simple @ simple Posts 2,018Comments 2,539Joined 2 yr. ago

Valve have just updated the Source 1 SDK on GitHub to the latest code based on Team Fortress 2, effectively making TF2 code source available
Nintendo discontinuing Gold Points on the Switch eShop, ahead of Switch 2 release
Luanti (formerly Minetest) v5.11 out now with an in-game settings menu and better server browser
Final Fantasy 9 and Final Fantasy Tactics remakes are reportedly still in ‘active development’
Plenty of devs think it's easier than it is. A ton of games are built on proprietary tools, and then you get into legal hot water on whether you can even give away things like the soundtrack or assets you bought like stock sound effects.
I wouldn't be surprised if they looked at it after the petition and thought "wait, I actually can't open source this"
(x) Interact
She's Dead.
(x) Okay.
Tom Cruise stunt double checking in
Elden Ring Nightreign’s First Network Test Plagued by Server Issues, FromSoftware Issues Apology
I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet considering it bombed and barely sold any copies
Aside from everything said, the best thing about it is that it has a proper story mode. There are lots of singleplayer gamemodes like 1v1 races, eliminations, drift challenges, time attacks, ones where you have to fly through rings, etc.
There's also good progression in that you unlock characters and mods for ones you play, such enhancing drifting or focusing on balanced stats.
I was playing it just a few weeks ago, it's still the best kart game by far. High hopes for this one.
A $40 co-op focused spinoff. From what we understand the game loop will be jumping into a randomly generated world with friends and surviving with friends for 3 days. There's a playtest soon, we'll see how it actually plays then.
Never understood the obsession of having two analog sticks on a device that can't run any games that require two analog sticks.
...2019? Why would they even bother doing a movie so far after the series ended?
So the answer, as always, is ban useless, power-sucking, unreliable, copyright-infringing AI.
That's naive. It's way too late for any of that. If some country decided to ban AI, all the engineers will just move somewhere else.
I would have given it to Invincible, but X-men 97 was surprisingly good too.
I remember being so happy that outage happened because they gave away free games. That's how I got to play LittleBigPlanet for the first time.
Ram V is the GOAT. Everything I read from him I have enjoyed immensely. I was OOTL so thanks for reminding me he had another book out.
Why? There are plenty of proper games that benefit from early access, and plenty of people that enjoy early access.
The greenlight system wasn't any better, all it did was gatekeep indie developers while still being easy to manipulate.
I thought this was about the official live-action movie in the works.
This project earned $24k? That's incredibly stupid. Who the hell would try funding this when Nintendo have made it VERY clear they will take down anything with their IP attached.
"It was a possibility that the team was always braced for" my ass. They knew it would get taken down but wanted to get the money first.
Dial-up internet. I would open a website and go do something else for a minute until it loads, then fight with my parents when they pick up the phone when I've been downloading something for 3 hours.
I pray this will be good, but I'm still skeptical on the idea of a multiplayer roguelike with the same assets of the original game. It might just be a cashgrab.
I haven't delved into it much but the big change this time is that as eras change, so do leaders. So you can change from one leader to another mid-game for different bonuses and strats.
It wasn't good anyways. I read the first 2-3 issues a while back and it felt like a waste of time.