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It's winter. so what is your favourite icecream / gelato / frozen yog flavour?
  • Pretty much anything in the dipping cabinet at Miss Sophia's Gelateria in Stafford (Brisbane).

    Double Espresso is a good one, as is Milo, Vanilla, Pavlova, in fact they're all good.

    Ice cream in winter is one of the perks of living in Brisbane.

  • Julian Assange flies out of UK after release from prison: WikiLeaks | ABC News
  • You're going to have to throw down a few more facts. Preferably with proof of some kind, not just unhinged rambling.

  • Anon dislikes reddit
  • > caring about downvotes

    mfw when πŸ₯±

  • Cash crisis averted by $50 million bailout to keep Armaguard afloat
  • Wow that's crazy, I thought for sure all those nutters on Facebook organising those couple of days to withdraw cash, and going out and harassing workers in the hospitality industry over not accepting their manky old bank notes from their socks would have turned this trend around.

  • 'I signed up to be a b****, not a criminal': Australia's 'most-hated' TV villain speaks 'I signed up to be a b****, not a criminal': Australia's 'most-hated' TV villain speaks

    Olivia went on Australia's biggest show to find love, but lost almost everything. She says she got a "villain edit" β€” so do they exist?

    'I signed up to be a b****, not a criminal': Australia's 'most-hated' TV villain speaks

    tl;dr - fuck "reality" tv

    > In the reality TV production process, after the casting of villains and the baiting for villainous behaviour, comes the editing.

    > It's in the post-production suite that a villain edit can truly come to life.


    > The editor says there are a few techniques to achieve these characterisations. The simplest one is being selective in what gets included.


    > The second technique editors use is amplification β€” finding a moment amongst what the editor calls the "boring crap" that can be boosted into a storyline.

    > In the show, it's spun as a major conflict.


    > And then, the drama is further enhanced with a technique called "frankenbiting".

    > Like Frankenstein creating his monster, editors will mix together unrelated elements from the footage to make their own beast.


    > When the show finally goes to air, the final phase of a villain edit begins: controlling the narrative.

    > Now, program makers try to ensure that no narratives that contradict the edit make it into the media.

    > "They would remind me in a very threatening way before every single media interview that I had signed a [non-disclosure agreement]," Olivia says.

    This becomes a problem for Olivia, because when the show goes to air, the backlash is swift.

    Does the Coalition’s case for nuclear power stack up? We factcheck seven key claims
  • It seems like if what you're saying is true, you could easily just reference something that explains it.

    I still have no idea what this design is you're talking about.

  • Does the Coalition’s case for nuclear power stack up? We factcheck seven key claims
  • Any chance of some facts or references in that word spaghetti?

  • Does the Coalition’s case for nuclear power stack up? We factcheck seven key claims Does the Coalition’s case for nuclear power stack up? We factcheck seven key claims

    Cheaper electricity, less emissions and ready by 2035 are some of the Coalition’s core promises on nuclear energy, but are they backed by evidence?

    Does the Coalition’s case for nuclear power stack up? We factcheck seven key claims

    > Cheaper electricity, less emissions and ready by 2035 are some of the Coalition’s core promises on nuclear energy, but are they backed by evidence?

    tl;dr - no

    Coalition announces where they want to build nuclear power stations
  • Then they have the hide to bang on about the free market.

    It's grotesque.

  • Do you pay for some pirated contents
  • I pay for non popular things - bands that aren't well known, YouTube creators who haven't started doing those stupid "MUNDANE TASK 😱 GOES WRONG!" thumbnails yet, games or software that are free to download but hey maybe some money would be cool if you could, independent news and radio, etc.

    Once something is popular I'll just thieve it. Artists are creators deserve to get paid for their work, but once they start getting paid dozens of times over for no extra effort it's hard to feel too bad about borrowing a free copy.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • feeling

    Classic Apple user, IMO

  • People who refuse to learn how to drive a car, why?
  • I don't think people are "refusing"

    I know a few people who have no reason NOT to learn to drive, but just don't and instead mooch off everyone else.

    My folks had a falling out with a couple they'd been friends with for ages because they refused to get their licence... But then expected them to come and pick them up from the train station when they were invited to dinner, spent most of the night telling everyone how smart they are for not having a car, and then expecting a lift back to the train station. Having just spent a couple of hours banging on about how much financially better off they were, I saw it as essentially stealing to then demand someone else use their asset and running costs to carry them around for free.

