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Pirate Streaming Giants Fboxz, AniWave, Zoroxtv & Others Dead in Major Collapse
  • .se mirror still up and working. looks like it was just a DMCA on the main domains.

  • The new face of homelessness in Australia
  • Since I started keeping up with all this locally, here is what has happened.

    • About 20 years ago, there was a ring of realtors who would were actively manipulating the prices by buying and selling to themselves. They were caught eventually, but they had already caused the damage they set out to do, artificially hiking prices for their buildings.
    • About 15 years ago, the government realized that people needs to take more loans for the economy to grow because when you get rid of taxes on the rich there isn't enough money pumped into the economy to make it grow. So they gave away thousands of social housing units to their friends (private entities) for free who then sold them back to the public.
    • The landlords has since been running an "upgrading" scheme of apartments and houses all over the place with shitty things like a new fridge or a new and improved window or whatever have you, which allows them to increase the rent considerably outside of the limitations the law specifies. Of course this sounds like a bad idea because if you aren't renting to anyone you're losing money - but when the price of renting is 3 times the original price, it means they will still be profitable if they lose 1 in 3 renters. Not surprisingly, people have started to complain there is nowhere to live because of these conditions. The government isn't stepping in, because they need these people to buy properties rather than rent - forcing them to take loans, and bolstering the economy. It's why they started giving away apartments in the first place and causing this issue.
    • As a response to demand though, and show of good fate, the government promises to build more houses. By giving contracts and money to private entities (their friends) to construct new homes. And to "fix the issue with cost", they promise a 20% discount on the price per unit to any buyers who invests into buying the apartment before it is finished construction. Naturally, the buyers of these houses and apartments immediately sell once the unit is finished, netting a 20%+ profit on their investment. Now suddenly there is a huge upswing of houses and apartments, none for rent of course, and average people can't afford to buy them. Investors though, they keep buying up everything, much of it is empty and not used, and sit on it for 3-5 years, and sell it to the next guy (or if they find the illusive average person who can suddenly afford it).

    This is not to mention that the door was opened for american and chinese investors to buy up properties and land, shooting the average prices through the roof. Together with the government (of course a rightwing government has been in power for the past 20 years, causing all this to happen in their quest to privatize and let their friends milk tax money, reduce taxes on the rich, and balancing it out by forcing your average joe to take a massive housing loan), reducing the loans to just 3% to make them "affordable to average people", which further spikes prices upwards and it ain't coming down until something catastrophic happens.

  • The new face of homelessness in Australia
  • i don't understand the question. what does it matter what they do with it when the point is to make housing affordable again, in a permanent way.

  • The new face of homelessness in Australia
  • i'm so tired of this bullshit. all because of greed. the only real solution to all of this (without completely bricking the economy) would be "one family one home policy" (married/legal) made into law. no more landlords, no more nonsense. got 3 homes? too bad, time to sell. market oversaturated? well go the fuck down in price to the damn value you bought your houses for 20 years ago. own an apartment complex? too bad, it's now owned by the habitants council (those who actually live in it, like it actually works in many places). and make hotels the sole exception to the rule.

    no more homelessness.

    no more shelters.

    no more trailer parks.

    no more need for social housing.

    no more assholes buying up property abroad and fucking the locals.

    everyone's happy except the 0.001% landlords and market gamblers. who now have to get actual jobs. or have well paid jobs already and didn't need to sit on 4 houses because they got in early.

  • HIV ‘vaccine’ could be made for just $40 a year for every patient
  • the problem is privatization for things that doesn't even make sense to privatize. if the cost of discovery is too high for a private entity then why are they the ones to supply it? they aren't actually doing anything but taking the foam from the top of what everyone else have collectively created. it's like the privatization of energy, a natural monopoly that literally runs into negative value through surplus. or the privatization of mandatory services that cannot be sustained at cost such as nation wide mail delivery. if it doesn't make sense the right choice is the only choice yet here we are lol.

  • This is why people should stop recommending Arch. Fedora or Opensuse TW should be recommended instead for new people.
  • what's wrong with MX? isn't it basically just a community version of debian stable?

