, put money in its own pocket, and buy US support thru undelivered weaponry purchase. DPP’s incumbent president Lai was once labeled as CCP insider by DPP former president Tsai’s cyber army, for he intended to run against her in 2020 presidential primary ( A DPP-certified CCP insider. LOL.

    In the past 8 years, TW’s president Tsai (2016-2024) did a lot of weird things that seem to be intended to ruin Taiwan (so US can take over TSMC, and probably also make TW the next Ukraine?), leading to DPP getting only 40% votes in both 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections. Her London LSE doctoral thesis scandal was covered up by US. (Just Google “Tsai Ing-wen LSE thesis) She gave away Taiwan's TSMC's advanced process technology to foreign countries. Tsai declined in 2021 to buy BNT vacs (TW is a rich country) in order to undermine the lives of the capitol and the adjacent city which did not vote favorably for DPP (As a result, more than 10,000 people died in this area). At the same time, DPP encouraged citizens to accept MediGen vaccine (spike protein-based, licenced from the U.S. NIH, and still has not passed Phase “II” human trials). All this farce ended when she yielded to the pressure from top executives of TSMC, Foxconn and Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation (a.k.a. lots of votes. Buddhism is a major religion is East Asia. BTW, Tzu Chi Charity Foundation has provided charity relief in 133 countries, with 65 branches in US alone and branches in 100 countries now. Just Google it). The 3 organizations paid for the 15M doses, not the TW govt. More and more cases of corruptions and local and exported scams (local job traps that leads to the outbound sale of human organs, and the world famous money scam expertise exported! YT search “Taiwan scam” to watch Singapore’s CNA reports.) deliberately condoned by the courts under DPP’s governing. Every few days, unidentified floating corpses appear in rivers or seas. Taiwan is being Mexico-lized. Gangster bosses become national policy advisers to DPP. DPP’s power-generation policy has been gradually phasing out nuclear power and developing expensive photovoltaic and coal (lung adenocarcinoma has become the main cause of lung cancer in Taiwan) power generation, leading to corruption cases with money flowing into DPP’s pocket. Now power outages occur almost every days in various parts of Taiwan (and the gov’t claims TW has no power shortage issue when it is building more advanced chip foundries, consuming much more eletricity), and DPP always blames it to little animals accidentally touching electrical equipment. (Google “雲豹 能源 弊案”)

  • Maduro declared winner in Venezuela’s presidential election as opposition claims irregularities
  • Taiwan

    What you don't know is TW's minority ruling party DPP (after 8 years' corruptions) has been becoming the new dictatorship. DPP has more than enuf tax payers' money to buy cyber armies, put money in its own pocket, and buy US support thru undelivered weaponry purchase. DPP’s incumbent president Lai was once labeled as CCP insider by DPP former president Tsai’s cyber army, for he intended to run against her in 2020 presidential primary ( A DPP-certified CCP insider. LOL. DPP, which got minority vote in the president and Congress in 2024, has hundreds of billions of Taiwan dollars in corruption cases, but it is judicially persecuting Taiwan's third largest party, the TPP, in a finicky way. Google “民進黨 司法迫害 site*.tw” then click the News tab.

    Google “wikileaks Taiwan” to know now minority (40% of votes) ruling party DPP’s politicians have been using anti-China and fake independence (which US does not grant) as apparatuss for election purposes (Taiwan’s Netanyahu?). The most powerful faction of the DPP - New Trend (which William Lai belongs) -- had established a secret communication channel with the CCP as early as 1997, before the first president of the DPP, Chen Shui-bian did, who was put to prison after he stepped down with the help of corruption evidence US provided (owning undeclared real estate in New York City with his wife taking bribes, claiming to be funds for TW independence).

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