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  • IDK. Consider PC Principal for a second. He's a Marxist bro who idealizes every left-wing stereotype, who runs an educational instutition forcing politically correct language on children. You tell me what the intentions are, since you are so "woke". Political Correctness is cultural denialism and self-imposed censorship, instead of productive dialog concerning social issues. Since you like South Park, here...there are two people in this picture and they are exactly the same.

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  • Uhh, do you think the show's creators meant to show him as "physically disabled" or retarded? What was the cultural intent on that? Again, don't play the culture war games with people who have zero cultural understanding. PC Principle is also a pussy. There ya go. Have fun in microagression and cancel culture land or whatever Marxists are calling it these days while feeling good for stomping on free speech while claiming to be about "free speech"

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  • Precisely. Someone understands cultural context of words.

    If you call a cop a "coward", it means nothing. Because coward is a culturally dead word in an archaic sense. But if you call them a "pussy" then the meaning and cultural power behind the word changes. Medieval knights can be cowards. But cops are pussies.

    Also I'm less likely to take political correctness lessons from a dude whose handle is TIMMAY...the retarded kid from South Park. Also a culturally dense word.

  • Do reactionaries have a monopoly on paganism?
  • As a Norse Pagan myself of Italian descent no less, the reactionaries really piss me off. It really devalues the faith. I know the gods to be loving and nourishing gods who love everyone. But the gods are the Viking gods of old and command respect too.

    The problem is how the texts are written. The Poetic Edda and the Hávamál is poetry written in Old Norse, and they've been redacted by Christians. But more than that, Old Norse (and Nordic language in general) is not entirely black and white. So reading the texts requires meditation and interpretation, and an understanding of Old Norse is certainly far better. Because many of the texts have what's called "kennings" which are a sort of poetic riddle, and the context of those riddles can and do change interpretivly depending on time, space and cultural context.

    For instance, in the texts the god I serve, named Heimdall, is described as being "the whitest god" and a lot of racists worship him, which pisses us both off. But in the actual texts the Old Norse word used more closely resembles "purity of heart" rather than race. Remember, there are 6 Norwegian words for "snow" but not a single word for "please".

    It's basically false interpretation of the texts for political and ethnic reasons which would have not existed in a country-less, clan structured medieval Europe.

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  • Not at all wrong. I hate to use this word because it denigrates our wonderful lady friends (both bio and of choice), but cops are pussies. Like the ultimate ones. "look at me! I'm a badass cop gonna violate your rights! Back the Blue!" Let's see what my lawyer has to say about your "badassery". I thought so, bitch. Here's a coupon code for Dunkin. Go away.

  • Why I Left NixOS for Ubuntu
  • Yes and no. It depends on what your aim is. I LOVE Nix and it runs like a beast on my ZBook. But I'm after reproducible environments I can just blast around on all over the place without a heavy imagining solution. Works great for that.

    Does it take some time to setup as a daily driver? Yes. But no more than Arch. But the thing with Nix is if you already have a robust config, it takes less time than Arch to go from zero to stomping out code.

    Ubuntu is a great generic distro. But I find Nix gives me oomph. As with everything in this ecosphere...use what works for YOU! 😁

  • PraetorTEL Brutaldon Instance Available Brutaldon

    A brutalist, web-1.0 web client for Mastodon and Pleroma. Supports text-only browsers like Lynx, older browsers, as well as the latest mainstream browsers. All JavaScript is completely optional and progressively enhances the core application.

    Howdy! To celebrate the Old Computer Challenge 2023 and to help people stay connected to Mastodon on their retro machines, I've put up an instance of the wonderful, sparse Mastodon client Brutaldon. It's available both via HTTP and HTTPS on any reasonably good browser with basic CSS support (ie; netsurf, older firefox, mozilla). Netscape support is forthcoming.


    PraetorTEL Brutaldon Instance Available! Brutaldon

    A brutalist, web-1.0 web client for Mastodon and Pleroma. Supports text-only browsers like Lynx, older browsers, as well as the latest mainstream browsers. All JavaScript is completely optional and progressively enhances the core application.

    In celebration of the Old Computer Challenge 2023 and to help people get on the fediverse on their retro computers, I have setup a Brutaldon instance :D Brutaldon is a wonderful Mastadon client that is sparse and viewable using any older browser that supports CSS (ie; netsurf, older firefox). HTTP and HTTPS is available as well. Works well on my SGI Octane2 as you can see, but it should work on any platform with a decent browser. Netscape support forthcoming.


    My SGI Octane!

    I turned my Octane into a bad ass workstation for cruising the deep web :D !

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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