    My sister in law finally got her licence at 30-something after a couple of decades constantly harassing family members for a ride.

  • Australia Community Anniversary Thread
    1. At 679 - 9 votes and 200 comments: YouTube Premium family plan price update ($17.99/month -> $32.99/month!) (by

  • Music - Self-Host - how to start / what's your stack?
  • Subsonic ( hasn't been updated in years, but it still works perfectly for me. I'm mostly on Youtube Music these days just for the size of the library, but for stuff I have that YTM doesnt I still fall back to Subsonic that's running on my HTPC.

  • More emergencies than heroin, more arrests than cocaine. Why haven't you heard of this drug?
  • Sounds amazing. Half a ml away from an overdose to feel as if you're drunk.

  • Inside the world of 'kidfluencers' where children make thousands from social media β€” at a cost
  • I watched this on ABC and it just felt grotesque from start to finish.

    I especially enjoyed the Ava(?) kid who's mum is going on about how it's totally cool, her kid loves it, it doesn't affect her negatively... but also she cant go out in public by herself as they're worried one of her "fans" might do something to her.

    Well, ok then.

  • ALAT.
  • As a landlord... I would love this.

  • Locked
    Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us?
  • Foxes are also introduced, so I'd say cats everywhere are "better" because there's half a chance their numbers can be reduced through requirements for owners to contain them.

    Also, cats can be baited too if required. And, IMO, it is at the point where it's required.

  • Locked
    Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us?
  • "There's a possibility that some other factor may play a part in offsetting one of the negative impacts of free-range cats... therefore, all other positives of containing pets may be completely ignored"
    - You, 2024

  • Locked
    Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us?
  • That's a whole heap of words to say "maybe". On the other side of the world.

    If you're happy being a selfish piece of shit, feel free to leave your cat roam. When Mittens gets hit by a car / contracts feline aids / otherwise meets a premature death, you can rest easy knowing that akshually it was probably pesticides.

  • Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us? Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us?

    Broader adoption of keeping cats safe at home would have large benefits for cat welfare, human health, local wildlife and even the economy. So, should cat owners be required to keep their pets contained to their property?

    Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us?

    > Broader adoption of keeping cats safe at home would have large benefits for cat welfare, human health, local wildlife and even the economy. So, should cat owners be required to keep their pets contained to their property?

    The answer to the question is obviously "yes".

    Recommend me a music streaming service?

    I've had YouTube Music since it was Google Music, but the price has recently doubled and at the same time I've started noticing my "Radio" keeps playing the same dozen songs over and over again. Started to feel like I was listening to Triple M.

    Yesterday was the final straw as every song played on repeat until you manually skipped which is just... wtf? How does that even happen?

    I have jumped on to Spotify for the minute, but find it is too heavily focused on "pop" music - it seems to choose songs that are broadly more popular, but aren't really the same as what I'm choosing to play. I somehow always end up back with top 50 chart artists in the queue, even if I started on like bluegrass or hillbilly or something. Also if I select a song or artist and choose "Radio", it always the same 50 songs and then just stops which doesn't seem like what "Radio" should be at all.

    What other options are there that are accessible from Australia, and preferably have a decent amount of Australian local content? I have zero interests in podcasts being jammed in, I just want music. And preferably music that I can just say "play stuff that sounds like this" and it'll go on a deep dive to focus on things I haven't heard before.


    • No ads
    • Able to actually choose the music and skip and what not, so not Sirius or similar
    • Good catalogue of Australian artists
    • Android and Desktop clients
    • "Family" plan or similar for 2 people

    Budget not really an issue.

    Qantas investigating reports customers have access to other passengers' information on app Qantas investigating reports customers have access to other passengers' information on app

    Qantas is investigating reports of customers having access to other passengers' information on their app.

    Qantas investigating reports customers have access to other passengers' information on app

    > Qantas is investigating reports of customers having access to other passengers' information on their app.

    > In a statement issued this morning, the airline said it would provide more information as soon as possible.

    > "Qantas is investigating reports of an issue impacting the Qantas app this morning," a spokesperson for their airline said.

    > The scale of the issue has not yet been confirmed.

