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1 wk. ago

  • maybe i should mention the prusa mini as the cheapest (and smallest) prusa printer available as an “alternative” callout maybe.

  • I’m just mentioning what others online said, but yeah you’re right i should probably mention that i have never used the ender v3 before. that would be a good idea

  • python is fun, the syntax is very easy and it makes it simple to just go make a cool project

  • sad. now we use RECTANGLES to record funny videos instead of cylinders.

  • i’ve seen many stories online about people getting very frustrated with it. Oh yep, I should mention to prefer the newer model, I didn’t know there wad a difference.

  • definitely will mention the capability of voron printers!

  • ooh that looks cool. yep, i should add that soon

  • not many reviews on them, but i should mention them. that’s a good idea…

  • oh, oops! i just assumed that the sv08 was a bigger version of the sv06, but it seems to be CoreXY. i’ll go quickly change that.

    after a bit of searching, it seems that the SV06 is the prusa clone whereas the SV08 is a voron kit.

    and yep, i should mention voron kits are very capable, good idea

  • is venv important/neccesary?

  • yeah those pc plugs are nice. if someone figured out a way for the cable to detect whether a device is 230/240V or 120V and make it stop giving power if there’s a mismatch, that would he really cool. sadly, that’s probably not possible, and even if it was, it wouldn’t be widely adopted. sad.

  • i wonder how many pins could you fit with modern technology on something the size of a 30-pin connector? would that mean you could get more data/power being transferred? (the wire would have to get way thicker though)

  • oh yeah usb has loads of pins for data. no wonder barrel jacks were never used to transfer data…

    oh yeah designing an idiot-proof power plug that can be rotated 360 degrees would be challenging ad well

  • woah that’s a very in-depth answer. yeah makes sense that cylindrical connectors aren’t actually designed to rotate a bunch. I assume it would be something similar to weird crackling sound when you turn an 3.5mm jack cable too hard?

  • wdym? I did say the advantage of USB-C was a universal standard. that’s definitely why everything uses USB-C, much more convenient.

    My later paragraphs were focusing on a theoretical cylindrical wall plug (hence the comparison with the euro plug, schuko, uk plug, etc). sorry if just “plug” wasn’t clear.

  • idk, honestly any worldwide wall plug standard would be amazing, I wish the governments of the world focused on issues as simple as these

  • another downside to cylindrical usb plugs would probably be thinness, USB-C ports are quite a bit flatter and suits thinner devices a lot more