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Working from home
  • The hilarious thing is how understanding they were about it. xD

  • Man Self-Immolates Outside Boston Israeli Consulate in Protest of Gaza Genocide
  • It stopped being a debate for me once the ICJ literally ruled that Israel's actions in Gaza are illegal. It's not antisemitic to call out legitimate war crimes...

  • Make it happen
  • Don't forget healthcare as well!

  • GNU-Linux
  • Exactly. I'm not sure why I'm getting downvoted for calling out bs.

  • GNU-Linux
  • Honestly? Fuck rms. :D

  • If only everyone wishing to be older already knew this part
  • Yup... dealt with a lot of similar stuff as a kid...

  • The Internet is becoming genuinely unusable without an ad blocker
  • What really pisses me off is when sites tell me to disable it. It's my computer, I'll choose what extensions I run. Fuck you.

  • TIL norway has a homocide map with exact locations of murders.
  • According to later statistics released by Klassekampen, one in four Norwegians directly knew somebody affected by the attacks.

  • Removed
    The US healthcare system is broken...
  • Unfortunately not worrying is much easier said than done. :(

  • Removed
    The US healthcare system is broken...
  • The Republicans exist y'know....

  • Removed
    The US healthcare system is broken...
  • Other Americans mainly...

  • Been here for a year, haven't regretted it ever
  • Same. It feels a lot more exciting here. It's always really cool to be around when something's somewhat new/small

  • Removed
    The US healthcare system is broken...
  • Honestly, everyone always pretends like America is the best, but were so painfully behind with so many things...

  • If it looks like duck and quacks like a duck...
  • One literally committed domestic terrorism at the Capital..

  • Removed
    The US healthcare system is broken...
  • The fact that the US is the only major industrialized nation without some from of a universal healthcare system is supremely fucked up...

  • Age is just a number
  • I think this is an excellent indicator of why the current prison system needs to change

  • The less you vote, the more you back Trump
  • I'm trying to be respectful, but yes. :p

  • The less you vote, the more you back Trump
  • If you wanna drink the right wing Kool-aid, that's your own prerogative

  • The less you vote, the more you back Trump
  • Exactly... I think it's horrific how politically behind we are here in America compared to most other industrialized nations.

  • 11 April 2024
  • Looks like fun! :D

  • rockettaco37 rockettaco37
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