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Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior bag
  • On one hand if you actually read the article this number is already misleading because they didn’t even bother to include the price with materials, which are leather (and assuming high quality leather at that), which probably drives that number up a bit although nowhere near the final cost.

    On the other hand, duh, this is how commerce works? I make something (or buy it from someone who can make it in high volumes) and then sell it at higher price than I sold it for. I guess it’s just the commentary that there are people out there with enough disposable income to spend 3 grand on a bag? That is ridiculous for sure but it’s nothing new, been around for decades

  • Emotional overload
  • While I think scanning baby brains is not really viable for this (see my other reply) they actually do basically put babies in a restraint for X-rays and neurological scans that looks pretty fucked up. But I mean if a baby is having seizures or has a suspected broken bone you have to get imaging, even if it’s kind of cruel



  • Emotional overload
  • Oh yeah let me just plug in an fmri and find out if someone is definitively experiencing “joy”. That’s high level somewhat subjective emotion, not pain. Neurological understanding is not nearly as advanced as you think it is. I spent my post doc doing fmri research; the best thing you could come up with here is “areas of the brain associate with pleasure are highly activated” but even that doesn’t necessarily indicate the baby feels overwhelmed. Maybe I’m wrong and there’s some fancier neuroscientist out their that can read baby brains but I doubt it

  • Emotional overload
  • I hate it when people say shit like this so authoritatively. Like this is some conjecture at best. It’s a baby. No one knows why a baby does this. Someone assumed that and some other people said oh yeah that makes sense.

  • rule
    All 3 Major Music Labels Are Suing AI Start-ups for Copyright Infringement
  • I disagree. It was 6 in 1998 and 3 by 2013.

    Conglomeration of internet spaces and the surrounding corpo entities ultimately fucks over independent distributors. Streaming may have given indies a modest boost but that is likely what pushed the big 6 to conglomerate into the big 3 in the face of a changing market. They’re playing the long game

    Look at other examples: google search has been utterly destroyed by the conglomeration of both google as a company as well as ad networks. Now the independent companies that were thriving because of google search boosting them are on life support or outright dying because google no longer has to cater to them and can now outright cater to business interests that will pump their bottom line. Amazon marketplace is killing many small businesses because the conglomeration of amazon businesses has reached a point where they can undercut and copy those small businesses to kill them off and increases amazons bottom line. Youtube has reached a critical mass and pushes sponsored and corporate creators, it is essentially impossible to grow a channel organically at this point without some kind of backing.

    The streaming services are going the same route. Do you think apple, spotify, deezer, tidal, etc won’t tweak their algorithms for additional funds from warner? It may not even be about money, it might be about keeping sony music happy because they are essentially a cartel that controls 1/3rd of your catalog. So then the indies slowly but surely go back to relying on word of mouth exclusively. But good luck with that because facebook, tiktok, youtube, etc, is where all this discussion happens and warner/sony/universal is far more likely to have an in with google or whoever than podunk indie label with 10k in the bank. It won’t even be that they silence the indie labels, they’ll just say “when people search for new reggae push these artists in the algorithm”

    The future is grim dude. It’s why I use soulseek and torrents to find music. Fuck algorithms. Ill go to shows and buy merch

  • Looking for recommendations for homebrew security system cameras
  • This but also if you’re going to a 100m run keep in mind that also assumes everything randombullet said is true plus at least 22-24awg and kept under 20c. If you’re truly looking at runs that long it’s time to consider fiber imo.

  • Looking for recommendations for homebrew security system cameras
  • Do you rent or own your place? If you have the ability to run Ethernet drops to camera points imo the best solution by far is to get poe cameras. Amcrest/reolink are good options. You’ll need a poe switch, this can be expensive but you can pick them up cheap used if you look for old ones sold as ewaste. I got mine for $40 and it has 24 ports which is far more cameras than I’ll ever need.

    Similarly, you can get a nvr, which is basically a poe switch with a built in management system and a slot for a hard drive. These can be a couple hundred. Or you can get an old ewaste pc, like literally an $50-$100 sff core i3 pc from an office off ebay. Thow a decent sized hard drive in this, the bigger it is the more recording you can do. I have this connected to my home server for storage so if you have a home server/NAS that’s also an option but not necessary, just gives you more record time and eliminates the need for buying a computer to act as a server.

    Then software to tie it all together: ZoneMinder Moonfire NVR Frigate MotionEyeOS OS-NVR Are all good options Also closed source options like shinobi, I spy, blueiris, and a ton of others

    Not revealing my specific setup for opsec

    This imo is the best possible setup. For one, it sounds expensive but ultimately costs just a bit more. You can get super expensive poe cameras but comparable poe cameras to wyze/eufy/etc are often a bit cheaper because they don’t have the WiFi nonsense built in. Of course, you pay that back with the switch and server.

