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If you could create a new religion, what would you include to make it wholesome, interesting and helpful for the world?
  • I go to regionals. They're smaller, cheaper, less of a time commitment, and they help me form a sense of community in my area with like-minded people.

    If you google Burning Man, your area, regional, you might be able to find something.

  • After Supreme Court immunity ruling, Biden draws sharp contrast with Trump on obeying rule of law
  • The court's ruling represents a victory for Trump. The conservative majority found that some of his actions, including his efforts to use the Justice Department to pressure states to replace certain state's electors with pro-Trump electors, are "absolutely immune" from prosecution.

    So, political witch hunts of state electors are on the table, apparently. I think that's what I would do if I was Biden. Start using the Justice Department to stack the electors, especially in red districts. The investigations alone would be a gold mine.

    I'm sure there's a lot of other mob boss level shit a person could do with this superpower that I'm not considering. Here's some ways Trump did this.

    Anyway, I looked into drone strikes and military strikes in general. If there was a national emergency caused by an attack on the U.S., it's properties, or armed forces, he can basically do whatever he wants. Otherwise, congress has to approve all military deployment. Drone strike or Commander and Chief pulling out the 9mm.

  • If you could create a new religion, what would you include to make it wholesome, interesting and helpful for the world?
  • That's a lot of projection. You just dismissed all religion as bullshit, which is simplistic and dismissive.

    I said, welp, you don't seem to be acting in good faith, so I'm not going to keep playing.

    Then, you project?

    We can try again, but not until you reread your comments and understand why I stopped engaging.

  • Rachel Maddow Warns That SCOTUS Trump Immunity Decision Is ‘a Death Squad Ruling’ | Video
  • The courts can't even raise issue 2. That's what you're missing. Courts aren't allowed to question the President's intent.

    How can you prove conspiracy if you can't prove that all conspirators intended to commit a crime?

  • If you could create a new religion, what would you include to make it wholesome, interesting and helpful for the world?
  • And the TST is also a religion.

    Anyway, your 'they're all bullshit' comment makes it clear you didn't join this thread to have a good faith discussion, but rather to shit on views different from your own.

    So, I'll leave you to it. Enjoy.

  • If you could create a new religion, what would you include to make it wholesome, interesting and helpful for the world?
  • Buddhism isn't dogmatic about cosmology/theology, but there's a lot of it there. Most likely as a hold over from Hinduism, as teaching using the ancient Indian conventional worldview would have been a skillful means for the Buddha and his disciples.

    That said, in that cosmology, the Hindu gods live in the Deva realm. Time there is much slower but they still do age (impermanence) and die, and cycle into lower realms if they don't awaken. A being can be both a Buddha and a Deva. Just as Siddhartha was a Buddha and a Human.

    An example of this is Amitabha, the Buddha of the Pure Lands (a Deva realm). This is a Buddha that many east Asian Mahayana Buddhists take refuge in, as Amitabha made a vow to hold space for people to practice and achieve enlightenment.

    Amitabha isn't worshiped the same way Western religions worship gods. The outward customs look similar. Offering incense and stuff like that. But the goal is gifting. It's giving something to someone you value or love, similar to taking care of the monks and nuns. And gifting is considered a spiritual practice (because it is, giving something with no strings attached or expectation of reward nurtures joy, compassion, etc.)

    Amitabha doesn't get mad and kill all the firstborns if people don't give him gifts in other words. That's the difference between worship and devotion.

    Reading your above comment you might like Burning Man too. The principles provide similar guidance to religion. A lot of Burners are into meditation and stuff like that. A lot of us are also into drugs, loud music that goes all night, and carnival level art spectacles. Which isn't everyone's jam, but it's a very loving community based on anarchism and making art.

  • If you could create a new religion, what would you include to make it wholesome, interesting and helpful for the world?
  • And a sect of the TST was removed because they started pushing for violence. Every religion is vulnerable to corruption by people's pride and other hindrances. Buddhism is no exception. Nor is any imaginary one folks come up with in this thread.