  • Global IT outage shows dangers of cashless society, campaigners say
  • this wasn't a problem with cashless infrastructure tho, this was a problem with monoculture. if the globe stopped using microsoft for gov and business, and instead threw their tax money towards open development; as in - the people, not microsoft, these kind of global issues wouldn't exist.

  • Global IT outage shows dangers of cashless society, campaigners say
  • sounds like they rather spend that RND on pocket lining over contributing to software dev.

  • The Death of Decentralized Email
  • just like email.

  • The Death of Decentralized Email
  • well to be fair bitcoin is on point as a decentralized currency.

  • Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter
  • The law must apply to all, including public servants. As they are beholden to the public, they are subject to review and FOIA requests are automatically granted for the content.

    Now I'm suddenly not so against this law. Journalists paradise. They'll have a field day!

  • Electricity prices in France turn negative as renewable energy floods the grid
  • even if fuel is cheap it's still has an upfront cost per production and can be manipulated based on demand to ensure prices never drop and always go up.

    or i mean, super, nuclear is obviously what society needs, because energy supply is a natural monopoly and nuclear uses fuel you can burn based on demand and guaranteed awesome profit as a private entity unlike infinite energy resources that produces surplus energy and only benefits society and not the shareholders and owners who are the only ones who obviously matter.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • whatever russia says, they mean to do the opposite. they've been pulling this nonsense from the start and this is no different, and we know this because they are STILL THERE. if they wanted peace, THEY'D LEAVE. ukraine doesn't have a choice, they have nowhere to go. they can't pull out of the conflict because they are literally the one being invaded. there is no logic to this argument. it's like ordering cheese and wondering why you are served cheese. it's plain and dumb.

  • Germany Has Too Many Solar Panels, and It's Pushed Energy Prices Negative
  • this is why the current gov in sweden is trying to run wind mills into the ground. got rid of the solar panel subsidiary. and has been campaigning hard to building nuclear power plants under the guise of 'clean and stable energy that can be produced on demand.' - and it will somehow lower electricity prices despite the country producing a surplus and prices remain high because the surplus is sold to the rest of europe at a premium and to increase demand locally and thus prices for a double tap on the market.

    but sure. let's build more nuclear. that will totally fix the energy prices and satiate demand by relying on imported fuel based power instead of free and infinite power produced by nature itself. i'm sure.

  • Thunderbird's New Rust Integration: The Future of Email Clients?
  • using cinnamon. and yeah base software is largely fine. but non-base productivity apps are largely built in electron. cinnamon even offers a webapp tool so in some cases i can at least avoid it.

  • Thunderbird's New Rust Integration: The Future of Email Clients?
  • people who like fast apps should care because like 99% of current software developers are building electron apps instead of giving us something that actually lets your high end computer behave like a high end computer.

    the only modern chat application that doesn't run electron today is Telegram.

    the only cloud note taking app that doesn't run electron is ...uh. doesn't even exist.

    the only...

    i can't even think of something i use that was released after 2016 on my computer that doesn't run at a crawl because of electron. fuck electron.

  • As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline
  • they charge $3 per month for 10GB of storage

  • Discord has shut down the Discord servers for the Nintendo Switch emulators Suyu and Sudachi
  • bs. discord is absolute trash for anything but live chatting. it does nothing different from plain old irc with a bnc and bots. they just took irc and made it easy for stupid people to use and slapped voice comm on top; which also already existed. using it as an archive, broadcast and support system is like trying to use a hammer to screw in a screw. people just use discord because people use discord. just like people just use facebook because people use facebook.

    if you want to manage a community, you should use discourse. it's the most modern alternative. if you want a public chat, use any chat you want that supports public chat, the only difference between all of them is what level of privacy they provide.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • There are currently a wave of people moving certain activities to Band of all fucking things (using it side by side with facebook due to facebook policies). It's basically a shitty korean clone of facebook but slower and with less stability and even less features.

    They could have picked ANY of the platforms actually designed for the intended purpose. But Band? It's the OPPOSITE of useful.

    People don't make sense.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • Photopea. Not foss, but a free clone of photoshop.

  • sibachian sibachian
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