    But the bigger thing is reliability and customization. Before this I had a eufy cam setup. They were wireless which was admittedly easier to setup, no fishing wires. But every couple days I’d get notifications “camera x is unavailable” for no reason. My home has a very solid mesh WiFi network with several APs. The cameras are just shit and drop connection randomly. Sometimes they’ll be on for 4 weeks straight, sometimes they’ll disconnect 20 times an day. If you have a setup with 10 cameras it means one is always doing it.

    Then eufy came out and was server siding thumbnail id images, despite claiming to never do this. Then they doubled down on this, and took away the guarantee that they wouldn’t “cloud” your shit. Essentially they would do “ai” facial recognition server side because their little base stations aren’t powerful enough. They’d then store thumbnails of recognized users for future id purposes. This caused me to sell the eufy cameras and go poe. The poe cameras work in an isolated vlan, eg the cameras and all their features work without a connection to the internet and I can tunnel to my server to view them remotely. You don’t need to have this setup but I’d recommend it if you can

    Finally going off the above with your own server and your own hardware you can do whatever. Eufy had ai recognition but it was shitty. I’m sure it’s improved a bit. I’ve found running the models locally appears to be better, more features like yard perimeters, object detection, etc. you can also separate the ai model from the nvr software, etc. frigate is an interesting potential here, still needs some growth wrt object detection but if they get it a bit more mature imo will be a serious contender

  • Protect yourself from our shitty infrastructure for just $22.99 per month! One-time installation fees as low as $49.99 for a limited time only!
  • What’s crazy is you can get a whole home surge protector in your panel for like $130 plus the cost of a breaker for your panel (~$10-20) if you don’t have an empty one of high amperage (been awhile since I installed mine but I think it needs a 50a breaker). they’re pretty simple to install but if you’re not extremely comfortable working with electricity you absolutely should get an electrician to do it and not fuck around inside your panel though. If your home is relatively new you also potentially already have this as iirc they added this to building codes in many locales in recent years

    Edit: I’m realizing the monthly fee is for generator monitoring. I have a generac generator and they charge similar fees if you use their crazy overpriced hardware but the genmon project on GitHub uses a raspberry pi and some cheap cables to achieve much more robust monitoring without the need for a subscription if you have a Honeywell or generac generator. Fuck fees.

    But that’s actually a decent price for a whole home surge protector + install, which makes me assume it’s probably a cheaper one. Mines one of the nicer spec’d models bc I use a decent amount of power, there are def cheaper options, plus I’m sure they get them much cheaper buying in bulk

  • I'm a psychologist—doomscrolling has a devastating impact
  • I don’t have a name for it but excessive idle scrolling without purpose can be considered a deactivating behavior and may contribute to depressive states. It generally does not give us a sense of accomplishment or happiness.

    It’s not a horrible thing to engage in of course but it’s all about moderation and context. 10-15 minutes on your break? Probably not the worst thing. 3 hours after work? Maybe not the best but for some people maybe helps wind down. 3 hours right after you wake up? Probably not a great idea, setting a bad momentum for the day. But all of these as isolated incidents? Not a huge issue. All of them happening regularly? Maybe look at replacing them with something that makes you feel more of a sense of achievement or at least feels intentional and see how that impacts your mood. Might be more drastic than you’d think

  • Cruelty-based intervention: Russia is set to reintroduce antipsychotic drug as autism treatment
  • Thankfully in the past 10 years I’ve seen a decline in practitioners prescribing seroquel for sleep disorders but that’s entirely anecdotal and based only on my small geographic area unfortunately, not sure of any literature to support that this is actually declining. And unfortunately in the USA i believe it’s still somewhat regularly used as a chemical restraint in long term nursing care for geriatric populations despite indications for other medications being potentially better choices but I can’t speak much to that as it’s not my practice area or population

  • Cruelty-based intervention: Russia is set to reintroduce antipsychotic drug as autism treatment
  • Are you talking about haloperidol? It doesn’t really get used a sedative in emergency psychiatric situations but often gets paired with benzodiazepines. Sometimes one or the other. Sedative would more typically be Ativan. To be clear haldol does have some sedative effects but it is not typically used as a first line sedative in inpatient psychiatric settings; it’s a poor choice for this purpose because it has a fairly slow onset for sedative effects to be seen (~15-20m for many individuals)

