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What happened?
  • Oh wow, I had no idea about the XY incident map. It certainly seems compelling on first glance.

    I guess he got swept up in some shared hysteria at the time, went along with it, and then realised which group he was getting swepped up with, and backtracked, cutting ties.

  • Do you know any independent written news sources?
  • BBC

    Are you serious? The BBC are literally a government mouthpiece, with a subversive right-wing bias. When Labour is in power, they over-report every misdeed, and when the Tories are in power, they maybe raise an eyebrow as the country burns. The last BBC director was a major Tory who received a sizeable bribe from his party during his tenure.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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