Skip Navigation and jerboa have been sucking for me; is it server overload?
  • Yeah that's what I figured but just wanted to get other opinions since its been most of the week. It wasn't nearly this bad when I first started using the platform but I guess the "official reddit exodus" really took its toll even with the big server upgrades. I'm looking at other instances, but it seems like any instance that isn't the big ten or so are pretty dead with very few communities. I also want to be federated with lemmygrad and not exploding heads and that seems kinda tough to find though I could stand to look harder.

  • and jerboa have been sucking for me; is it server overload?
  • I tried that and another app right now but it's telling me that my password is wrong! So I'm nervous to try and reset it right now Guess I'll try again tomorrow sigh

  • and jerboa have been sucking for me; is it server overload?
  • Ah yeah I kinda figured. It sucks because I align with the politics and all that of so I chose this instance due to that and I've posted a bit so I don't want to leave!! Guess I could just test drive some others, I suppose, just sucks that a lot of them are general without a theme at all. I like that about the fediverse

  • Lemmy Support Ratboy and jerboa have been sucking for me; is it server overload?

    Comments won't post randomly, I try to upload images and some work and others don't, then when I try to repost none will upload at all (I've resized my images too). Currently, trying to load this community, it will not show any posts but I can see them on my feed. Am I doing something wrong? I feel like it's been this way for a week and it's making me lose interest in the platform if I can hardly interact with it anymore, it sucks

    edit: just wanna note that I know the devs have been working their asses off to support the wave of like, tens of thousands of users; I just wasn't sure if there is a secret cheat that I'm not privy to that would help my experience since it's been consistently buggy for me

    Can't login
  • That just happened to me as I was going to try a new app because I've barely been able to interact with at all the last week due to what seem like bugs. So hopefully it'll be a short lived issue

  • NSFW
    looking a gift horse in the mouth
  • First of all, bless you for having that mindset. I couldn't possibly understand getting upset that you'd want to return the favor, or that you wanting to please her as well means that you didnt enjoy it.

    Do you offer because you're turned on and genuinely want to make her feel good, or is your offer more based in the tit for tat mentality? Maybe it feels transactional to her if you always offer right after.

    If it does bother her so much, maybe you can talk about it and ask her to request it when she wants it if she doesn't already . Or, instead of offering right after, save it for later and surprise her so that it doesn't seem obligatory, is that is in fact her issue here.

    I guess another way to look at this is that you aren't taking anything from her, she's giving it to you, presumably because it makes her happy to please you. That can be satisfying in and of itself for the giver. I think communication about this stuff is key, just keep checking in here and there and enjoy

  • Tips for safe city cycling
  • Can I ask what happened today and I can try to base any other advice off of that? I think everyone else covered most of the bases; if you think that you haven't learned anything new it could be that the drivers you encountered were shit or actively hate's not unheard of

  • Adult Swim lands new show from ‘Cowboy Bebop’ and ‘John Wick’ creators | Engadget
  • Watanabe made Samurai Champloo too! True masterpieces. This is super exciting

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  • Hahaha sick I'll try to check them out, so curious about the sound

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  • Lol aw man I'm definitely getting old; I remember when Skrillex came out and kinda ruined the genre tbh, it was so totally different when it first emerged, it actually sounded like dub. So I'm not familiar with any of those guys, they were after my time.

    I think it probably depends on the listener but yeah, if I try to listen to most mid 80s hip hop, it's so rudimentary that it's really hard for me to a tuslly get into. Like Run DMC, or NWA. I can get into NWA but the novelty runs out quickly so I can only listen to them very rarely. But there are a lot of newer bands that I hear and say "I've already heard x y and z do this better" so it's hard to get excited about new stuff too. If you are a really avid music listener I think it has to take something exceptional coming out to really get impressed by

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  • Pshhhh get me some molly and that song will still go so hard lol

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  • Wow, that's fucked. Was the dudes name Randy or something? I think I vaguely remember hearing about that

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  • Oooo I wanna check it out! Who should I search for?

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  • Oh man for whatever reason this is a top tier cringe band from my teen years lol. Used to jam them on my discman on my way to PE

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  • Cinematic masterpiece

    Edit: actually this one is the cinematic masterpiece. I actually do wanna go to the Gathering

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  • I'm curious what old songs you might be thinking of? I was a wannabe raver in middle school and an actual one at the end of highschool lol. I may know what's up

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  • Haha that was one of my first CDs as well. Loved that shit

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  • Nice, good to know they've still got it. I got to see them once waaaay back, like 2004 or something for the Subliminal Verses tour I believe.

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  • I got to see them perform with Lingua Ignota, weirdest combo ever.

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  • Hahaha damn you roasted them so hard. True I guess I don't see too many people repping them, I just know they played Madison Square Garden with Scowl, though, so I assumed it's what you whippersnappers are into

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  • Hahaha Ive had Blind stuck in my head for like 3 days. I stopped listening to them when I was still in highschool but have dabbled in the past year or two and it's such a good nostalgia hit

  • Lemmy Support Ratboy
    Problem adding community

    I've posted about this before but the responses didn't quite help. I'm trying to add ! on the browser on mobile, I go to communities and search for it with communities and "all" chosen. I searched for "stoner", "stoner rock", "stoner_rock" and "!". Nothing. It also won't come up in Jerboa. So it seems like no one from has interacted with this community before, I get that, but then how do I go about getting it added?

    Where are my people newly unionized/currently campaigning?

    I'm wanting to connect with folks on the ground trying to do the work to unionize their workplace

    I'm in the midst of unionizing my workplace; my department signed cards and were expecting to get voluntary recognition as the second department to unionize got it. Seems that's not going to be the case. We have all been pretty quiet about organizing and are still; now the inexperienced "leadership" of our organization has been controlling the narrative in all staff meetings (they are optional). He is very careful to not union bust outright, but we know that he's planting the seeds of anti union sentiment when we already have a mixed bag of beliefs on that within the staff as a whole. He's also got some of the top union busting lawyers in his ear telling him what to say and do, obviously.

    I'd like to talk to newly minted union members, those in the fight right now, and those who won their first contracts whether they were big victories or not so much. Connecting to one another and talking strategy and inspiring one another is so important. I work in social services and have connected to other agencies in the same field that have Unionized and it's proven extremely valuable. Regardless of the field, though, we are all workers and should come together in solidarity for our efforts!

    What is your industry, where do you work, where are you in the process?

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals Ratboy
    Fenriz the kitty man
    ratboy Ratboy

    Is this real?

    Posts 5
    Comments 33