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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 wk. ago

  • Well by tasting it and feeling that it is too sweet for a savoury dish. And you have the feeling that it misses something, but it is salty enough. You have to train your senses about the sweet stuff. If you are used to adding sugar to your savoury dishes, then it might be difficult to spot the sweetness from a vegetable. Now, not everything needs acidity. I would not make a chicken soup with noodles an acidic one. But I do add a spoon of apple cider vinegar at the beginning of cooking the chicken, since they say this will extract more minerals from it. But it is not mandatory. But if I make a curry for example, the sweetness of the coconut milk is too much, so I add either some lemon juice, or some tamarind paste. Little by little, until it tastes balanced.

    Sometimes it happens with salt, I taste the dish and I feel like it misses something, but not acidity or sweetness l, so I add a bit of salt and see if it improved. With time, you kind of know how much to add. Another trick regarding salt, you can salt all the ingredients separately. Since the quantity is smaller, you can visually tell how much you need, as if when you salt something on your plate, or the salad you just made.

  • Imagine the following: you see a room with a table and a chair in the middle. On top of the table there is a ball. A kid comes into the room, climbs the chair and tries to grab the ball that sits on the table. Did you finish imagining? I want you to answer for yourself now what was the color of the hair of the kid? What about of what he was wearing? Did you imagine these kind of details or you just imagined some concepts?

    In my case I did see all the details and many more. My imagination is like a movie. I can imagine my future house with a lot of details inside. I can build it and rebuild it in my mind. Some people have problems to do that.

  • I have a YouTube channel, but I think it‘s ugly to promote it here 😁 And I post videos very rarely lately. But let’s see, what advice I can give you in a few words. I don’t know what is the level of your cooking, but always start with something simple that you enjoy eating. Find some recipes that you can trust and stick to them, watch some videos on how to do them so that you first understand them well, so that when you are in the fire of things, you don’t panic. Prepare all the ingredients in advance. I don’t, because I know where everything is and I am fast. But as a beginner it is ok to be slow. Once you mastered the recipe, you can start changing it if you like and see where it leads you. Never be disappointed that something did not turn out right, at least you learn something from that experience.

    If you have friends that cook well, organise a cooking evening and let them use your kitchen. Look at how they do things and ask questions. I learned a lot from the women in my family when I was little. Always keep being curious and be willing to try things out.

    When you taste something, even if you did not cook it, try to immerse yourself in the experience. Analyse if something tastes salty, sweet, sour, umami. Can you identify some of the ingredients? Give yourself the opportunity to diversify your palate, trying new things. From knowledge comes a sense of confidence in cooking, trusting your senses. When you cook for yourself, add salt little by little, until it tastes good. Ask yourself, is it lacking salt, or it needs some acidity to balance the sweetness or the other way around.

    I play a lot with the balance of sweetness and acidity. And I don’t mean adding sugar, veggies are already sweet(onions, carrots, leeks, potatoes etc), slow cooked meat can also be a bit sweet. So many times I balance these things with something acidic: lemon juice, tomato, vinegar, tamarind paste, etc. If i have a tomato sauce that is too acidic I might add a tiny bit of sugar, or sautéed onions, etc.

    If you are used to eating a lot of processed foods, you might need a break from all that. They usually add a lot of flavour enhancers, and eating natural foods might seem bland at first. But after that you will discover a world of variety.

  • Wow, I did not expect blade poetry. Thanks for that, maybe I will give it a try next time. I do get into the flow state while cooking, painting, singing, some sports. So I know the feeling.

  • :( Sorry to hear that. As human civilisation, we all lost honor, accountability, pride of a well done job. Sure, there are still a lot of people like that, but it is not the norm. We somehow need a reset, but we are not a computer that is easily resettable. And the systems in place just make people more broken. In my opinion education is everything, but to enforce good education…we are also depending on the current leaders. And there are very few good leaders in this world, because the system breaks you before getting in a position where you can make a change.

    I think we also lack small communities. One‘s behaviour gets regulated by the feedback you have from the community. And it also can inspire you tu help and be a better person. In Today’s age, we are so individual, there are no external regulations, there is zero tolerance to being uncomfortable, because you don’t have to. Your life and basic necessities do not depend on your community as before. Most people are not bad, they are just misguided, unhappy and they do not know how to deal with emotions, how to self regulate. And if nobody regulates you with a feedback, yo go wild. I really hope there will be a change in our views now that it looks like Europe is on its own and we have to take care of each others. But I don’t put my hopes up too much.

  • Oh, the Abogados Cristianos are involved. Those are some bunch of assholes from what I heard. This is what Le Chat tells me, but there are much more. I found an article here:

    „ The Spanish Association of Christian Lawyers (Abogados Cristianos) has filed hundreds of lawsuits, complaints, and appeals, but their goal is not necessarily to achieve judicial success—as they know what they are doing—but rather to create a long-term strategy from the right-wing political, media, and judicial spheres aimed at gaining public visibility and undermining the adversary's credibility and rights.

