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2 yr. ago

  • Please post a picture of the tag on the shirt you are wearing right now.

    The overwhelming majority of microplastics in your body are polyester fibers, and most of those originally came from textiles.

  • On a global scale, population density is about 180 people per square mile of agricultural land.

    Cities don't change that: you need a swuare mile of cultivated land for every 180 people to sustain those urban populations.

    We need more, smaller, more dispersed cities. Not these urban hellscapes.

  • Joining the military, you would expect to be living separate and apart from the local communities. You'll spend a year or two at one posting, before being transferred to another, and another, and another. You won't expect to set down roots in the local community. The people you are serving with will be constantly rotating in and out of your current unit on similar schedules; you can expect any friendships you form to last a few months, before you or they are transferred again.

    Joining the National Guard, you will be serving primarily in your home state, at the call of your own governor. You'll spend your entire career in your own community, serving with other people in that same community. Even when you deploy, you are deploying with people you've known your whole career, if not your whole life: your friends and neighbors.

    The militia is not the military.

  • That man suffered from Stage 4 Luigi Deficiency.

  • You are describing "securities". Financial assets. Those financial assets (when held by the ultra-rich) are the problem. Those financial assets are transferring real wealth from the general economy to the people holding them.

    I addressed financial assets.

    Now, the nice thing about shares is that they don't have to be held by any particular person. The value of those shares doesn't change when they are transferred to someone else.

    We could, if we wanted to, establish a tax on registered securities. We could have the SEC automatically transfer 2% of the shares in Elon's portfolio from his ownership directly to the IRS. We could do that every year if we wanted to.

    IRS liquidators could then sell off those shares, slowly over time, so that their sold shares are never more than 1% of the total traded volume.

  • Cropland is not nature. For every 180 people in your city, add a square mile of cropland to its area before trying to determine the spatial efficiency of that city.

  • There is some truth to that idea, but not nearly as much as you think. You need about a square mile of cultivated cropland for every 180 people, whether your population is spread out in small towns or concentrated in large cities.

    There is no reason to cram humanity into the tightest package possible. We are using a square mile of cropland for every 180 people; it makes more sense to spread out, allowing us to get out of each other's way.

    Congestion kills efficiency gains.

  • Hogs aren't deer. You don't hunt invasive hogs one at a time. They are too destructive, too dangerous, and too prolific for that. They aren't game animals; they are varmint.

    There is no closed season, and no bag limit. When you see them, you shoot every one of them you can, as quickly as you can, before they can scatter.

  • Exactly. Ballooning is just an activity that puts together physical activity, some structured socialization, sunshine, a little adrenaline...

    And a flamethrower.

    Everything is better with a flamethrower.

  • Ever try showering in complete darkness?

  • Ooh, I like it. But let's not just give it to the opponent. You don't get to know the outcome of the roll. They cover the die each time. If the opponent's roll is successful, the piece becomes a double agent. You can still promote and move the piece, attack with the piece, but at any time, your opponent can uncover the die, use the piece to make one attack, and then remove it from the board.

    If your piece is compromised and checks your own king, you lose.

  • Promote to Paratrooper. A pawn reaching the back rank can be airdropped as a pawn to any open space on the board.

  • If you can get two pawns to the back rank, they combine into a QKnight.

  • 1970 was the last time the government collected more than 3% of GDP in taxes. After that point, there was less and less of a need to avoid taxation.

    We need a new tax bracket for the ultra wealthy. The top current bracket is 37% above ~$300,000. For most of the 20th century, the top tier tax bracket was 91%. We need a 91% tax bracket on income beyond $600,000. We need some sharp incentive for the wealthiest among us to avoid.

  • Would you be able to select the specific promotion at a later time? That would be a significant advantage.

  • That's exactly the point.

    It is much harder to "hide" wealth in the form of the highly regulated financial assets that are creating the wealth disparity problems. It is much easier to "hide" wealth in largely unregulated tangible assets, like yachts, private jets, and other things that workers produce. When they buy that jet, they pay the salary of an airplane builder. When they buy that yacht, they pay the salary of a shipbuilder.

    The problem isn't solved by taking away their riches. The problem is solved when those riches are spent. If they don't want to do the spending, the government is perfectly capable of spending it for them.