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Why many texting apps still don't let you choose specific parts to copy from a message?
  • I use Textra on Android and I can select which parts of a message to copy. I'm using the paid version and have for years, so I'm not sure whether that's a standard feature or premium. The day Messages stopped letting me color-code each conversation was the day I quit using it; I can't tell you how many times each person being a distinct color has saved my ass from texting the wrong stuff to the wrong person.

  • The first pill to treat postpartum depression has been approved by US health officials
  • Hurray! And then, if we can all stop pretending that pregnancy is magic and babies are awesome, maybe mothers will feel less monstrous when they're struggling and more willing to seek help.

    Pregnancy and mothering an infant was the hardest and worst extended period in my life - I've had individual, shorter worse experiences, but that was the longest stretch of misery I've had. Meanwhile, people were telling me that I should savor every moment because it just gets harder! 🤦😂 I can laugh about that now, but jfc did it make me suicidal to think that!

    If you're suffering through that period too and surrounded by people telling you how awesome it is - maybe that was their experience, but it's totally okay if it isn't yours, because it wasn't mine either, but things got better. Once your child can communicate, that lessens the difficulty dramatically. And if you ever wanna bitch to a sympathetic mom who is open about the shitshow it all can be, I am here for it. ❤️

  • Foundation vs Dune
  • Don't we eventually find out the AIs are oppressing the humans and siphoning off their life-force/brain-power through the use of the portal system and that humanity's actual salvation comes from deeply believing in the power of love to the point of developing the ability to teleport to beloved places and people?

  • my Idiot Box is full

    This picture is from a few years ago, I don't remember what specific stupid shit she was up to that caused her box to get labeled, but it is pretty likely to have involved laying on (and then shredding) important papers or getting accidentally trapped in a closet because it's super fun to sneak in there while the humans are occupied with getting dressed.

    Image description: Autumn, a lovely young adult tortoiseshell cat with predominantly grey coloring with orange patches, sits in a cardboard box labelled "IDIOT BOX," which also includes an arrow pointing to the opening with smaller text indicating "idiots go here."

    Fulton County sheriff says ‘we’ll have a mugshot’ if former Pres. Trump is indicted locally
  • Idk what their county budget looks like, but if they would set up a shop where interested parties could easily buy prints of that mug shot, I would cheerfully bet my favorite nipple that they will be running a surplus for a very long time.

  • Italianate Rule
  • The subtle touches on this edit make it totally 👌 I honestly couldn't tell you if it's the matching garlic bulb on the safety seal and label, or the matching background bottles, or the gorgeous texture of the pesto rendered at just the right depth under the bottle, but, mmm 🤌 delicious, thank you

  • Tonight I'll be dreaming in purples and greens 💜😴💚
  • I legitimately thought I was looking at somebody's homemade loose powder eyeshadow collection until I realized what community this was and that those black and silver things aren't retractable brushes 😂🤦

  • It appears that all the lawyers have been sacked by Spez too - PullPush threatened legal action from Reddit over API access
  • PushShift was a sorta reddit archive that could be used to see deleted comments and threads - if anyone ever sent you to a ceddit, rareddit, unddit, reveddit, etc link to view a deleted post or comment thread, that information was gathered via PushShift.

  • Texas A&M President Katherine Banks resigns amid fallout from failed hiring of journalism professor
  • It's wild to me that there are actual adults who think "diversity, equity, and inclusion" is somehow evil and bad. I grew up in a conservative family in a rural area, and even I remember being told by my parents and Sunday school teachers that "It takes all kinds," and "Jesus loves them, you should too." Those lessons convey the same ethos as "diversity, equity, and inclusion."

  • Netflix says people just kind of rolled over and accepted the password sharing crackdown
  • For me, it was I Think You Should Leave's new season that got me to sign up for a month to binge that repeatedly. After we finish the documentary on Homo naledi we've been watching, we'll cancel Netflix and start Max for a month so we can watch the new season of Righteous Gemstones.

  • This
  • It's one misguided poster spamming the shit out of a bunch of instances, but this post itself seems to imply a more widespread problem.

    What are you trying to achieve with this post? Would you like to spark conversation about this particular person's crusade ? Or are you the umpteenth poster this month complaining about content referencing Reddit?

    Honestly, the bitching about the bitching about Reddit is becoming pretty fucking tiresome, imho. Why are we talking about this? Why did you make this post? Why not just downvote that asshat's content and move on? It doesn't contribute, you allegedly don't care, why post to complain about complaints?

  • So relieved to find this!

    I hope a "hurray, we're here!" post is okay. Thank you so much for existing. The subreddit I was most concerned about losing was /r/adhdwomen, and after a difficult evening last night and morning today, I was really missing the community and compassion of my fellow neurodivergent ladies. I'm very grateful to find this, and I thought I might not be the only one.

    And hey, if you've got a struggle today you'd like some commiseration for or a victory you want to celebrate, I'd love to hear it!

    My struggle today is getting knocked back to step one in the doctor process yet again - made an appointment Friday that got cancelled with no explanation last night, and I can't get a new one with that practice for 8 weeks. My tiny little bit of victory is that I've taken the first step on Plan D and have ideas for Plan E, though I'm really sweating whether I'm going to get anywhere with anything before I run out of meds.

    Excitement! Suspense! 😂🤦🤷

    I'm trying to keep my humor instead of collapsing into a puddle, which is why I'm so particularly happy to find this community.

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