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This is your brain on cishet
  • I am addressing this once.

    I am NOT straight.

    I kissed men my entire life. I was a swimmer, wrestler, and pro bodybuilder. I was a Boy Scout for 10 years. I spent all my schooling within the Roman Catholic parochial system.

    That being said, I’ve had my fair share of male on female dreams and that’s how I know I’m absolutely positively not a heterosexual. I’ve never acted on a single one of those urges.

    However, I would not speak to my actions while on the property of others, as that is under their discretion according to John Locke‘s 2 commandments (the other being to love slavery).

  • This is your brain on cishet
  • seriously…? I’m going to fucking throw up…

  • Man Sentenced to Four Months in Prison for Carrying a 6-Inch Master Sword in Public
  • The moblins caught him while his sword was recharging, nothing he could do.

  • China’s online ultranationalists feel the heat over Japanese school bus attack
  • A right wing nationalist movement of the past that supported a monarchy

    You have no clue what you’re talking about. The monarchy was already leading, and the movement was aimed at combating the brutal imperialist exploitation of China, so was objectively progressive. Nationalism can be both a good (progressive) and bad (regressive) thing depending on the situation (development of the nation, relationship with other countries, etc.). Using right-wing in this sense is strange, because we could argue numerous historically progressive movements were “right wing” by today’s standards, it means nothing.

  • CW: transphobia c/ is full of transphobic trolls - Blåhaj Lemmy
  • Hmm, so you have ideas that if carried out would cause change in the material? Waiter! Waiter! One cup of Marxist tears please! I guess we’ve found something more universal than mere matter!

  • CW: transphobia c/ is full of transphobic trolls - Blåhaj Lemmy
  • The dialectical materialism bit gave my multiple aneurysms. These relationships ("social constructs") are a result of the material! Are they honestly saying that they think this "social construct" has no cause but just is because of itself?

    When the slave owner oppresses the slave, or a capitalist the worker, his ability to do so is because of his possession of materials (farm and factory) not his possession of materials because of his oppression except in continuation. Or put another way, commodities are sold after the worker is given their wage, so how does the capitalist initially pay the worker? He must have capital to start! This all returns to the material situations these groups found themselves in and how this progressed.

    There is a common misunderstanding of dialectical materialism where people forget the dialectical aspect and point out any example of ideas giving rise to action as disproof. Dialectical materialism flips Hegel's subject-object dialectic which regards the subject (ideas and the like) as primary into a subject-object dialectic where the object (matter) is primary, or object-subject dialectic. The material gives rise to ideas in the human mind, which then are transformed into material action, or for another example, national culture is at first the product of natural conditions, then later asserts itself upon those conditions through human action. The argument this person makes goes: "By skipping one step chronologically the entire dialectic is flipped again and the ideal is the primary aspect, the material secondary! Did I just disprove dialectical materialism?"

  • Blue MAGA gaslighting is insane. It's so obvious that this will probably piss off more of their voters.
  • Genocide is not a crime in the Amerikkkan regime. The only felony that matters is lying to the capital gods.

  • BlueMAGA = Trump-to-Biden voters
  • Screenshots of this thread and image will be in my suicide note

  • Biden’s debate performance sets off alarm bells for Democrats
  • A corporate-controlled genocidal fascist who's incapable of speaking is the ideal leader under liberalism. Saying mean things destroys democracyTM.

  • Biden’s debate performance sets off alarm bells for Democrats
  • Can you actually explain the difference between the options and reconcile the fact that Hillary and the DNC purposefully elevated Trump behind the scenes (entire "lesser evil" rationale is a farce)? Thx!

  • Someone give me some context on Gavin Newsom
  • He’s an evil Hitlerite who hates homeless people.

  • My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • I’m not hungry, thank you.

  • [Not the Onion] Biden up 23% with...
  • Donald Trump please win I need you to win. If you can hear this PLEASE save us.

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • Listen, liberalism is the final realization of the liberty and equality of all people. It was created when by pure chance a few brilliant white men who loved slavery were born, got together and thought really hard for a long time, then realized the eternal moral truths of the universe! The WEST you hate so much came up with this idea, so chew on that. That's why Hitler loved AUTHORITARIAN BOLSHEVISM and HATED the West (he talks about it in his book).

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • And which party was it in Germany that cooperated with the Nazis in order to attack the liberal social democrats? (it was the Communists)

    Completely mixed up, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.

  • Iran set to dramatically increase uranium enrichment
  • It’s like I’m talking to a character in Disco Elysium who has two preprogrammed responses and maybe a third if I forget to wear a shirt. Completely off in your own world huffing nasal spray.

  • Iran set to dramatically increase uranium enrichment
  • I’m arguing the U.S. is no less psychopathic and countries need protection from Western imperialism.

  • Iran set to dramatically increase uranium enrichment
  • The US was the one that initiated it regardless, and I think China and Russia’s support for UN sanctions on Iran was incorrect.

  • Hello Bitcoin Frens!

    I'm sorry the other Hexbear users have been brigading this comm with their nonsense. The issue is that many people don't understand Bitcoin and just hate it to be trendy. I've bought a couple of Bitcoins and all I've seen is profit. It's like I'm Harry Potter stumbling into Gringotts bank and discovering there's this huge pile of wealth waiting for him. Although I've donated most of my earnings to Ukraine so they can defend themselves against the RuZZians (led by the dictator Putler), some of it has also gone into my Funko Pop collection, which I'm pretty proud of; I almost have the whole Deadpool line, and those are like an investment in themselves.

    I think if people gave Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies a chance they'd see that the "scam" stereotype is over-exaggerated. I've lost money once or twice, but I've learned from my mistakes and now I have my entire retirement fund in this new coin going around. Hope to meet fellow enthusiasts here!

    robinnn robinnn [he/him]

    “I… am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood” — John Brown

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