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  • It kind of feels like him getting shot at by a registered republican was his campaign 'jumping the shark'. I don't condone it by any means but there's a level of irony to how the last few months have played out

  • JSON Query Language
  • If there's commonly used data that would be good for indexing or filtering, you can take a few key values and keep them stored in their own fields.

    There are also often functions that can parse structured text like XML or JSON so you can store data in blobs but not actually need to query all the blobs out to a client to use them on the database side and retrieve specific values. Another nice thing about blobs is the data can be somewhat flexible in structure. If i need to add a field to something that is a key/value pair inside a blob, i dont necessarily have to change a bunch of table schemas to get the functionality on the front end that I'm after. Just add a few keys inside the blob.

  • Kamala Harris links Trump to Project 2025 in debut rally: ‘Can you believe they put that thing in writing?’
  • I like to assume it's related to all the lead released into the environment. The populations IQ went down 5 to 10 points due to lead poisoning from leaded gasoline in the 20th century so someone could turn a fat profit at the cost of humanity's cognitivity. Critical thinking is harder than it used to be.

  • Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana?
  • It's still the same situation with illegal drugs, but America outsourced the production and supply chain largely underground (and to other countries as they are much easier to smuggle than alcohol.) So same problems and empowering gangs, but happening outside Americas borders, and thus not America's problem. Most present day issues with drug cartels are a derivative of America trying to control peoples' access to substances and driving them from the open market to the black market... seems to have done a lot more harm to the world and peoples lives than good (as an opinion).

  • If you could ask one question and get a 100% true answer, what would it be and why?
  • What is the most beneficial knowledge which can be enlightened upon me which i can both understand and relay and/or implemenet which will have the greatest positive impact on humanity while also being a medium for my own success and instrumental in self-fulfillment spiritually, economically, and emotionslly?

  • Pastor alarmed after Trump-loving congregants deride Jesus' teachings as 'weak'
  • I think it already is blowing up in their face, and agree fully with your sentiment. While atheists dont depend on religion to define their morals, they get the opportunity to self-define their morals. A narcissistic egotisticial born-with-a-silver-spoon person like Trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing parading as one of them. He decays or corrupts everything he touches, and the GOP and evangelical Christians have been rubbing all up on him for 7 years. Both groups are in crisis these days.

    The GOP has no true platform beyond revenge politics, and the churches are bleeding congregation members... people leaving either because they aren't on board the crazy train of their church peers or leave because they've allowed their beliefs and morals to twist out of whack in conflict of scripture.

  • what?
  • Gotta say, ive done magical things in Javascript. NodeJS in particular can do damn near anything you set your mind to, and it doesnt give a damn if you use tab or 4 spaces.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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