    They have done this with the right to abortion, with the law of amnesty, with the law that guarantees consent, and with a long list of attacks (including those against the Ombudsman) from which it is worth highlighting the complaint they filed against the activists who were protesting in the cathedral of Alcalá de Henares against therapy to "cure" homosexuality; against the artist Abel Azcona for a work that denounced abuses in the Catholic Church; against clinics that perform abortions; against the director of the Reina Sofía Museum for hosting an exhibition that included an image of a crucified Christ at the urinal; against the artist Drag Sethlas for quoting "blasphemous phrases" in a performance; against the mayors who removed crosses using the Law of Historical Memory as an excuse; against those responsible for the comic 'El Niño Jesús no odia a los mariquitas'; against feminists in general for the supposed "gender ideology"; against Willy Toledo for calling them "troglodytes" and "ultra-rightists"; against Wyoming for dressing up as a bishop of the so-called 'Aznarian Church' in reference to the latest appearance of the popular leader José María Aznar, accusing him of making "humiliating statements for Catholics"; against the comedian Quequé for a joke on his show about "dynamiting the Valley of the Fallen"; against Pablo Echenique for stating on social media that "it is much more likely for a priest to commit a sexual assault against minors than for a migrant person to commit a crime." And a long etcetera to not bore anyone.

    The latest of their complaints has been suffered by the comedian Lalachus, a collaborator of David Broncano's program and presenter of the New Year's Eve special on TVE this year. Why in this case? For alleged crimes of hatred and against religious sentiments after showing an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the head of the Grand Prix cow during the broadcast of the New Year's Eve special.

    The modus operandi of the association backed by Vox is always the same. They aim to create controversy by alleging crimes of hatred and offenses against religious sentiments, spreading these allegations through the media, especially through right-wing media outlets, and ultimately, when judicial recourse is exhausted or dismissed, no one remembers it. In other words, they make politics through lawsuits with the aim of attacking social rights or women's rights and thereby targeting the most vulnerable groups.„

  • The world we are living in… I wish there was a way to filter these kind of people out from jobs where other people depend on them. I always wonder at work(I am a SW engineer in a big company) how did HR allow hiring of some individuals? Some are just full blown psychopaths. The hiring staffs need to up their skills to detect these things.

  • How do you get to enjoy sharpening knives? Is it some sort of a meditation? I love to have my knives sharpened, I even have wet stones for it, but I can’t say I enjoy it. I passed the task to my husband now.

  • I am very good at cooking and baking. 35 years of this hobby, one had to get good after so much time. I am decent at painting, shit at drawing, better than average at singing. I know how to crochet and knit. I am decent at gardening. I know how to do some woodworking. I am an intermediate at bouldering. I used to play a lot of handball, I was decent. So many hobbies, so little time for it.

  • I am also a millenial, a woman. And I agree with you. Rather fight for liberty than in a dictatorship. I‘ve already lived in a dictatorship the first years of my life, and although a kid, I do remember what was like and my parent did explain to us that there are other things outside the bubble, that there is freedom outside. We were told not to talk about it outside of the family, of course, because of security police.

    I like the system that the Swiss have, to have all your population trained. To also know how to handle guns and be working in a team snd whatever they do to train. And they get refreshers every year according to Le Chat: Yes, Swiss citizens who have completed their basic military training are required to participate in annual refresher courses. Specifically, after finishing basic training, individuals remain members of the Armed Forces for nine years and must complete six refresher courses, each lasting three weeks, during this period. These courses ensure that their military skills remain up-to-date and that they are prepared for any potential service requirements. The obligation to serve in the military or alternative civilian service typically applies from age 18 to 30 .„

    I would not enter in that age requirement anymore, but I would still love to do it. It is never a bad idea to be prepared, even if you don’t have to use your skills. Also to learn how to sabotage possible invaders, I think it would be invaluable in case of war. Look at Ukraine when they were invaded. There are a lot of stories of normal people fighting greatly against the surprise invasion.

    And a war nowadays would look different than what was in WW2. I am far from being an expert, I am none, but the military equipment modern Europe has, is different even of what they sent to Ukraine. I think they sent a lot of old stuff. And having fighter jets and stuff like that, would be more helpful for the fight.

    I read the other day someone from Finland, I think, saying that their goal this year is to learn to fly drones, so he could help in case of Russian attack. Fighting for Europe does not mean always being on the frontline with a gun in your hands.

  • I am not Spanish, but I learnt it while leaving there some years ago. And I like languages, so I did my best to learn it as well as I can. Years later, I met my now Spanish husband while living in Germany. When I went first time with him to Spain, to meet the family, they were having a big family dinner.

    Before eating, everyone just talked with the others in small groups, and I happened to be talking with my husband’s uncle( he is one of those that strayed to the right side of politics and likes to believe conspiracy theories and I think he does not like immigrants). Anyway, I was talking to him for a while, probably about living and working in Germany, I don’t remember.

    But at some point, my now husband comes into the mini group and asks him:“So? What do you think of her Spanish, it‘s really good, right?“ He got auch a face of confusion, trying to make sense of the words, I had to laugh. He finally asked:“But…is she not Spanish?!“ Oh the satisfaction! He would be the kind of person saying that he would definitely detect someone outside of Spain. I do speak as they do in the north, so I use verb tenses differently than them. And also have some regional words from the north in my vocabulary. So I could fool him easier because of that.

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