    Anyway, power corrupts. We've always known that. The 'devil' in Buddhism is the lust or will to power. Lies and manipulation are simply a tool it uses. And, like Buddha Nature, we all have it.

  • If you could create a new religion, what would you include to make it wholesome, interesting and helpful for the world?
  • That's a gross over generalization. I get it, I was a militant atheist at one point in my life too and still have a lot of similar biases in my religious views.

    There are sincere Christians and ones that pay lip service. Same with Buddhism. There are many Christian sects, some dogmatic, some not. Same with Buddhism.

    Half the TST principles are Buddhist. Either being path factors (Right View, Right Action) or expressions of the four immeasurables (compassion, justice).

    And I just watched a documentary on TST. They've had issues with members too. Militant sects forming that forgot about compassion as a principle. Etc.

  • After Supreme Court immunity ruling, Biden draws sharp contrast with Trump on obeying rule of law
  • He's the only person in the country who can pull out a 9mm and shoot Trump in broad daylight without it being a crime. As well as every SCJ that voted for this immunity. He can then replace every SCJ he executed with his own appointments. If Congress won't approve his appointments, he can keep killing them until the vote passes.

    This ruling is a free pass for dictators. All Biden has to do is act like one. I doubt he would, but he legally could.

  • Microdosing and tripping on mushrooms is on the rise in U.S.
  • I was thinking about this more just now. I know you use weed for medical reasons. Do you ever get hypnagogic images off it when you close your eyes?

    I believe this is the cerebral cortex teaching itself how to see things. I get it a lot when I fall into a porn hole or spend a lot of time staring at mushrooms. I think it's dopamine reinforcement and neuroplasticity, essentially.

    Anyway, you can teach yourself to spot them, is what I'm saying. Smoke a bowl, watch some videos online of people hunting them. Preferably a lot of in nature shots so your brain is learning to see them in the right context. When you start to lose interest, pause a good shot and allow yourself to relax and fall into your breathing. If you do this enough, I bet you'll start to see morels when you close your eyes before bed.

    And when you get out to look for them, they'll be much easier to spot if you allow yourself to again relax and fall into your breathing and sort of trust your muscle memory.

    The weed is optional for anyone else reading. But it does have action on dopamine and can give some people mild closed eye visuals, which helps to verify the experiment.

  • Series: What are your tried-and-proven tricks for relaxing/relieving anxiety
  • Walking meditation is just walking while bringing your attention intentionally to your body and your breathing as it's moving through space.

    It's like walking while really enjoying walking. Minimizing distractions like thinking or a radio or conversation or whatever.

    But seconding just walking all the same. As a teenager I used to put on my walkman and go for walks when I was pissed off at my parents.

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • It's not work it's more like a hobby. Work is what people do to survive. See working class vs owner class.

    Wealth hoarders can either obsess or not obsess about hoarding more wealth, like any person with a hobby.

    So, how much time they spend on their hobby and what hours they spend on their hobby really depends on their temperament.

  • Series: What are your tried-and-proven tricks for relaxing/relieving anxiety
  • Beta blockers - they don't cross the blood brain barrier and help calm the adrenaline response. If you're prone to panic, anxiety, trauma triggers, etc. They're very helpful for my CPTSD triggers.

    Qi Gong

    Listening to a Plum Village dharma talk.

    Walking meditation is good when very restless or anxious. Body scans when trying to build deep states of physical relaxation. Sitting meditation for deep mental calm.

    Pendulation works well when working on an overwhelming task. Permission to take small bites/small steps out of something difficult essentially.

    Reminding myself that the stressor and the sensations of stress are all temporary is good for acute stress, but chronic stress can require radical acceptance instead and changes in lifestyle/habits/thinking patterns.

    Oh I almost forgot, switching from coffee to tea. Although I don't do that most mornings. When I skip the coffee my anxiety is much less.

  • Do you think people who consume drugs are cool or they have mental problems?
  • It was the combination of the two.

    There's no correlation between drinking alcohol and weed consumption. Generally the inverse is true.

    Adding marijuana in parenthesis like that coupled with disinformation made me think cop tbh.

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