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If you were to invent a religion for fun what would it be like?
  • Did you ever hear the Tragedy of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs?

  • What's the chapo view on totinos peppironi pizza rolls?
  • no hot couch experience is complete without them

  • AI will be help rather than hindrance in hitting climate targets, Bill Gates says
  • don’t know much about the guy

    imagine an older, male xeni jardin crossed with thomas friedman

  • NYTimes front page today. Something might happen
  • if she promises to fly it into Harvard I would actually vote for trump

  • I passed my master's exam
  • oh so you think you my master now? fuck you

    j/k congrats comrade

  • "I know I'm not a young man" *thunderous applause*
  • god damn imagine trying to explain this kind of presidential campaign messaging to someone 20 years ago

  • NYTimes front page today. Something might happen
  • nope, we're stuck riding Flight Biden straight into the second tower.

  • Who is this and what's happening? Wrong answers only.
  • scene from the first movie in the reboot of the scanners cinematic universe

  • Nicholson-Yes.gif
  • i don't care, hit it hard I dont wanna limp away from this one

  • Nicholson-Yes.gif


    no, seriously, where are we

  • there is something so perfectly... nyt columnist about a post saying all ya gotta do is vote harder

    (obviously it privileged to think everyone can just pull up stakes and move to Italy, but it's equally naive to think we can magically turn the us into a first world country by voting harder)

    Doomerism, NotJustBikes, and Urban Planning

    NotJustBikes is getting dragged on Twitter for this post.

    What do you think? Is he right? Wrong? Not wrong, but an asshole?

    When I see how hard advocates and sympathetic planners have to work in 2023 to get a halfassed facility that would never make it off the drawing board in the Netherlands, it's hard for me to say he's wrong.
