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1 yr. ago

  • @Guillaume /e Os c'est du lineage mais sans google. Pour l'équivalent de hacebook, essaye

    En agenda, doc collaboratifs...Nextcloud c'est très complet et facile à installer. Ya juste la sécurité qui est un peu plus technique. Senon plein de chatons offrent Nextcloud peut-etre pas toute les app mais tu as Deck (trello), cospend (tricount), collabora office (google doc + calc), des recettes cuisine, un chat, gps..., save de tes contacts. .c'est un logiciel massif, complet.

    En OS, je recommande pas trop ubuntu à cause des positions de canonical. Debian ou Mint ou Fedora

  • @vorpuni On va faire un papy du grenier version lemmy. Bon lemmyversaire 😁

  • @Capestan @artsdufil
    c'est magnifique...merci. 😳👍

  • @thoro
    That's the same principle as in any election. We check out your identity, make sure you didn't vote twice, that you live there. That's the core of the democracy system : transparency.

    If i sum up, you want no one to check who backed those posts. Or find out a hexbear alt/supporter account as this one.

    The best way is to completly remove the voting system from Lemmy because if vote aren't public, most admin/mod team will remove them.

  • @curious @Snoopy @forumlibre

    Pas contre sur lemmy ya pas le lien. Mais sur iceshrimp ça marche bien. ​:meowsmilehappy:​

  • @pseudo je saisis à peine ces nuances. Merci, je vais chercher ça 😳

  • @Skunk

    ah moi j'espère trouver un meuble acrylique, coloré pour les exposer. Ça fait un peu trop brutal :)

  • @Cowbee
    Dunno where to start. Yes and the mod team blame the user for it. And then it excalated quickly. Our admin was fired up and played at your own game.

    You did exactly the same thing. Here is the post you agreed on :

    Well, the quote isn't enough. France is a complex polical landscape.

    Jlailu ≠ France.
    Jlailu ≠ Macron.

    There are also belgians and right now few Swiss joined us. is a very very very very small part of r/france. The biggest french comnunities on the fedi are on Mastodon. Futhermore most french users don't use reddit, masto, lemmy but facebook, tiktok...we are a very very small part.

    Macron was elected on the second tour because it was the only option left to block the far right movement. Most of leftist had no choice to vote again Macron knowing well what he will do. We endure him. Futhermore white vote + abstention was around 28%.

    Yes, France is a colonial country. You can add Mayotte. Macron said racist thing. And Attal reported them as he is preparing 2027 election. Attal is not doing it out of interest.

    Bolloré has bought various media and slowly change France political landscape to the far right movement as Vladimir Poutine did. Here is a study from the CNRS, about the Kremlin in France, in english :

    The point you omit with your quote on Macron is : what was our reaction to Macron on ? On the fediverse ?

    it's a weird logic. Let's do as you wrote : imagine you live in America, then i quote Trump. Let's take a break.

  • @leftascenter Oui c'était la BD de mon enfance avec Tardi et Bilal.

    Honnètement on recommande pas mal de livres mais la BD peut etre super narrative. Riche en mots, vocabulaires. Meme les jeux vidéo par exemple Disco Elysium. Ou les fictions interactives.

    Pour revenir à Achille Talon, c'est une magnifique prose, un humour qui me manque.

    Je rejoins @pseudo les classiques c'est super et ya plein de façon de lire et s'immerger dans une langue, de jouer avec elles. :)

  • @Cowbee
    I wasn't talking about opening it why your account. As i said, you don't need to interact with your account, you have a web browser.

    you are right to defend your opinion but on the other hand there is thing that you can't defend as those post i sent. So our vote quickly switched in defavour of hexbear. We were against defederation with hexbear firstly. And you didn't question that.

    Yes Lemmy dev designed vote of Lemmy that way. Any admin can see vote so they can check if there was any brigaging. I can't. There was a raiding and a massive amount of upvote, downvote, so that's when we check them up.

    There are melery hidden but visible anywhere on the fediverse. On mbin, you can see upvote. You can see them on iceshrimp. And if you mount your own server, you can see everything.

