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What subscription finally gave you "subscription fatigue"?
  • I had a free Google Workspace account used for my family email since the inception of the program. Over a few years it went from free to USD$12 per user, with increasing restrictions put upon it.

    From that point onwards, I never trusted any product from Google, and will never consider any in future. It's a company with no internal consistency, and has the motto of "we will do anything that's evil if it helps make us look better than Apple".

    Yes I'm still salty about it.

    Most recently tho, Netflix.

  • Exemployees of a company, what was your "fuck this shit I'm out moment"?
  • Company hired 5 fresh grass grads, me included. Tasked to build AI products (this was when LLMs were still conceptual Markov chains and ANNs were the shiny new things) and other software products for huge corporations.

    Obviously one of the projects failed, regional manager went into a meeting to discuss what to do with the failed project and told the client "we're not even a software company".

    Started looking for interviews the next day.

  • Help! Leaves turning brown!

    Hello, I'm having some trouble figuring out what's the issue for my plants, started with a northern highly blueberry shrub, every couple of days I get about four leaves turning brown just like in the image and they turn brown really quickly. (Takes about a day for half the leaf to go brown, down the midrib)

    I've tried these in the past two months:

    • keeping the plant leaves dry placed in a ventilated area just in case it was fungal.
    • Reducing watering to only water when soil is try to avoid overwatering and underwatering.
    • increasing amount of fertilizer slightly to ensure plant has sufficient nutrition
    • Neem oil sprays to remove pests

    Today, I found a similar leaf on my garden mint that's exhibiting the same brown patch on the tip of the leaf, worried it will start spreading.

    Has anyone experienced something similar? !

    Why do asian roads have striped curbs?
  • Not 100% sure in the case of Singapore, but the double yellow lines indicate no stopping.

    For places where we are allowed to park on the sides of the roads, there are either lot spaces already allocated and drawn out, or there will be no lines painted on the road.

    Double yellow lines in the picture here indicates no stopping at all times, so it would be a little pointless to have the curb indicate no parking again.

    The curb might just be for visibility, can't confirm.

  • Re: What were the skies like when you were younger?

    Here's a generic sunset in a small city state from my parent's place, back when times were more calm.

    Albeit not that long ago.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    🧋 Teh C Peng Siu Dai
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