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Al Qaeda could do the funniest thing right now
  • record scratch yeah, that's me. i guess you're wondering how i got here

  • a 9/11 cushvlog on chapo's twitch tomorrow. is matt coming back?
  • oh shit thank you for the info, hope he recovers. his analysis was always so good, i miss him on the podcast

  • a 9/11 cushvlog on chapo's twitch tomorrow. is matt coming back?
  • i looked back at their previous streams to see if they just air old ones and didn't see any. and it would be quite the day to come back ๐Ÿ‘€

  • Almost that time of year again. How do you plan to celebrate?
  • i honestly don't think "shoot slave owners" is even edgy to literally anybody. i think that was just a really poor excuse by reddit mods to justify banning CTH at the same time as T_D so none of the nutjobs on T_D could claim they were "unfairly targeted" and then go shoot up a black church or some shit over it. reddit wanted to get rid of cth for its politics, you can go on any default sub and see people saying punching nazis and slave owners and shit is good. the issue is when the whole sub thinks that then reddit has a problem

  • Almost that time of year again. How do you plan to celebrate?
  • that was such typical reddit "horseshoe" bullshit lmao. t_d was openly doxxing people, committed multiple real life hate crimes, was full of racism 24/7. chapo wasn't even edgy or anything, it just advocated for politics libs don't like.

  • Democrats be like
  • except neither candidate is offering to give me a puppy. be gone liberal.

  • Democrats be like
  • biden: literally lets satanyahu do whatever he wants and gives him bombs faster than he can blow children up with them

    libs: "think about how bad it'll be if trump wins tho"

    it literally can not be worse. that's why it's such a laughable claim. it CAN NOT be worse. it would literally just be the same.

  • a painting i did in Rust a few years back. server owner banned my friend and me for it. he said it was "Racist against americans"
  • thank you friend, i'm glad my hexbear comrades enjoyed it more than the server owner.

  • a painting i did in Rust a few years back. server owner banned my friend and me for it. he said it was "Racist against americans"
  • when i was taking my GED test, and we got a book that had the word "english" on it, a woman said "i don't speak english, what the fuck? i speak american" completely without any sort of irony or anything in her voice, as if she had never heard this language we speak called anything but american.

    what i mean to say is, some people are ignorant as hell

  • Removed
    They literally just want a porn game.
  • if my dick isn't getting ubiHARD then i don't play their games. vote with your erection, gamers. it's the only way to teach these greedy SJW devs (i have no qualm with the companies dictating their work forcing profit seeking gameplay/lottery mechanics or the broader economic system that necessitates it)

  • Bogos binted ๐Ÿ‘ฝ
  • see, exactly like trump was saying. they've got DEI aliens flying the boeings and that's why they keep crashing. it has NOTHING to do with corporate greed.

  • Stop calling right-wingers weird.
  • like when a little kid wears his batman cape

  • isometric cops
  • [racially profiles in simlish]

  • Games already looked good enough 5 years ago
  • i was watching a review for the casting of frank stone recently and was thinking the same thing. games now dont even look better, they just have fancier tech that has a higher barrier of entry for new players. but while you get these insanely detailed shadows and reflections, all the animations look canned and janky as hell. the characters dont feel connected to the world at all. you literally end up with an expensive polished turd.

    meanwhile you can look at games like battlefield 1, arkham knight, mankind divided, uncharted 3, all games from nearly 10 years ago and not only do they look phenomenal still they run amazingly and play really well

    my feeling is that in 10 more years games like arkham knight will still look and play nice where as if you try and play casting of frank stone in 10 years itโ€™s going to be called โ€œa product of the timesโ€ and i guess you can already see this taking place with all the rereleases of that other similar game which was originally a ps3 game i believe

  • has anyone here watched Scavenger's Reign?

    man what a fucking show. it was incredible. i loved the art style, the story telling, the world its self was so fucking cool. i didn't see a TV show board on here so i figured i'd post here. anyone check it out? one of the best pieces of scifi i have ever seen. it's also genuinely terrifying, which for a cartoon, is impressive to me. i've never been scared by a cartoon before, but seeing these weird ass alien life forms that are completely unpredictable just gets me i guess

    what's the difference between hexbear and lemmy?

    i just don't get how this shit works. last night i clicked on something on hexbear that took me to lemmy.blahaj or something, and one of the first banners i see on a community says "fuck tankies". what is that site, how is it related to this one? then there's lemmygrad. also one i find myself on from this site. but despite looking identical my hexbear account doesn't work on there so it's not part of hexbear?

    my ass is stupid and confused.

    how exactly do i finance a car?

    what's good comrades. tl;dr i didn't learn to drive until i was 27. i'm 31 now. in those 4 years, i've had two cars i bought cheap outright with cash, so i have never financed a more expensive car. these were 800 bucks each.

    i only got a credit card at the beginning of 2024, i was terrified of debt my whole life so i never even wanted to get one. but i figure, i need credit to exist in amerikkka so the time has come. my score is 650 on one site and 697 on another. so let's assume it's like 670 actually.

    i've applied for two auto loans but was turned down due to 'limited credit' but i see teenagers who work at wendy's driving nicer/newer cars they were able to finance, and i'm not even trying to get anything like that. i'm only looking to get a loan of like 4-6k, to buy cheap reliable used car from like 2005-2013. i see lots of options. i'm trying to avoid the dealer financing tho due to the dude telling me they typically charge like 25% interest through dealership financing.

    how exactly does this work? is my only choice to get ripped off with dealer financing? i can't join a credit union, i've tried- limited credit. i don't get at all how credit works. i don't even want this shit. but currently i drive a 1995 toyota avalon that's falling apart and it's not safe to drive so i gotta figure something out

    is anyone here into (aggressive) rollerblading?

    what's good comrades? i'm just curious if anyone on here is into the same shit as me. i'd love to have some leftist friends who i can talk skating and politics with. i know aggressive skating is a niche thing these days, so the odds of finding anyone else on here doing it are slim, but doesn't hurt to try

    i'm getting over a recent injury (tripped over a scooter kid, busted my chin open, bled all over the skatepark) and i'm dying to get back out there