    Luckily I can't afford to travel anywhere so this won't affect me, but probably will others.

    The government ordered an investigation into last year's Optus outage. Now its findings are in The government ordered an investigation into last year's Optus outage. Now its findings are in

    Telcos will be forced to share real-time network information during outages and set up a body to take charge of Australia's triple-0 system, in the wake of last year's Optus outage.

    The government ordered an investigation into last year's Optus outage. Now its findings are in

    > The report found a key cause of the outage was a problem with Optus's 3G network.

    > During the outage, Optus's 4G and 5G towers shut down, meaning emergency calls were diverted to other network's towers β€” known as camping on.

    > But the network's 3G base towers did not shut down, so those calls got lost along the way.

    > "Some devices … attempted to make emergency calls via those [3G] towers (rather than look to camp on to another network), even though no mobile service was being supplied by the Optus network," the report said.


    > The recommendations include:

    > * Obligate telcos to shut down their towers during outages, allowing triple-0 calls to be carried by other networks > * Establish a "Triple Zero custodian" whose sole responsible is to make sure the system is working > * Force telcos to share real-time information about outages with emergency services organisations and authorities > * Force telcos to file a timely post-mortem on major outages to the regulator and the government β€” including what caused it and steps being taken to resolve it, with a clear and detailed timeline > * Review the government's contract with Telstra to run the triple-0 system, with any changes to be made within a year > * Introduce an industry-wide approach to responding to consumers affected by large-scale outages > * Establish an agreement between telcos requiring them to help each to manage and resolve outages > * Review all legislation and regulation relating to triple-0

    We compared the finances of 30-year-olds now, to 30-year-olds 30 years ago We compared the finances of 30-year-olds now, to 30-year-olds 30 years ago

    To understand why 30-somethings feel like they're struggling financially, the ABC analysed five factors β€” housing, healthcare, debt, tax, and income. The data reveals this generation is caught in an economic perfect storm.

    We compared the finances of 30-year-olds now, to 30-year-olds 30 years ago

    Feels bad man

    Man in custody, four people injured in alleged stabbing incident at Sydney church Man in custody, four people injured in alleged stabbing incident at Sydney church

    A man in his 50s has been taken to Liverpool Hospital with stab wounds and three others are being treated at the scene, NSW Ambulance says.

    Man in custody, four people injured in alleged stabbing incident at Sydney church

    > A man is in custody after at least four people were injured in an alleged stabbing incident at a church in Sydney's south-west on Monday night.

    Molly the magpie is homeward bound, but carers barred from using bird for commercial gain Molly the magpie is homeward bound, but carers barred from using bird for commercial gain

    Molly the magpie, whose viral fame led to his rescuers signing a book deal, will be reunited with his best friend, Peggy the staffy β€” but conditions apply.

    Molly the magpie is homeward bound, but carers barred from using bird for commercial gain

    > In short? Authorities say Molly the magpie will be returned to its original carers on the condition they make no commercial gain from the bird.

    > The couple, who have had the bird for four years, run a popular Instagram account and have signed a book deal.

    > What's next? The environment department will work with the couple to ensure the magpie is properly cared for.


    > The department said in a statement that independent expert veterinary advice had shown that Molly was highly habituated and may have developmental issues, meaning he can never be rehabilitated or returned to the wild.

    Good news they've put the condition on in this particular instance, but you can guarantee other Instatockers who want their five minutes of fame will be out there collecting whatever they can get their selfish mitts on to try and be the next big thing.

    β€œWe cannot support it:” Polestar follows Tesla out of car lobby over Toyota led campaign β€œWe cannot support it:” Polestar follows Tesla out of car lobby over Toyota led campaign

    Polestar follows Tesla out the door of Australia’s main car lobby, saying its campaign against vehicle emission standards cannot be supported.

    β€œWe cannot support it:” Polestar follows Tesla out of car lobby over Toyota led campaign

    > Tesla announced it had quit the FCAI on Thursday and Polestar followed it up on Friday, saying the FCAI campaign – driven largely by Japanese car makers led by Toyota – is intolerable.


    > Tesla and now Polestar’s announcement that they intend to leave the FCAI adds to mounting pressure on CEO Tony Webber who last month came under fire for threatening to run a 2010 anti mining tax style fear campaign against the government’s New Vehicle Efficiency Standard.

