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I heard that is going to die soon, how to I sync all my subscribed communities to another sccount on another instence?
  • I heard that is going to die soon

    This is news to me. Where'd you hear that?

  • Twitter threatens to sue Meta over Threads app – report
  • Not with Elon hittin below the belt like this 😀

  • Report: Apple scales down plans for Vision Pro headset
  • Probably a good idea. Weren't there some studies that showed people dont like walking around with big tvs on their head?

  • Pornhub cuts off more US users in ongoing protest over age-verification laws
  • You were going to a porn site. What did you expect to see? Cute kittens?

  • Pornhub cuts off more US users in ongoing protest over age-verification laws
  • This is crazy but Pornhub's response to this is pretty funny. They don't like the new law. But instead of taking it out on lawmakers they take it out on their users. And throw other porn sites (who are in the same business to help advocate) under the bus too. This can't be a smart move.

  • Twitter is down, users getting Rate limit exceeded errors
  • what is the Fediverse? More of the same as Web 2.0?

    Fediverse seems more like it's bringing us back to Web 1.0, which is a good thing. That was a time when the internet was open and end-users drove the evolution of software—not greedy corporate shareholders.

  • trekz trekz

    Just a software engineer, taking notes.

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