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Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask'
  • is a symptom of mental incompetence. We do not want to elect a mentally incompetent leader.

    I would prefer a person with a some disorders which sometimes have such a downside to a "normal" person, other things being equal.

    Also people may "take care of basic personal hygiene" and still become stinky 5 times sooner than healthy people, have you considered that?

    Ableism is bad.

  • Feels like so many tech bubbles are about to burst
  • They have a few legacy things working in their favor. Hardware compatibility is one, but seems to be a thing of the past now when people don't care. Application compatibility is another, and that is with Windows, not with NT.

    And they don't have to change the core parts, because NT is fine. Windows is not, it's a heap of legacy, but it's not realistically replaceable.

    Unless they develop from scratch a new subsystem, like Embrasures or Walls or Bars, and gradually deprecate Windows. Doesn't seem very realistic too, but if they still were a software company and not a malware company, they'd probably start doing this sometime about now.

  • Calls for J.D. Vance to resign after he admits that he 'created' pet-eating story about immigrants
  • Oh. I have relatives in the USA. Jewish and the older generation is sadly non-critical. Last family call ended where my uncle (strictly speaking, my mom's uncle, son of my grandma's older sister) dropped a phrase of "having to vote for someone who'll support Israel" in such a worried tone, that I fscking couldn't hold it. I mean, if my grandma wouldn't try to shut me up with her Israel worship bullshit (she has always been, ahem, simple-minded and loud, and now she's also of the age where people do not preserve a lot), could have gone better.

  • Feels like so many tech bubbles are about to burst
  • It remained in the OS business to the extent that is required for the malware business.

    Also NT is not a bad OS (except for being closed, proprietary and probably messy by now). The Windows subsystem over it would suck just as bad if it would run on something Unix.

  • Why does one party keep interfering with voting?
  • Well, either that or we have to explain zero-knowledge algorithms to voters.

    What if you lose a job because of the way you voted?

    In some sense that'd be a good thing to have fewer connections to people who'd do such a thing. But in fact, of course, that would lead to voter coercion.

    If there was a reliable way to find out who someone else voted for in the most recent election, there would be huge social implications.

    There's another solution, which is strictly speaking not voting. Using sortition with no unknown components - a predictable pseudorandom number (say, from timestamp, amount of UN member states, and something else) and some public citizen register, and the register of those willing to be chosen. The changes of that register would be very volatile (deaths, births), and so those of willing participants. And just like with checksum algorithms, the smallest changes in sources would cause the biggest changes in the result. At a firmly defined moment in time (no shifting day forward, day back and so on) it'd be calculated which people become, ahem, electors. Due to no unknown components it'd be verifiable by everyone and hard to tamper with.

    And then they would vote non-anonymously, as it happens now. Not direct sortition to a presidential post, because there has to be some degree of security from madmen.

    EDIT: Actually one thing I like about this is that the art of politicking, as in campaigning, as in selling yourself to the public, becomes less relevant.

    It's a huge problem in today's world, where outside of the West everyone knows that who's considered the victim and the good guy and who's the aggressor and the bad guy is determined by spending on such campaigning and efforts to sell the point.

    Westerners generally think that the best point of view will sell itself to them. And Yazidis in Sinjar could do that worse than ISIS supporter countries, while ISIS was murdering them.

    And also remember that Kuwayti nurse who "testified" before UN who was in fact a daughter of a prince, if I'm not mistaken.

    So I like sortition quite a lot, but there should be mechanisms to alleviate its results (randomization and all that). Like non-anonymous voting on top of it. And maybe with 2/3 of electors being selected this way, and 1/3 of them via anonymous popular vote.

  • Trying to build viable third parties by voting for them in presidential elections is like trying to build a third door in your house by repeatedly walking into the wall where you want the door to be.
  • You’re not the main character,

    You are. You are also responsible for your own choices whether you admit it or not.

    That is the most selfish possible way to approach life.

    If taking responsibility is selfish, then selfishness is a virtue.

    at least you’ll be able to vote again and you might actually get to negotiate for things that make people’s lives better.

    They are already threatening you with Trump if you don't vote for them and don't want to compromise. So about that "you'll be able to vote again" - I think that's true, but since that threat works, that'll likely be the same kind of choice over and over. When you agree to get owned for protection, you usually don't get owned just once.

    Selfish naive children.

    For fuck's sake, are you 16?

    How can a grown person be that arrogant without knowing shit about game theory?

  • Trying to build viable third parties by voting for them in presidential elections is like trying to build a third door in your house by repeatedly walking into the wall where you want the door to be.
  • Well, I had migraine. But it's rather that your personality is a bunch of nonsense.

    The first paragraph is not very readable, but it's the least important one.

    The second one - I think you could find it in yourself to understand it, so being dumb doesn't excuse you.

    The third one - I'm certain you understood it. You might consider yourself very smart and cynical, only you're not.

  • Trying to build viable third parties by voting for them in presidential elections is like trying to build a third door in your house by repeatedly walking into the wall where you want the door to be.
  • Yeah, I've recently talked with my therapist about this choice between very slow, very hard work and sitting on my butt dreaming. And about the idea that it's better to avoid action than to act, if I'm not sure I'll act right. And how it apparently came to me in my teens, when I've been doing martial arts for some time, girls would smile at me often, and in general I thought I might be too stupid and happy and there should be something smarter. That 'smarter' was, of course, just another teenage idea of being wise and not like everyone else. Fucked up my life for a decade.

    By the way, people who'd be removed and theoretical and talk about some imagined third movement created via some magic other than voting - would be called 'idiots' in ancient Athens. Because they are on the side of an idea, not real politics. Then it became a rude word.

    Any such decision to try and find a smart shortcut, or that it's better to wait and see how it goes instead of sweating, - are all wrong and are exactly what propaganda works for. Being honest is smarter than being dishonest. And voting for the party most fitting your ideals is smarter than for the lesser evil.

  • MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • I could say that singing ability differs between various things that can be called singing in various cultures, and anything depending on spectator's evaluation (pleasure) is subjective, but these are obvious, so whatever, hold a cookie

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