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Anyone got leads on remote gig work?
  • That's weird you posted this I was literally thinking about hitting you up for that job this morning! Glad you got a call back and your interview goes well!

  • I am once again asking for union comrades to bestow their sagely wisdom upon me
  • That's a good point. It would be almost the entirety of two different departments (our bargai.img unit) that would do it, too.

  • I am once again asking for union comrades to bestow their sagely wisdom upon me
  • Oh damn, good luck getting rid of it!! This labornotes article may be helpful in getting creative on negotiating that blob-no-thoughts

    That's amazing; so it sounds like sickouts are a potentially safe way to protest this issue? We haven't gotten to economics yet, so maybe it would be more strategic to do that once we get counters on that. We are all outraged at our coworker getting fired and I think everyone would be down to call out in protest for her, but idk just how much we could get away with

  • I am once again asking for union comrades to bestow their sagely wisdom upon me
  • Not a right to work state, and I imagine it would be maybe 10-15 of us, maybe up to 20 I'd imagine

    Also, there are no current policies around doctors notes, how many days you can take in a row etc. Its always been that you can take them when you need to

  • I am once again asking for union comrades to bestow their sagely wisdom upon me

    Does anyone know if there would be penalties for having an organized sick-out if there is no contract yet signed? We are not bound to any no strike clause and a coworker was fired and I think naturally people are calling out sick anyway due to stress. Can we be fired for insubordination or something? What are the risks?

    What is a gay car or vehicle?
  • Red 2002 subaru outback

  • What's Vietnam like?
  • Oh yeah I am prepared for the heartbreak lol. I did a bit of searching and from the shop images there were already a few I saw so I'm sure once I am inside it'll be impossible to leave without a stack. Thank you so much for sharing with me!

  • What's Vietnam like?
  • Dang thanks for the detailed info! And the advice on road crossing lol. I know the roads are supposed to be chaotic but if you're suggesting I watch a video to get a feel..then I really should prepare. I've only been out of the US once so I really don't know what to expect at all.

    I love doing all of the activities too, history, beer drinking, street food, kayaking sounds so lovely. Hopefully two weeks will be enough time!

  • What's Vietnam like?
  • Now I will have that ditty stuck in my head for weeks thank you

  • What's Vietnam like?
  • Are there a lot of night markets and things like that? One of the more exciting things that I think about when travelling is trying the street food! Everyone is getting me so excited lol. I've only ever traveled outside of the US once, I need to get a new passport.

    Any advice on travelling or anything as a USian that's never been to SEA?

  • What's Vietnam like?
  • I love wet nature, I'm so in

  • What's Vietnam like?
  • Lollll yeah my first thoughts were to go to Ho Chi Minh City so I'll make a point to go to the museum for sure. Anything else that you did that stood out in particular or just travel advice?

  • What's Vietnam like?
  • Cool. Yeah I like the idea of just exploring and doing something similar. I might do like a food tour or something just because I never have.

    Did you find that there was like, an obvious communist influence or not so much? Idk if I know how you describe what I'm asking exactly it's late

  • What's Vietnam like?
  • Yeah good point, they sound like the crowning jerks, at least they know how to riot though.

    but from what I hear it sounds like people in most other countries besides the USare white ones nice in general.

  • What's Vietnam like?
  • Lmaoooo yeah it sounds like people there are super nice...but from what I hear it sounds like people in most other countries besides the USare nice in general.

    Did you have a favorite thing you did/place to go etc?

  • What's Vietnam like?
  • My body is READY yummy

  • What's Vietnam like?
  • I found a reddit post about it and, surprisingly, only one or two people had negative comments about it. I'm a big foodie and I was looking at popular dishes besides phรณ and banh mi and it all looks SO GOOD.

    Do you have any recommendations on what to do/where to stay or any advice for an american who hasnt really travelled? I'm a pretty frugal person who doesn't need 5 star accommodations or anything like that

    Edit: I say surprisingly bc redditors are notorious assholes not because there is anything wrong with Vietnam

  • How many CHUGGAS before a CHOO CHOO?
  • Yes, three four-counts and A CHOO-CHOOOOO!

  • Do you have any idea how hard it is to work in a prison? [CW: prison stuff, rape, etc]
  • I am so sorry that you have to bear witness to that, and that any of those people have to be subject to that absolutely vile abuse and trauma. I work with homeless folks and I don't have to bear witness to the majority of things they have been put through in their lives, just hear it mostly and even then it's so hard to take. And just having firsthand experience with these systems, watching the way they just grind people down can make someone so fucking cynical and bitter. I feel like it takes a unique kinda person to stick it through and try to stand beside folks and offer some reprieve or support or when you can get away with it be angry with them.

    Idk what else to say but you're doing good work and I appreciate you cuddle

  • What are some good documentaries/films about Russia?
  • Oh yeah I need to rewatch that, I've seen maybe the first five episodes but haven't finished

  • What laptop should I buy?

