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What are some FOSS programs that you think are a far better user experience than their counterparts?
  • I used Zotero all through uni, but I've recently discovered JabRef. Zotero probably has more features and polish, but JabRef has one killer feature: Your plaintext BibLaTeX file is your reference database. So you can version control and collaborate on your reference file with git. No export required.

  • What is your religion and what led you to identifying with / believing in it?
  • It's not so much that I believe it 'by default'. Rather, when I've examined the historical case for the resurrection, the arguments that it really happened seem stronger than the arguments that it was a hoax, or a mass hallucination, or that he fainted etc.

  • There be 🐇🐰
  • My favourite game was always hacking around in Wine to make games work. Once I got them working I lost interest and moved on to the next game... Now I don't have time to play games. :(

  • There be 🐇🐰
  • You can also type ZZ (uppercase, so hold Shift) to write and quit. But for all of the above you have to be in normal mode, so if it doesn't work, try pressing Esc first.

  • What is your religion and what led you to identifying with / believing in it?
  • Reformed Christian. I was raised in a Christian family, and always believed in the basic concepts of God, heaven, hell, etc. But I mistakenly thought Christianity was about trying to be "good enough" for God until my mid teens. Around this time I realised that I couldn't be perfect, which was super distressing for a time. But then I read Ephesians 2:8-9 which says:

    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

    This was a big relief, as it meant that I didn't need to rely on trying to be good enough for God. I just needed to accept God's free gift of salvation. That's the moment I would say I became a Christian.

    Since then, I've had times where I've questioned it all, but I always come back to the resurrection of Jesus. I find the non-miraculous explanations of the resurrection account to be so implausible that it makes more sense to accept that it's a historical fact. And if the resurrection's true, then it makes sense to believe the rest of it as well.

  • Source for tutorials and a question?
  • Depends what you're trying to learn, and how much of a beginner you are. If you want to learn the shell, try the Software Carpentry tutorials:

    If you know the basics, you might try honing your skills with CLI Mystery (murder mystery puzzle).

    You'll probably want to learn how to use the following:

    • SSH
    • Command-line text editor. Choose one of the following:

    The final tip is: It's usually better in the long run to spend 2 hours reading the documentation than 2 minutes searching the web. Reading the documentation helps you to understand the big picture, and gives you a much better foundation. Of course, if you're reading the documentation and don't understand something, searching the web is an OK way to figure it out.

  • I feel like Fediverse users are nicer to each other and more generous with upvotes than reddit.
  • Christians shouldn't be surprised to be hated. It's right there in 1 John 3:13:

    Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.

    But Christians should make sure they are hated for the right reasons (unpopular beliefs), rather than the wrong reasons (lack of kindness and love). On behalf of Christians I am sorry for times when we have allowed fear, prejudice, hysteria and selfishness to stop us from loving those we disagree with, or those we don't understand.

    I am a conservative Christian, so I am certain there is much we disagree on. But Christians everywhere, myself included, need to remember to love all people, despite our disagreements, as we are encouraged to do in Mat 5:43-48 and Rom 12:9-21.

  • unrolling loops is efficient, right?
  • It worked, but it was slow and dropped packets sometimes. I think the next team switched to Java. I met with them and walked them through the code and suggested they try a different approach. Hopefully they did!

  • Coders, what is your workflow on Linux
  • I mainly use Python, so my workflow is the same on every OS: Neovim and a shell, usually one of each in a vertical split. This transfers nicely to remote SSH sessions too, and even works in Termux on my phone!

    Have you investigated whether it's possible to test your cross-compiled builds in Qemu, rather than copying them to the host?

  • I can't code.
  • What are your hobbies? Most people struggle to learn programming until they find a project that they are interested in. You mentioned an interest in music. Perhaps you could try Sonic Pi, which is a live coding environment where you can create music from code. It comes with a built-in tutorial, and a bunch of pre-written example code-music. It's built with the ruby language.

  • My little brother loves the dualboot setup I installed for him. He says "It's like iOS"
  • My 3 year old daughter has a 2010 MacBook running AntiX. She knows how to boot it, press Enter on the dual-boot screen, and is getting close to being able to select Stardew Valley from the app menu. She also enjoys playing GCompris.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    I'm a Christian, a dad, an open source fan. I have a blog:

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