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Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • I was active - and I mean ACTIVE - on reddit for well over a decade. When the API fiasco happened, I deleted my mobile apps, and stuck to desktop. When 'opt out of selling your data' became impossible, I logged out for good.

    Lemmy is both better and worse than reddit ever was. It will likely never reach the same activity level, but will also not reach the same toxicity.

  • WestJet mechanics go on strike, airline says it expects 'severe' travel disruptions
  • I'm flying out later this week. First big trip since the start of COVID, and the focus of the trip is the wedding of a dear friend.

    Timing and price led us to Air Canada over Westjet this time, but it's a crapshoot; a day later and we might have booked Westjet, in which case we'd be royally fucked right now.

    I still support the mechanics on this one. Companies will ALWAYS bargain in bad faith, if they have the opportunity; and getting government arbitration has become the latest version of bad faith bargaining.

    This strike may be truly illegal. It will definitely inconvenience a lot of people. It may, over time, lead to the downfall of Westjet (I have cheap headphones here from Canada 3000, Canadian, and a few others - it can happen!).

    I don't fucking care.

    The mechanics didn't cause this shitshow, they only chose when to act against the shitshow created by the billionaires. This is the fault of Alexis van Hoensbroech and his board of directors. If you miss a flight or a trip of a lifetime because of the strike, remember that: Ten executives at Westjet who EACH make more annually than a mechanic will see in his lifetime have decided not to let those mechanics keep up with inflation.

  • Canadian university sues its own students over encampment for Palestine
  • Good.

    Bring it on! Let them sue, let them lose, and let them be forced to pay damages to the students.

    I fucking hope the students can raise the money to make this a big case that destroys the University's leadership.

  • Question about Maori icons
  • Thanks for the info. I'll do some digging.

    Edit: it’s very cool that you even asked!

    If we've learned anything in Canada in the last 15 years, it's that finding out about a culture before adopting it is kind of important.

  • Question about Maori icons
  • Love this answer. :-)

    Also, from the perspective of an outsider, your culture is far from dying. Here in Canada, we started down the long road of reconciling our history towards our Indigenous population a handful of years ago - and when we were in New Zealand, it felt like the country was a decade ahead of Canada. (which in turn is probably at least a decade ahead of the USA.)

    There will be retrograde motion, and there will always be asshole xenophobic politicians; but it certainly felt like on the whole NZ was getting it more right than wrong.

  • The changing feel’s front page
  • One thing about it is that there's a lot more traffic. I used to browse "all" new posts, just in the hopes of seeing something new - a new post or some discussion on...something.

    Lemmy traffic is steadily increasing; and I suspect the community stuff is not growing as quickly. That's not the only reason, but that's part of it I'm sure.

  • Liberal MPs prepare to face constituents this summer in the middle of a polling slump - Polls released this week have put the Liberals 20 points behind the opposition Conservatives
  • I wish I had a Liberal MP to hold feet to the fire.

    Alas, being in Alberta, I have a Poilievre-loving knee-jerk sycophant Conservative who is scared of his constituents. (Len Webber)

    Since my vote matters NOT AT ALL (Thanks to the complete lack of promised electoral reform), I suspect I'll be voting Green in the next election.

  • Question about Maori icons

    Hey all.

    Canadian here. A number of years ago my family visited New Zealand, and while falling in love with the country and the culture, I also discovered the Hei Matau - the Maori fish hook.

    This has haunted me ever since, and I want to carve one for myself. However, we've spent the last decade starting to understand the relationship between European settlers and the North American Indigenous people.

    So what I do in my basement with carving tools is my own business, but I ask honestly if wearing a Hei Matau in public is considered respectful or appropriation. And also if the material matters in this context. (It would likely be from a tagua nut - "vegetable ivory" - although it's possible I could get some whale bone from my coastal friends.)

    [AB] So many self-inflicted wounds, so few allies. Alberta's energy war room was long doomed
  • The CBC is failing badly here, in accepting the claimed purpose of the war room at face value.

