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Does anyone know how to auto-import playlists in #Navidrome ?
  • @navidrome I've solved it. It has to be PlaylistsPath = 'Playlist' instead of PlaylistsPath = './Playlist'.

    Well, I'd say "they are the same paths" but only the ./-less variant works.

  • Does anyone know how to auto-import playlists in #Navidrome ?

    Does anyone know how to auto-import playlists in #Navidrome ?

    In my config I have set

    MusicFolder = '/home/horn/Music'PlaylistsPath = './Playlist'AutoImportPlaylists = true

    and in /home/horn/Music/Playlist/ there's a subfolder for each playlist containing FLAC files. For each playlist /home/horn/Music/Playlist/Foo/ there's also a /home/horn/Music/Playlist/Foo.m3u playlist file containing lines like /home/horn/Music/Playlist/Foo/FooArtist - FooSong.flac. However, those playlists don't show up in #Navidrome. What am I doing wrong?


    tsdh Tassilo Horn

    Free software hacker, Emacs addict, hobbyist beekeeper, chicken farmer, trail runner

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