    > The fossil car lobby group CEO claimed that the NVES would cost the entire car-buying public $38 billion in the first five years, which led to the AFR running a story titled β€œLabor’s new EV-boosting rules will cost $38b, auto group says” followed by Coalition leader Peter Dutton and Nationals Senator Matt Canavan parroting claims that the NVES would see the price of popular vehicles increase by up to $25,000. Claims that have been widely rejected including by the Electric Vehicle Council.

    Real estate lobby blames high-paid union tradies for housing shortage in Queensland Real estate lobby blames high-paid union tradies for housing shortage in Queensland

    Queensland's real estate lobby says people are too afraid to point out that unions are driving up the cost of housing, but an economist says that while wage growth is a contributing factor, so too are growingΒ material costs, labour shortages and excessive government regulations.

    Real estate lobby blames high-paid union tradies for housing shortage in Queensland

    > In short: The Real Estate Institute of Queensland says high-paying government projects are pushing up the cost of construction.

    >An economist says growing wages are a contributing factor, but growing material costs, labour shortages, and excessive government regulations are in the way of development.

    > What's next?: The government has vowed to build 55,000 social houses by the year 2046.

    Crazy how the wealthiest people in society are all those over paid tradies

    What causes fish tank water to react to UV(A?)

    I bought a torch that has a 365nm UV light, which I believe is UV-A?

    When doing a poke around my house to see what I could see with UV, I noticed that my freshwater fish tanks looked "cloudy" / "milky" under UV, yet they are crystal clear under normal light.

    I checked tap water and bottled water with the same torch and they do not react and look perfectly clear under both UV and normal light

    I also have an auto top off for one of the tanks which is full of ~50L of a mix of RO water and tap water treated with dechlorinator and this also does not react.

    I have 3 tanks inside of various volumes (700L, 150L, 20L) and various stocking levels which all show the water as a pale flourescent green colour under UV. The colour is uniform and completely spread out through the water volume, not concentrated on any area or in layers or whatever.

    The currently empty 20L tank reacted the least, leading me to believe that it may be some sort of organic material that is causing the UV light to react so much?

    Optus reveals 10 times more people affected by triple-0 failures than previously known Optus reveals 10 times more people affected by triple-0 failures than previously known

    Optus reveals more than 2,500 people tried and failed to call triple-0 from their mobiles during last November's network outage, after previously telling a Senate inquiry just 228 people were affected.

    Optus reveals 10 times more people affected by triple-0 failures than previously known

    > * In short: Optus says close to 2,700 customers tried and failed to call emergency services from their mobile phones during the November 2023 network outage. > * This number is more than 10 times higher than what the telco previously told the Senate. > * What’s next? Optus says it is writing to each customer individually to apologise, and the federal government is conducting a post-incident review.

    Cold calling real estate agents - is there a law against it?

    Some real estate dickhead just rang my mobile (which is not advertised anywhere) saying they were "just in the area" and wanted to do an appraisal on a house we own in <suburb name>.

    It's an agency we don't use for any purpose, have never used for any purpose, and have never approached for any reason.

    Is there some sort of legal issue with some smarmy sales knob looking up property owner details and cold calling them?

    Makes me feel all gross that their grubby mitts are pawing through my deets somewhere in the hope of being able to stick a tongue up my bum and get a taste of some back door cash.

    Queensland Premier to meet with supermarkets over 'broken' pricing system Premier says supermarkets have agreed to provide more information on pricing as grocery bills soar

    The Queensland premier says supermarkets have agreed to share "information and analysis on prices" to provide more transparency on&nbsp;soaring grocery prices and alleged price-gouging.

    Premier says supermarkets have agreed to provide more information on pricing as grocery bills soar

    I'm sure this will go nowhere, but it would be nice if it did. It would surely flow on to other states given right?

    I worked at Franklins way back in the day and their profit margins ran at about 5%. It would be interesting to know if the profit margin has increased significantly or not.

    This is probably the most important part, IMO:

    > Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers association chief executive Rachel Chambers said farmers fear retribution if they make a complaint to supermarkets.

    > "Growers don't trust the system that is in place that they can escalate these behaviours to," Ms Chambers said.

    > "They are fearful of commercial retribution, which is their entire business, their life and livelihood, so the process is broken."

