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I studied political science and jazz...
  • If other sites are anything to go by, drama. Nothing but complete and total drama. Stats are ok, but only if they support maximum drama. Play analysis and tactical discussion is completely unacceptable.

  • [AnimeHerald] VHS Trading and Fansubs in the Modern Era
  • This was a great read! It's so fascinating how tape trading was basically a preview for things like Napster and file sharing.

    I kinda wonder how they were able to add subtitles and things like that on top of the tapes, I'd imagine it took a lot of work.

  • Rule
  • That's not what Alakazam is talking about here though. Just by owning land, it generates money, magically, from "nothing". And then the vast majority of landowners use that as excuse to entrench their wealth and then you get... Waves hands at hyperinflated rent crisis what we're all stuck in now.

    Whether someone wants to be one of the "good land owners" or not doesn't change the fact that the system is set up for the ones that want to exploit it

  • Why must we be done this way?
  • You're not supposed to have fun. You're supposed to learn so you can get a job that you enjoy.

    Hi, elder leftist here. The whole education system is already set up to produce obedient workers. If you don't believe me, ask yourself how much time is spent teaching kids to organise effectively, or advocate for issues they care about. Or even just build good communication with their classmates, like how to react to bullying.

    All that matters is to follow the authority, don't question the rules, put the things in your head that they give you and nothing else.

    The reason kids are bored in school is because the current system doesn't address the real problems they have, so why should they care about the system.

  • Locked
    The Beehaw project is entering some significant challenges
  • After reading your post, I'm more on the side of following beehaw to the format that suits them best. I couldn't figure out why I wasn't finding those quality posts here after a while, and what you said about them being quickly pushed out in favor of new content makes a lot of sense.

    Although I came here through the rexodus, I agree that the Reddit style format still carries a lot of problems that I'd rather not keep, and it's important to have a quality space I can post (also because I'm trans and need those spaces too)

    I do still feel a need for the dopamine rush of cat pics and memes, so I'm not sure if there's a way to hybridize that with a forum? If not, there's always burner Lemmy accounts (or Tumblr lol) for that

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Luddites, the original ones were pretty rad. They were anti tech for anti capitalist reasons.

    I agree that Luddite is the more correct term since it's more general now, but I hate that the term got warped over time to mean anyone that hates any new tech

  • I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are
  • This is a men's lib forum, and men's liberation is pro feminist (feel free to check the wiki or that nice bell hooks quote trending on this forum if you disagree).

    By being a strong ally to women, men benefit too, and I choose to keep doing that.

    You can have the last word if you like, I'm gonna peace out here.

  • I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are
  • Hey, you can argue with me all day, but the people taking men's slice of the pie ain't the feminists.

    Let's focus on the people shooting themselves into space on dick rockets and suits on the hill, and we'll all benefit from it.

  • I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are
  • Feminism gave women all of the same rights and privileges as men

    Feminism hasn't done that yet, we're nowhere near equal rights and opportunities for women and if you don't believe me, look at the gender balance in US government roles and who has the money and power.

    Let's focus on dismantling patriarchy and the harm it creates for men as well.

  • Is it normal to misgender yourself?
  • Give yourself lots of time. It's been years for me (slow, gradual process) and I still deadname from time to time. And I've learned to go easy on myself when it happens, it's helped a lot in my case

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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