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There has been a massive increase in racism against Indians since 2020

Most of it comes from Canada where Indian immigrants make up a very large percentage of the immigrant population, the general consensus is that it’s due to the Canadian government issuing student visas, there is general racism against Indians in Canada for this due to the perception that they take jobs and housing from “native” Canadians. The UK has had an Indian population for a long time so Indians are much more ingrained into society there even though they suffer from racism they arguably have been more integrated there than Canada, in the US other ethnic groups are more hated so Indians still remain largely unnoticed and confused with other ethnicities. Australia arguably is unique compared to the rest of the anglosphere in that Chinese immigration is seen with the more hostility.

What is the cause of the recent Indian immigration? It’s because they’re are tied for most populated country on Earth, China, and the United States are rich enough that they don’t feel the need to immigrate so much, the next most populous countries like Indonesia and Nigeria are too poor and too small to have much of a noticeable global immigration impact, so that’s my theory on why Indian immigration is so dominant right now. They are rich enough to finance an expat community but poor enough to not have people want to live there. It also helps that a good deal of Indians speak English so it’s only natural why Indian immigration is a thing, but why now? Is it because India is finally getting old, that the “bubble” is going to pop? Are they at some turning point, a national spirit is driving them to emigrate? I don’t fucking know, I’m just saying Indians are.

There has also been a large about of Indians in government positions, Sunak, Singh, Ramaswamy, Kamala. Not to mention their dominance in the tech industry, they are also strangely conservative on average, so if their values of conservatism don’t save them from racism while many East Asian people like Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese tend to hold more leftist positions, why are Indians more hated? Because they are darker obviously, the newer arrivals at least, before 2020 the Indian immigrants were high caste, whiter skinned, they were “model minorities” the new ones are not, they have no generational wealth, they immigrated to become a underclass which wasn’t the case with previous Indian immigrants. This is the reason why the Indian stereotypes went from 7/11 to street shitting and rapists so quickly.

Did I mention the world Pajeet yet? I did not mention that a huge portion of the racism is directly coming from one source, 4chan. That fucking site created the slur Pajeet, it used to be the largest site on the internet dedicated to Indian racism, now it’s has been overtaken by twitter and tiktok and Indian racism is much more mainstream now but I can say with certainty that 4chan is where what we view as “modern” racism against Desi people took shape, before that there was the slur removed, that might be offensive in the UK but in America Pajeet has become the most common slur, congress people are causally saying it, we can only hope removed does not catch on in popularity in the rest of the west because that will make the racism worse.

What was the point is this post? I don’t know, I’m just depressed that I seem to be the only person seeing a new form a racism emerge with my very own eyes. I see far too many people say they are one of the good ones I see Indian people being as a wedge on the political stage by America against China to the East and Muslims to the West. What a horrible deal of an alliance India is making with the west, these people do not care for India yet you barely see any pushback. What solution is there beyond Indian expats organizing to protect themselves, are they not already! an Indian man say to me that the new immigrants from Punjab make up only 5% of the Indian population in America, that they are ruining the reputation of the 95%, maybe Indian people should act more like the 5%?

You guys see that streamer @ishowpeed posted his time in Europe on a Party bus with like 3 blonde European white women and Nazis went insane? (Cw:racism)
  • I met Speed once in Dublin, I violently pushed my way through a crowd of twelve year olds that were yelling the nword to see Speed, he was in a car surrounded by a security detail of big black dudes wearing sunglasses, I ran up to the car and pressed my face up to glass cracking it and leaving a bit of blood on the window. The security detail threw me to the ground but were overwhelmed by the twelve year olds. It was absolute chaos, I was about to be trampled to death like it was a South Korean Halloween Party, until Speed rolled down the window, climbed through it, and started barking like a dog on the roof of his car. The crowd of racist twelve year old fell silent as Speed went on a long rant about being the son of Ronaldo, I managed to get up during this, and I immediately charged him asking for a selfie. The car drove off with Speed still on the roof, he fell off, and was torn limb from limb by his rabid fans, I got a lock of his hair. Overall I would say he is a pretty cool dude.

  • Biden did get it because half of America has it and trump was two inches from getting JFK’d by the typical mass shooter phenotype. As communists we reject sensationalist conspiracies, and even if they were true how would the truth affect material conditions?

  • I think Joe Biden’s going to win the election.

    He’s not going to drop out, he is committed to staying in the race and he’s 100% all there mentally and physically. So many Americans hate Donald Trump, have you ever seen the front page of Reddit? Whitepeopletwitter, pics, science, all the front page subreddits support Joe Biden. If that isn’t the voice of America I don’t know what is. You are a chud if you are calling for Biden to drop out, all the traitors in the DNC will face the bidenlution in 2025 as he purges all naysayers who doubted his electoral ability. We are going to have a blue gentleminions, more money for Israel, more money for Ukraine, more money for Taiwain, we are going to win WW3 gentleminions!

    I really really want to Joe Biden
  • I want to live long enough to bask in the glow of Joe Biden and shuffle down a street with countless other Joe Bidens who deserved it and probably stumble over after my leg falls off from the Joe Biden. At the very least I want an outline of Joe Biden to remain so that when school children return to ground zero in the field trips they can Corn Pop on everyone who ded while Fortnite dancing because nuclear war will not kill Joe Biden

  • Removed
    I hate people who believe in aliens, simulation theory, and multiple dimensions more than people who have irrational religious beliefs.
  • The only right answer to aliens is atheistic leaning agnosticism. The biggest issue here is there is no proof, saying aliens exists is like saying god exists. Unless humanity hasn’t noticed something about how the universe works that’s so basic that we were stupid for not noticing it, then there’s no life besides us.

  • Removed
    I hate people who believe in aliens, simulation theory, and multiple dimensions more than people who have irrational religious beliefs.
  • Science has found no evidence of even microscopic life in our solar system, there are conditions in space that are less harsh than places where life exists on Earth that definitely could support tardigrades if they got there. We have found no signals or dyson spheres or anything to suggest that there is life within the visible universe. All the theories like the Fermi paradox, great filter, dark forest hypothesis. Where is the evidence to suggest any of them are correct? From the human perspective Earth is the only life out there, and space colonization is barbaric.

  • Pees in the balls pees in the balls pees in the balls pees in the balls pees in the balls pees in the balls pees in the balls pees in the balls pees in the balls pees in the balls pees in the balls

    Snap back to reality, now take a piss and you try telling me that pees is not stored in the balls, below where you pee at; now you going to tell me poop does not come out the asshole because theres nothing beneath that

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Did you know ladies have balls all shrunk up and shriveled up inside them when they go to take a piss they retract them out; a vagina is just a dick thats deep inside them so why do they always freak out when it prolapses outside them

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Dont you know that everyone has a secret hole inside them its right next to their hip I keep all things inside them, I stretched out my balls a whole twelve inches and I now put it inside them, to keep my piss warm when its cold outside, why else would we have them

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Why do you think we call them nuts? Where else do you think squirrels put seeds inside them, when squirrels take an acorns how do you think they hide them? When they say to bust a nut that means it broke inside them, how many acorns does it take to store the piss inside them

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    Pees in the balls

    I’m boofing alcohol

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