    Haloperidol is used for acute psychosis and agitation. Ativan is used for sedation. Care has to be taken because benzos/ativan can worsen delirium, eg in an elderly patient, thus the use of haldol if they are agitated. Or you might use diazepam if you are intending a chemical restraint as this lasts longer than ativan. But this metabolizes via liver so you again have to be careful about pt, late stage alcoholic would get ativan bc metabolic pathway is renal. Additionally ativan alone be best fit for someone detoxing from alcohol who is agitated as the underlying cause of their agitation better targeted by benzos than haldol. Knowledge of pt is key. Of course that info is not always available unfortunately

    Project path explains rationale behind psychopharmacology for emergency treatment of agitation better than I can

  • Cruelty-based intervention: Russia is set to reintroduce antipsychotic drug as autism treatment
  • If Russia is forcing this for all people with autism they are foolish but that is extremely unlikely and a reactionary response

    What is far more likely is that this is a treatment for extreme behavior in a small subset of people with autism. It is important to remember that autism is a spectrum and not everyone with autism is a secret stem genius who is just socially awkward. It’s actually kind of fucked up to keep projecting that stereotype. There are people with autism who are bad at math and science. There are people with autism who cannot speak. And there are people with autism whose cognitive and expressive deficits cause them to get so frustrated and irritable that they frequently become violent.

    That said it is crucially important to note that treating with haloperidol as a first line of defense is also very fucked up. That is a strategy that is basically saying “shut these kids up”. It is a strategy of sedation and a lack of concern over side effects. Haloperidol is admittedly safe and usually well tolerated but not always and is heavily sedating. Drugs like risperdal do not have nearly as much of a sedative effect, an arguably more tolerable side effect profile (weight gain and breast tissue accumulation/gynecomastia are the big ones), and allow the individual to maintain a better quality of life. And with either additional focus has to be on simultaneous clinical treatment to address skill deficits in stress management, executive functioning, etc as well as government policy to increase access to early intervention to decrease likelihood of future cases

  • Cruelty-based intervention: Russia is set to reintroduce antipsychotic drug as autism treatment
  • The United States would more typically utilize risperdal as a first line pharmacological intervention for individuals with autism who experience violent behavior during irritability. It obviously can vary by practitioner a bit but there would need to be some valid justification as this is the only fda approved medication for treating irritability in autism.

    Lots of people speaking out of their lane in these replies though! Nothing like conjecture!

  • Is cloudflare breaking the internet or fixing it?
  • Cloudflare has absolutely told websites to fuck off because they don’t like their content. They haven’t done it a ton of times but they absolutely have. No one cares because the sites they’ve done it to are toxic cesspool shitholes that, to be fair, the world is probably better off without. But each time it showed that cloudflare can simply wield its power if it feels like it.

    If your site becomes controversial in the future and is protected/hosted by cloudflare don’t be surprised if they suddenly send a letter saying “fuck off”. They’ve become arbiters of internet censorship and we have accepted it because the daily stormer and kiwi farms and 8chan are bad.

    The ridiculous part is all of those sites are still accessible; daily stormer and kiwi farms both still accessible from clearnet (iirc 8chan is tor only) so cloudflare dropping wasn’t even all that effective. Well funded hate speech found a way. But for the next ones that don’t have major alt right cash behind them to fund cloudflare alternatives they’ll just simply disappear. And then we will have the internet where corporations like cloudflare, who should absolutely be content agnostic, decide what we can and cannot see. You may think it’s fine right now because they’re doing it against websites that are admittedly gross and terrible, but what happens when they overstep and the line blurs?

    They should act like a proper tier 1 provider: find evidence of crossing a legal threshold, get a court order, and terminate service if something that bad has occurred. Anything less and they suck it up and honor the contract they signed. They haven’t, so fuck cloudflare. The internet is an amazing place but it’s also a disgusting abhorrent cesspool. Don’t get involved in hosting it if you can’t deal with that.

  • Best Audio Format for Storage?
  • Flac 44.1 16bit level 3. Host with something that meets your needs. I have my files in jellyfin and navidrome and can then access the library remotely either through jellyfin web client, navidrome web client, substreamer, Finamp, kodi, etc. but this way if another amazing format comes up down the line I will always have my library in a good state to transcode from. Tag and sort everything with (or musicbrainz picard is great, I just like that beets is cli). This results in a library I can access on my phone, laptop, tv, carplay, etc

    Technically you could go for 24bit but imo the extra file size isn’t justified. though one could make that argument for flac vs 320cbr mp3, transcoding 320 mp3 is more likely to create artifacts, thus the reason for keeping around flac

    Alac may be easier for you if you use mac

  • Language not allowed

    Getting an error that says language not allowed when trying to post comments. Appears random; can comment within some communities and get it on some threads but not others

    Also, is it possible to search within a community? I see the ability to search for communities and to search for posts but not to search for posts within a community. So sorry if this has been posted about, couldn’t figure that one out. Great app so far though!

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