sirblastalot @ sirblastalot Posts 4Comments 227Joined 2 yr. ago
I once doodled my Paladin's full plate as including a chastity belt with a big ol' padlock
If they promise to be my new best friend they can keep the silver
You gain 20xp and find 10 gold on the joke's body.
Starbucks is a real coffee chain that exists in the real world. Moondeer and sunfawn follow the same naming scheme, but the players didn't realize that was what the DM was building to until the big reveal. It's...pun-adjacent.
De Lancie invited the local bronies in my area to attend an opera he was narrating. I attended and he came and hung out with the bronies afterwards, saying he wanted to thank us for sharing our thing with him by sharing his thing with us. He stayed late after, signing autographs and chatting with people, for so long that I think he may actually have missed his flight. He was a super sweetheart. Maybe he needs to vent about the nasty fans behind closed doors sometimes, but I can't begrudge anyone that. I recognize that it's only one data point, but he made the effort to do something nice for us on his own initiative, was incredibly generous with his time, and was kind to me, personally. I will always appreciate that.
EDIT: Also, it was a free event so it's not like he was trying to sell tickets or anything, and there were less than a dozen of us so I doubt it was a self-serving PR move.
Fantasy Dexter. Actually loves murder, but instead just gets their kicks vicariously by stealing the memories of murderers
I remember hearing blahaj went away
Consider shrinking your scale. There's an impulse to draw entire worlds or continents, but then you feel obliged to operate at that scale. The "Known world" of my players for the last 3 campaigns is roughly the size of Florida, and they don't even see all of it, not by a long shot. In those 4 campaigns, they:
- Traveled from the capital to the border and back again
- Settled a valley on the border
- Sailed up and down the coast And that represents 12 years of gaming! It's only the campaign I'm prepping now where they are going to explore the other side of the mountains...another chunk of land roughly the size of Florida :P
3 weeks to do real life shit, 4 days to procrastinate, and 3 days to hurriedly slap everything together :P
I don't schedule a game if I'm not going to be prepared
Shoulda used sorcery lol
Wait I found a reference to the page...and it's not actually the right one.
Legally, they can't send the Pinkertons to rob you, either.
Captains are actually fully autonomous, admirals just exist to make sure they feel like cool badass maverick rebels.
Sorry I only got through the first half of what you said before I was distracted by firing you
Fuuuuuck I wanna be in that superhero game.
Now I want to play the reverse...a fake barbarian. A really intelligent wizard that realized people don't ask him to work as much if he pretends to be illiterate and dumb. Quickened True Strike when he rages, etc.
It's hard to get anything through the court in hell, what with every lawyer in history getting involved.
It's called Theatre of the Mind. I've definitely done it, and it has it's advantages (cheap, lower prep time) but I don't favor it nowadays. Especially in my last campaign, a swashbuckling pirate adventure, I tried to always have at least some kind of visual aid, because it's critical to that swashbuckling feel - the players can't swing from the chandelier if they don't know there's a chandelier.
Queercoding villains to make them seem dangerous and deviant to the people of the time (and those that are still stuck in that time). Admittedly, the people making that decision probably weren't conscious of that being why they thought eyeliner made him look villainous.