    Google reviews are a complete waste of time, aren't they?

    An example business I was looking up just now... In Google Maps and the first page of Google Search etc it shows then as having 4.5 star review average over 693 reviews.... But if you click and get the sidebar pop up, it shows reviews from the web which are far less flattering.

    This seems to be super common. Google reviews are always glowing, but other sites are far less favourable. What's the most likely reason for this?

    • Google results are more realistic because Google prompts for reviews more frequently and thus more people are likely to leave a review which gives a more realistic result? Whereas the only people going to TrueLocal and Product Review are the very unhappy customers?

    • Or that Google is completely gamed by SEO "experts" who spam fake reviews for cents and thus make Google Reviews completely bollocks by overpowering any genuine reviews with paid glowing testimonials?

    If its the latter, I feel Google needs to solve this cause at the moment I have zero faith in their review system.

    (I've blanked the name just because that's not really the point of this post.)


    Cane toads are slowly marching across Australia. What's the most humane way to kill them? Cane toads are slowly marching across Australia. What's the most humane way to kill them?

    Scientists says bludgeoning the invasive pests with a golf club or running them over with a car isn't just cruel β€” it's also potentially dangerous.

    Cane toads are slowly marching across Australia. What's the most humane way to kill them?

    > The cool-and-freeze method involves placing cane toads in a fridge for 24 hours, which puts them in a state of torpor, before transferring them to the freezer to finish them off.

    > She said this was more humane than other methods of killing cane toads, such as bashing them with cricket bats or crushing them under cars.

    > "Our learning and our knowledge have evolved since the days of cane toad golf," Ms Tomsett said.

    > "It's important to treat all animals humanely. Cane toads have to be removed, and it's not their fault they're here."

    Isn't it meant to be El NiΓ±o? Here's why it hasn't been the hot, dry summer we expected Isn't it meant to be El NiΓ±o? Here's why it hasn't been the hot, dry summer we expected

    When the Bureau of Meteorology declared an El NiΓ±o, there were warnings of a hot and dry summer. But for thousands of Australians, that's not been the case at all. Why not?

    Isn't it meant to be El NiΓ±o? Here's why it hasn't been the hot, dry summer we expected

    > When the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) declared an El NiΓ±o event in September, there were warnings of a hot and dry summer.

    > But for thousands of Queenslanders especially β€” from the storm-ravaged south-east to the flooded Far North β€” that's not been the case at all.

    As a Brisbanite, I can definitely vouch for this one. It's literally raining right this second, and our backyard is already a swamp...


    > Over the past month, while Queensland faced record-breaking rainfall, South Australia and Western Queensland sweated through heatwave conditions as bushfires burned in the west.

    > Dr Brown attributed the variation of El NiΓ±o experiences across the country to an average of hot and dry conditions and not a totality.

    > "When we talk about dry conditions from an El NiΓ±o, it's not dry everywhere – it's dry on average," Dr Brown said.

    Naberus - My Favorite Memory [Metal, 2018] My Favorite Memory - YouTube Music

    Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises My Favorite Memory Β· Naberus Hollow β„— 2018 Eclipse Records Released on: 2018-06-29 Producer: James Ash A...

    My Favorite Memory - YouTube Music

    Keen for recommendations of similar bands. Dunno what they specific genre is, but I do like when the guitars fanging have a bit of a melody laid over the top.

    12 Australians among 379 safe in 'miracle' escape from burning aircraft at Tokyo airport, five die in small aircraft 12 Australians among 379 safe in 'miracle' escape from burning airliner at Tokyo airport, five die in small plane

    Twelve Australians were among more than 370 people who escaped a burning airliner after a collision with a Coast Guard aircraft at Tokyo's Haneda airport.

    12 Australians among 379 safe in 'miracle' escape from burning airliner at Tokyo airport, five die in small plane

    > Twelve Australians were among more than 370 people who escaped a burning airliner after a collision with a Coast Guard aircraft at Tokyo's Haneda airport.

    > Five of the six crew on board the Coast Guard plane died in the incident.


    > Transport Minister Tetsuo Saito confirmed that five of the Coast Guard aircraft's crew had died, while the 39-year-old captain of the plane escaped but was injured.

    Imagine being that guy :-\
