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Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • LMAO



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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • We now have a category 4 hurricane and it’s only june

    (Beryl also broke the record for the furthest east a system has formed in the month of June)


    Big danger for the Antilles

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • All bourgeoisie politics is fundamentally a game of hot potato

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • “Yes it’s true; I’m an old fuck and I can barely walk.”

    “Nevertheless I’m doing this shit anyway let’s fucking gooo”

  • Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
  • Joe Biden “fire walker” formula

    X 100 mg modafinil

    X 70 mg vyvanse

    X 2.8 grams piracetam (with 1 g of choline)

    X one 5 hour energy extra strength

    X 150 mg psilocybin

    X 1 gram of magnesium

  • These Designs Were Pitched for the World Trade Center Site. (This is one of the funniest fucking videos ever)
  • Is there even any wildlife in Manhatten at this point?

    Yes actually! Had this guy pose the other day by da union square

  • These Designs Were Pitched for the World Trade Center Site. (This is one of the funniest fucking videos ever)

    So many of these seem like shitposts this could practically just be a clickhole video

    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • bruh why does Canada even have a military tf do you need that for dog

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • yawn

    It really feels like they’ve been saying this bullshit every week for like 6 months now

  • Removed
    Reddit guys posting about random stretches of time
  • tasting each year like it’s fine wine 🍷🧐

  • The 5 year long Labour HQ gas leak continues as Starmer decides that posting fancams of Labour destroying people's bikes in a crusher for literally no reason will win them votes
  • As a cyclist the dirt bikes are fucking terrifying and they are almost never used for commuting. Just for doing wheelies and showboating.

    Obviously cars are my enemy too but I think there’s a fundamental disconnect on this website sometimes where understanding the issue requires actually living in areas where the problem exists.

    Edit: another thing that springs to mind is that I feel a certain irony that someone could laugh at something like that old 2016 libertarian debate where Gary Johnson was booed for suggesting that someone should get a license to drive to demonstrate competency while simultaneously mocking anyone for being afraid of these license plate free things zooming past my 18 mph e-bike at 50 mph. (25 mph speed limit btw)

    Like nah dude that’s dangerous you should absolutely have that taken away from you and you should be reeducated before you kill someone

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • Nah Gantz said he was going to leave the government on June 8th like three weeks ago the only reason he didn’t yesterday was because of the hostages bullshit he didn’t want to be InSeNsITIvE and had to let people celebrate mass killing first

    Edit: For additional context; the whole thing was that gantz gave Netanyahu an ultimatum to come up with a “different war strategy” by June 8th or national unity would leave the government.

    Unclear what strategy he would have preferred but it’s likely what ever terrible alternative he had in mind would not be terrible enough for the parties to the right of likuid that Netanyahu also is relying on for his coalition and he probably made the calculation that it would be more politically damaging for him if they left (probably because then gantz would have more leverage over him to trigger an early election)

  • The Doomed Politics of the CIS The Doomed Politics of the CIS

    What did the CIs want, how did they form, were they allowed to leave, and other questions about Count Dooku, the Clone Wars, Nute Gunray and all of your other megacorportation friends get answered in this video! Edited by MarMarBunBun 🔸 More From Corey 🔸 Support the Content: https://www.patreon....

    The Doomed Politics of the CIS

    I haven’t really watched this video yet I just thought the title was funny lol

    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Is this one of those things where if a government can’t be formed then they simply hold another election?

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • bro that’s crazy ! I highly doubt a car could go up mt Everest, especially a Tesla.

  • Biden and Trump Agree to Debate Next Month on CNN
  • Why oh god WHY does it have to be so fucking EARLY??? They usually(if not always?) have general election pres debates in September/october

    we can’t get any god damn rest before this horseshit

  • Very serious thinker Brianna Wu is back with: “The cocaine left”
  • Pavlou found out who the chapo guys were like a week ago and is completely obsessed with them now lmao

  • Very serious thinker Brianna Wu is back with: “The cocaine left”

    What is the "Cocaine Left?"

    Symptoms of cocaine abuse are aggression, antisocial behavior, actions that are dangerous to themselves and others, psychosis, overconfidence and irritability.

    A certain portion of our fringe is dangerous the same way that MAGA is dangerous. They're uninterested in building anything, or accomplishing any policy. They want to set fire to everything in sight.

    The Cocaine Left is hurting us, and making it impossible for the larger family of the left to thrive and accomplish things. And as someone who just celebrated 20 years of sobriety, I can tell you - the kindest thing we can do is stop enabling them.

    If you think Russia, China and Hamas are the good guys, you are part of the Cocaine Left. If you believe violence is a valid political tactic, you are part of the Cocaine Left. If you think burning America down so your ideology can rise from the ashes is best, you are part of the Cocaine Left.

    It's not going to be easy cutting them off and moving on without them, but in the end we will all be a lot healthier.

    (warning twitter link I don’t think nitter works anymore) more gold from Brianna Wu

  • awooooga

  • I can't get enough of these adorable muslim cats

    new fav yt channel just dropped

    Kamala Harris will host a marijuana reform event with Fat Joe Kamala Harris will host a marijuana reform event with Fat Joe

    The roundtable hosted by the vice president will be the administration's first public event on the issue since President Joe Biden talked about it in his State of the Union speech.

    Kamala Harris will host a marijuana reform event with Fat Joe

    >WASHINGTON — Vice President Kamala Harris will hold the administration's first public event on marijuana reform this week after President Joe Biden addressed the issue as one of his priorities in last week's State of the Union address.


    top 3 games ever

    real not fake!!

    Killer kitties: cats are eating 2,000 species, including hundreds that are at risk Killer kitties: cats are eating 2,000 species, including hundreds that are at risk

    The first study to quantify what our felines eat on a global scale finds they have a significant impact on wildlife

    Killer kitties: cats are eating 2,000 species, including hundreds that are at risk

    Woah interesting article I better share it with my pals on

    !clueless !clueless !clueless
