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2 yr. ago

  • That's exactly the point.

    It is much harder to "hide" wealth in the form of the highly regulated financial assets that are creating the wealth disparity problems. It is much easier to "hide" wealth in largely unregulated tangible assets, like yachts, private jets, and other things that workers produce. When they buy that jet, they pay the salary of an airplane builder. When they buy that yacht, they pay the salary of a shipbuilder.

    The problem isn't solved by taking away their riches. The problem is solved when those riches are spent. If they don't want to do the spending, the government is perfectly capable of spending it for them.

  • It's not particularly difficult to fix the economy.

    Make a law. This law will require the head of the IRS go to the richest person in the country, and give them the option of writing a check large enough that they are knocked out of the top 1%, or playing a round of Russian Roulette.

    Repeat every month, and the problems of wealth disparity will be solved in about a year.

  • Just out of curiosity, are you downvoting all of your own comments, or do you have some jackass stalking you?

  • That's one way, sure. Those companies typically do ride business.

    I would suggest looking for repair stations. Every balloon needs to be inspected by a certified repairman every year, so those certified repairmen know every pilot in the area. Including the private pilots that don't do ride operations.

  • That's the same everywhere.

    I would suggest looking for repair stations. Balloons need to be inspected and repaired by trained and licensed repairmen in certified facilities. As rare as balloons are, repair stations are rarer still. But, if you find one, they will know every balloon and team within 200 miles.

  • But hot air balloons aren't all that big in our country


    Ballooning isn't "all that big" anywhere in the world. It's a small community, but an extraordinarily welcoming one. We need help, and most of it is stuff we can show you how to do in a couple minutes. The hard part is connecting interested people with teams.

    Romania actually has some very large balloon festivals that attract crews from around the world. Foreign teams rarely bring their whole crews, and rely on local volunteers. Big, special shape balloons often need 20+ local crew people.

    No, if there is criticism to be laid on ballooning, it's that we often cancel our plans at the last minute, due to weather.

  • Hot air balloon pilots are always looking for crew people. Balloon clubs are having their annual safety seminars over the next couple months.

    Repair stations are performing annual aircraft inspections, which requires a visual examination of every single panel on the balloon. They love having extra hands and eyes.

  • Permanently Deleted

  • They're on their way to the gym.

  • That asshole better not do anything about the LGBT-Immigrant plot to melt the ice caps and flood Florida and Texas.

  • I will do the people reading along the favor of not posting images from an article titled "Penetrating Anorectal Injury Caused by a Wild Boar Attack: A Case Report".

    Suffice it to say, hunters in the marked areas have a distinct need for semi automatic rifles.

  • But crossbows are obvious.


    They are so obvious that even the angry meathead who doesn't understand the concept of "No" is capable of comprehending the danger of using his muscles against the woman wielding a crossbow: he's going to take a bolt to the face.

    And he's capable of recognizing when another woman is not wielding a crossbow. And he's capable of recognizing he faces no danger from that second woman. He's not going to take a bolt to the face.

    When that angry meathead learns that a lot of women are "sneaking" handguns, he doesn't know whether he is going to take a bullet to the face. He is sufficiently motivated to learn the meaning of "No".

  • Just out of curiosity, would you please point out your approximate location on this map of invasive feral swine distribution:

  • Guns make it possible for anyone to kill anyone. Without them, the capacity to inflict death is far less egalitarian.

    Hate them all you want; I trust you with guns far more than I trust some angry meathead who doesn't understand the concept of "No."

  • Tell me you've never played Kerbal Space Program without telling me you've never played Kerbal Space Program.

  • And your employer would own you. You couldn't afford to ever tell them "No".

  • Your driver would have been paid a total of $6.50 $5.00 on that order.

    Thank you for canceling.

  • Not all providers deserve your business.

  • Emails are permanent records. Your focus seems to be on how they sound to the initial recipient.

    My concern is how they sound to the person reading them six months or two years later. What I have found is that the longer the delay between having written the email and it being read, the more pissed off the reader is when they are reading it. If the problem is big enough that they need to come back to me two years later, the reader is probably not going to appreciate the lighthearted jests I originally included.

    My work emails with colleagues are brusque and formulaic. I don't include enough content to even begin to guess at mood or emotional state.

    I'm not saying you should use email this way. I'm saying that I have little use for adjectives, articles, and my recipients rarely have need for a scroll wheel. I can't imagine ever using either an emoticon or an emoji in a work email.