    Would like to spend under or around 1k.

    My refurbished laptop that I got from work crapped out and I need a new one. I'd like to do light gaming, like Cult of Lamb or Disco Elysium and that would probably be the most heavy use application that I need it for. I'm also a caveman and can be pretty rough on my things, I think my last laptop ate it because I dropped it like 3 feet to the ground by knocking it off my couch on accident. So something that's somewhat durable, but I do not plan on throwing it across the room lol.

    I plan on learning how to use Linux; I know next to nothing about it but have just heard good things and I think I'm just computer savvy enough to figure it out. Also any suggestions on solid alternatives to things like Word, Google docs, etc would me super appreciated!

    The cringe is so visceral it makes me wanna throw up

    It's a tale as old as time of Anarchists absolutely shitting all over communists but god damn I hateeeee it. No self awareness

    Link to Instagram post

    Edit: to be clear I don't have a problem with Anarchists, just seems like very often MLs are met with so much vitriol with people they could collaborate with. Just sucks. Stupid interner

    Question for my union comrades

    If there is language in an article that is along the lines of "until the expiration of the agreement", does that mean that whatever is contained in that article is no longer legally binding once a contract expires? I feel like that should be obvious, but my union rep seems to think that's not the case. I do know that terms and conditions of a CBA are to continue under an expired contract (besides strikes/lockouts) but if that language lives in the document, then is that how an employer can get around maintaining whatever benefit it's tied to?

    I feel like I read a labornotes article that spoke to this but I CANNOT find it. If anyone can help I would be grateful!

    What are your go to news sources?

    What publications do you find to be the most factual? Do you often check multiple sources when reading about a current event? How do you keep your own biases in check?

    Harms Way - Terrorizer/Undertow ft. King Woman (Hardcore)

    Performance in a friggin' cemetary!

    Slint - Washer (post rock???)

    Goodnight my love

    Remember me as you fall asleep

    Fill your pockets with the dust and memories

    That rises from the shoes on my feet

    I won't be back here

    Though we may meet again

    I know it's dark outside

    Don't be afraid

    Every time I ever cried for fear

    Was just a mistake that I made

    Wash yourself in your tears

    And build your church

    On the strength of your faith

    Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West

    Ukraine's newly appointed head of defense industry says he wants to turn the country into a weapons hub for the West.

    Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West

    "We are focused on producing all types of weapons and ammunition, and we show that we can test it on the battlefield and make it better during the war,โ€ Kamyshin said. โ€œThatโ€™s something we can contribute to the free world, because as you see, defense industry is becoming more and more important globally.โ€

    Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West

    Ukraine's newly appointed head of defense industry says he wants to turn the country into a weapons hub for the West.

    Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West

    โ€œWe are focused on producing all types of weapons and ammunition, and we show that we can test it on the battlefield and make it better during the war,โ€ Kamyshin said. โ€œThatโ€™s something we can contribute to the free world, because as you see, defense industry is becoming more and more important globally.โ€

    Alright y'all, it's that time for a Marxist book recommendation post

    I figure this is a common ask but I haven't seen a post anywhere in the recent past, so....What is the VERY first book on theory that I need to read?

    I haven't read any theory yet, besides a short excerpt from the Communist Manifesto a long time ago. I have read some Parenti and Blackshirts & Reds is definitely on my list. I'm also interested in history books, biographies, autobiographies, anything socialist/marxist really.

    I am also very interested in recommendations from non-white folks, as well as any literature about non-white socialist movements/people/history/theory etc.

    I am kinda coming out of gaming retirement and I love Cult of the Lamb

    It is so cute it hurts and the soundtrack is super cool. What are some other games you'd suggest for Cult of the Lamb lovers?

    I just got a refurbished old hp laptop for free and I can do some gaming on Steam but uh, it's not a gaming laptop per se. I also have a switch. Hit me!

    What laptop should I purchase?

    I haven't owned a functioning laptop in like, ten years because my phone does most of what I like, but I (probably) have tendinitis and carpal tunnel and need something more ergonomic for my terminally online needs. Arguing with strangers on the internet is not as effective on a cell phone lol.

    I'm mostly streaming media, researching online and screwing around on lemmy. I'm interested in toying around with linux just to try it as an OS but would probably want to keep windows because Im not super tech savvy as people here seem to be. That said I can figure things out pretty quickly if I put my mind to it. I would like the ability to game if I wanted, but that might mean a whole different beast so if I could even run at least SNES roms or something like that that would be cool. I'd also like a decent sized screen, 16 inches at least. Hoping not to spend more than 1k if possible but I'm old and don't know what the average price is really for something that's upper-middle quality so whatever clever.

    Thanks for any recommendations!

    ratboy ratboy [they/them]
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