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Sounds good to me!
  • I just posted this comment in this thread:

    He and his Reddit fanboys believe that the campaign is meant to force companies to host servers forever, and it will apply retroactively to every game to exist, and every publisher will have to give the games away for free forever, and Ross Scott will come and take your toothbrush. Or, he doesn't believe this and is just trolling and slandering.

    And here we have an example of exactly what I mean. Let me type it out so that you can understand: THE WHOLE POINT OF THE CAMPAIGN IS THAT GAMES SHOULD WORK WITHOUT SUPPORT FROM THE PUBLISHER. THE SERVER SUPPORT CAN END AT ANY TIME AS FAR AS IT IS CONCERNED. Seriously, where the hell do you fucking morons even get this idea that the publisher is being asked to support the game forever? Every video from Accursed Farms has SUPER DUPER EXTREMELY clear about this. The website is SUPER DUPER EXTREMELY clear about this. And this shouldn't even need to be explained, because NOWHERE has it been implied that the publisher should support the game forever, and it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the campaign.

    because the rest of it is proprietary and puts other games at risk of being compromised

    Wow, not the customers fucking problem.

    and pay for all of the server infrastructure to get it working.

    Not the publishers problem and none of your business.

  • Sounds good to me!
  • is a campaign against video game publishers scamming customers by remotely disabling always-online games. The guy in the picture is PirateSoftware, who owns a video game company and is a weird libertarian. He and his Reddit fanboys hate the campaign, and they make up absurd arguments and lies against it.

  • Sounds good to me!
  • He and his Reddit fanboys believe that the campaign is meant to force companies to host servers forever, and it will apply retroactively to every game to exist, and every publisher will have to give the games away for free forever, and Ross Scott will come and take your toothbrush. Or, he doesn't believe this and is just trolling and slandering.

  • Macklemore - Bush Song
    Swedish Student Protestors Arrested Polisinsats vid KTH – demonstranter frihetsberövade

    Polis har under onsdagen frihetsberövat flera demonstranter utanför Kungliga tekniska högskolan i Stockholm. SVT:s reportrar på plats beskriver stämningen som upprörd.

    Polisinsats vid KTH – demonstranter frihetsberövade

    Translation of teletext:

    >Protestors arrested at KTH > >Three people have been arrested and some 20 have been detained after a protest at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. > >According to police they are suspected of for instance crime against masking ban, disobedience against law enforcement and vandalism. > >Protestors at the scene declare to SVT that they have protested against Israels warfare in Gaza in connection with the fact that the Christian Democrats' party leader Ebba Busch visited the school. > >Also at Lund University there are ongoing protests against the war in Gaza.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    sawne128 [he/him]
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