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Day 93 of posting Garfield minus Garfield
  • nooo don't stop, this always makes me laugh

  • The Haditha Massacre Photos That the Military Didn’t Want the World to See
  • I should not have looked at that

    rest in peace

  • Protestation
  • This is good analysis, but begs the question: why the government has not and does not protect workers to the extent that it could/should? Who has an interest in weak workplace protections for workers?

    If the government is bad on worker's rights it is because it is a government run by and for capitalists. The state is consistently instrumentalised by the capitalist class to hamstring labour's bargaining power to suppress wages to increase profits.

    Basically that is to say: these laws are not archaic, they are in fact working as intended, the intent is simply not to support working people, it is to secure and grow profits.

    edit: I just realised where this was posted, so perhaps I underestimate your familiarity with these points, but I'll leave it up anyway in case of curious third parties

  • Day 71 of posting Garfield minus Garfield
  • i feel this one in my bones

  • Just met Christman. AMA
  • how is the demiurge these days

  • G20 finance ministers agree to work toward effectively taxing the super-rich
  • I'm afraid the political problem you describe is much deeper and more entrenched.

    The class of aggregated economic interests that brought the western world the "centrist ditherers", as you describe them, are increasingly backing right wing politicians to divide and confuse discontent majorities, now that the social contract is in obvious and advancing decay around us, due to decades of aggressive privatisation of public goods like utilities, education, healthcare as well as related but also wider economic slowdown.

    Ironically it was precisely this kind of "centrist ditherer" that spent the last half century destroying these public goods and therefore inflaming the social discontent, which capital must now fuel right wingers to quell.

  • The "Modern Day Slaves" Of The AI Tech World

    The gig economy circle of hell holding up the FAANG bubble. shit title, good documentary

    content warning: desperate poverty and techbro callousness

    I passed my master's exam
  • bravo

  • The more civilians we kill, the closer to victory we get.
  • the real villain in this picture is richard haass though, those two clowns are just running dogs

  • Who can better experience racism than a white man with a blackface
  • first as tragedy? no, farce twice over, btfo marx

  • Red star caucus might be braver than they are wiser
  • thank god for you bernard smart, i am also in favour of boosting her ig page directly into space

  • Biden Can’t Pay His Way Out of Fighting Cold War II
  • Fuck Niall "empire was fine actually" Ferguson

    snyder seems stupider but i reckon ferguson knows he's laundering neo-imperialism and just doesn't care

  • US won’t guarantee Australia will have complete control of Aukus submarines
  • absurd given how much the australians are paying

  • European Commision horseshoe theory propaganda aiming young people
  • everything in history is exactly the same, it really doesn't matter why anything happened as long as you vote

  • Did the US learn from Kent State?
  • never apologise for being a pedant, you love to see it

  • This meme will always be relevant (for the foraeeable future at least)
  • i found a performance i liked on youtube, but yes reading it would obviously have been an option

  • This meme will always be relevant (for the foraeeable future at least)
  • great stuff, much appreciated

    edit: can i watch this online somewhere?

  • redline redline
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