    Vote system has its pro and cons. In some case it allows us to block spam, push a good post. Other case it transform the whole thing as a stadium and escalate quickly.

    I'm against voting system because it encourage a social pressure. I would completly remove them as beehaw do.

    The idea of voting is promoting the most interesting/funny comment promote a mindset. And it doen't tell anything about its content.

    I prefer a tag system that tell us i'm talking about vegetable or scientific study. Then other tags as "good tips" "complete newpaper" "hilarous" "sad" "thank you !"

    Indeed, it's not alway pleasent seing ourselve in a mirror for anyone me included. That's when you decide what is the best action.

    Staying silent because you know it can be detrimentale, because you went there too. Because you know that he/she would deny. Because he/she will react badly and you need to protect yourself. Because it is not the right time and later they will ready.

    Or saying the truth. I exposed you because it was a very serious issue and I wanted you to question your values. I wanted you to change, otherwise i wouldn't write to you again.

    I'm pretty sure you didn't see that way, i'm a pest, aren't i ? 😊 It was my own way to help you a little and then hexbear.

  • @Cowbee
    You don't need an account to see what those post are about. You know why you can't interact with them. You can see them.

    No, sorry, i'm not the right person. I'm not an admin but an moderator. I don't belong to the trial section of the mod team, i don't take position.

    Our vote are public, anyone can see them. For example on mbin. That's when i decided to sent that screenshot because you were defending hexbear anywhere.

  • @Cowbee

    There is lot links in this community. I selected few one :

    And there is a post where i saw your upvote and confronted you since you played as if you didn't took part of it, didn't know while being an advocate for hexbear's instance.

    That was one of my worst experience on internet.

    It left me a very sour taste and when i showed your upvote, i hoped you would apologize, recognize that you played a role, then stand up and try to talk to them. Something like that.

    However, you still ask us to change our view on hexbear while they continue doing the same thing...You may consider changing your point of view.

  • @Yukily oups, pardon. Je croyais que tu n'osais pas. ​:ablobcatknitsweats:​

    En tout cas trop content :)

  • @Cowbee From what i saw, i don't see why you define yourself as leftist because your upvotes say otherwise and you didn't apologize nor tried to amend for it because it wasn't your. But you upvoted it.

    It was a post where some hexbear account insulted me.

  • @oce oui, helas elle ne marche que sur iceshrimp, mais c'est plus jolie avec que sans. :(

  • @Yukily

    Ah te voilà ! C'était un peu longue l'attente mais un peu de fustration fait du bien :D

    Perso je coud pas mais j'adore regarder vos créations que ce soit de la #couture #broderie reprise ou création de #vetement

    Après si on poste des photos, meme si Lemmy est pas parfait, ce serait super si vous mettez du alt text et décrivez bien les images ​:blobcathairflip:​

    Et voilà, ton post voyage sur mastodon/iceshrimp :)

  • @Miaou oui ça accompagne très bien le sucre et la crepe ​:blobcathairflip:​

  • @forumlibre @vorpuni c'est dans actualités. Peut-etre une autre catégorie ? :)

  • @Manila

    On comment en douceur avec une BD d'Achille Talon. Elle est drole, soutenue. Je l'adore.

    Puis ya l'émission fr5 pour découvrir les livres. La grande librairie

    Puis on passe à l'étape supérieure en lisant des textes révolutionnaires qui ont marqué notre époque comme l'Olympe de Gouges, Joseph Proudhon...Et on fait des pancartes ​:meowflower:​

  • @forumlibre @Camus Yep mais c'est un chatons qui gérais lemmy et a toujours lemmy dans sa docu. Je leur ais proposer de la lier à 😊

    Après oui une asso ça le fais aussi. Sans asso aussi. On peut meme imaginer d'autres formes comme regrouper plusieures instances comme ou encore on a aussi @AntoineD qui est dans le groupe matrix de

    Si on devient partie integrante du collectif chatons, on aura quelque obligations : mention légale, cgu, charte chatons et participer aux réunions mensuelles, voter...

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