    The war room was always primarily created to funnel taxpayer money to UCP friends. The energy argument was just a veneer.

  • Where to find a preload adjuster/cap for Rockshox Dart 3?

    So after a hard winter of riding, the preload adjuster snapped off on my old Dart 3 fork.

    The plug itself is still usable to hold the spring in place, but there is now a clear opening for water, dirt, and whatnot to get into the spring side of my shocks.

    They do well enough for the riding I do, so I'd just as soon not get new forks. If I could find a replacement adjuster I'd be a happy camper, but alas - Rockshox/SRAM doesn't have decade-old parts available that I can see.

    Any other leads you good folks could offer?

    Anyone at the Comic Expo last weekend? What did you think?

    Just looking to start up some chat about the event. Would love to hear how the Gina Carano panel went!

    Poilievre wants to topple the Liberal government with a non-confidence motion on the carbon tax

    "Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre will introduce a non-confidence motion Wednesday designed to topple the government and trigger a federal election — a parliamentary manoeuvre that's likely to fail."

    Canada Guns Swordgeek
    Anyone applied for their PAL online

    Apparently you can apply online for your (R)PAL now. Great to hear and very convenient since I just passed my exams today, but it's a very new process, and I'm curious about how smooth it goes vs. the old paper submission.

    Has anyone tried it? If so, what was the delay in getting your license?

    Post was removed on this instance only - is there an appeal process?

    I created this post on my local server, calling for what I thought was reasonable action against a self-proclaimed threat to Canada.

    Someone in the community disagreed (fine), and reported the post on their hosting instance (, which led to an immediate deletion of the post (on that single instance only).

    Think is, I really don't feel that it was warranted - and neither do most of the community members over on

    I realize that instances are autonomous, but is there an appeal process to potentially have this reinstated?

    Lemmy Support Swordgeek
    "Post has been removed"...on a different server?

    Yesterday I created a post on a regional community on

    Fairly quickly thereafter, I got a DM saying that the post had been removed because someone who disagreed with me complained. Oddly though, the DM came from a - not the server hosting the community.

    Furthermore, I still see the post when I go looking - and there has been a bit of discussion about it.

    So my questions:

    (a) Can a post be removed from a specific federated instance without being removed from the original instance? (b) Is there an appeal process for removed posts? I'm sorry that the guy got all butthurt, but my post was sincere, measured, and (I think) reasonable. If it offended someone, they should discuss it.

    Tucker Carlson is coming to Alberta this month - if we let him.

    Just a reminder that #DanielleSmith and the #UCP are welcoming #tuckercarlson for a visit this month. It would be a shame if this man was denied entry into Canada because he is a danger to Canada.

    IS he a danger to Canada? Well, he's openly called for the US to invade and depose our democratically elected government.

    There's a petition to deny him entry:

    CSIS has a non-emergency reporting system, or you can phone them at 613-993-9620.

    And the CBSA suspicious person reporting form is here.

    Kia is holding imported cars on locked compounds, rather than sell or deliver them.

    "New Kia cars are not being released to Ontario dealerships — and reportedly many more across the country — to sell. Instead, they’re being stored on this compound, 30 kilometres south of Kitchener, Ont. and allegedly on other similar compounds across Canada."

    Kenneth Law charged with 14 counts of 2nd-degree murder in multiple Ontario deaths

    A charge sheet from the Ontario Court of Justice in Newmarket shows Law was charged Monday with 14 counts of second-degree murder, in addition to the 14 counts of counselling or aiding suicide that he was already facing.

    Restoring mottled but undamaged veneer

    So when my mom moved, I inherited her 1960s MCM coffee table. The end pieces are veneered particle board.

    Now the veneer is in good shape - no chunks missing, no big lifts or anything - but it’s rough and covered in tiny not-quite-bubbles.

    I’d like to find some way of just smoothing it all down, and I expect it to look natural again, but I’m being cautious. Anyone dealt with this before?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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