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  • @delirious_owl @acockworkorange

    "I agree with you BUT you are being an a--hole."

    "I agree with you AND you are being an a--hole."

    Hmm. 🤔

    Yeah. It also makes it sound way more impactful and true. Thank you! 😁

  • Yo , tell me something?
  • @halm Yeah, but I kinda reasoned it in my head thinking #Expanse is dystopian and all dystopian hellscapes definitely require reporters... 🤣

    But, as others have informed me, there is definitely a reporter named Jake Sisko in the Star Trek universe who plays an important(-ish?) role. The wiki doesn't seems to have much by way of his journalistic exploits, though. 🤷‍♂️

  • Yo , tell me something?
  • @remotelove 👀

    Not an avid #Trekkie myself but def curious to know what episode that image is from...

    (Interestingly, the image you attached inline in your comment on lemmy didn't appear in my @Tusky notifications. But, sensing something amiss, I checked out the lemmy community and saw the image...)

  • Yo , tell me something?

    Yo @startrek, tell me something?

    Do #trashy #tabloids exist in the #StarTrek universe? Does \any\ #journalism whatsoever exist in the Star Trek universe?

    Because, if not, then it means there are no Tucker Carlsons and no Jon Stewarts, and no John Olivers in that universe. Probably because nothing needs internal investigations in that society as a whole!

    And that frankly blows my mind... 🤯

    \> NSA officials told Wyden that not only is the intelligence agency purchasing data on Americans located in the US but that it also bought Americans' Internet metadata.

    \> NSA officials told Wyden that not only is the intelligence agency purchasing data on Americans located in the US but that it also bought Americans' Internet metadata.


    Why do you need to spy, when you can simply... buy?

    We gave up our data willingly and made it easy for all the 3-letter agencies of the world. We only have ourselves to blame. 🤷‍♂️

    (Link HT: @technology)

    I'm currently in "The Grinch" quadrant. Where are you? :P
  • @FlyingSquid The only thing you should do in these moments is point at them and laugh at their ignorance... :P

    I mean, anyone who expects a person to be enthused about a holiday from a religion they don't identify with is seriously suffering from a case of "the stoopid". So, pointing and laughing at them is perfectly acceptable, IMHO. 😬

  • Political Memes Shrikant Joshi
    I'm currently in "The Grinch" quadrant. Where are you? :P

    I'm currently in "The Grinch" quadrant. Where are you? :P

    The Christmas political compass. (via @politicalmemes)

    shrikant Shrikant Joshi

    🎧 Audio-phile. 📻 Ex-Indian FM radio 🖥️ Tech-enthusiast. 🌗 Lurker.

    Happy to talk about: #audio #podcast #radio #storytelling

    I post random #musings about: #podcasts, #India #news, #SocialContract, and other trending topics.

    I ❤️ #puns & jump into conversations uninvited.

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