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What's your best future band name?
  • Butt Truckers

  • Removed
    I spent 2+ years and all my personal savings making this game (alone).
  • See rules 5, 6, and 7 in the sidebar.

  • Which OS/Distro?
  • Yes, SELinux is enabled (in "enforcing" mode) by default in Fedora. In my experience, it doesn't hamper usability.

    I remember seeing old advice from blogs and listicles about turning it off, on the theory that it might get in the way. But it's better to leave it on if you care about security -- especially if you want to learn.

    When SELinux blocks a piece of software from doing something sketchy, an alert is generated to explain what happened and why. That's rare but it's a learning opportunity for you, not to mention preventing a potential security threat.

  • [Google Play] Hero of the Kingdom III
  • Romopolis, by the same developer, is also free right now. It's usually $4.49 according to the Play Store page.

  • 2D / ISO turnbased "cool" RPG recommendation
  • Shattered Pixel Dungeon, for Android

  • My retired pi 4 now runs plasma big screen so I can stream from questionable sources
  • Is that an Aniwave app? I thought they didn't have an official app.

  • Deleted
    Are there any sites like Lemmy or Reddit that are more intellectual with no memes and no downvoting?
  • Tildes fits that description. The posts are text-only or links to websites. No memes.

    I use that site in addition to Lemmy, not as a replacement but a supplement. It's just a different flavor of discussion.

    It's invite-only but I can give you an invitation code if you're interested. Take a look, see if you like it, and send me a private message if you want an invitation.

  • Nintendo’s Next Switch Coming This Year With LCD, Omdia Says
  • Maybe it'll be the SWiitch.

  • Why does everyone hate Cloudflare?
  • Cloudflare's blocks known malware domains, so that's better than unless you want nothing blocked.

    If you want to block ads and trackers in addition to malware, try ControlD's .

    Better still is to use encrypted DNS if your device supports it. I like NextDNS or ControlD for that, as DNS-Over-TLS or -HTTPS.

  • Conservatives Are So Scared of Diversity They’re Starting to Boycott ‘Woke’ Airlines
  • [S]ince ill-conceived right-wing boycotts rarely tend to hurt the businesses they target in the long term, it’s entirely plausible that the true outcome of this backlash is fewer passengers spewing toxic politics to their seatmates. Friendly skies, indeed.

    Well played, Rolling Stone.

  • How much should I care about news?
  • The middle ground is to put a defined limit on news consumption, like 5 minutes per day. That's enough to stay aware of major events but not so much that you'd necessarily get wrapped up in excessive worrying about irrelevant items. NPR, the BBC, and probably others, offer 5-minute audio news briefs updated hourly. These are available to stream on demand like a podcast. I wouldn't recommend listening hourly but the point is they're up to date at any single time in the day, which you might choose as your daily news blast. Then just tune out, literally and figuratively.

  • How do I breathe quietly through my nose?
  • What's a 20:80 rule in this context?

  • What word do you always forget?
  • I was going to answer this but I can't remember.

  • Comedic irony
  • privacy@[website] is probably an even better route, since I've seen it commonly used for the actual data privacy officer / department / etc.

  • China’s quest for human genetic data spurs fears of a DNA arms race China’s quest for human genetic data spurs fears of a DNA arms race

    China offered multiple countries help with covid-19 testing during the pandemic. The payoff for Beijing included access to the DNA of millions of people.

    China’s quest for human genetic data spurs fears of a DNA arms race
    China’s quest for human genetic data spurs fears of a DNA arms race China’s quest for human genetic data spurs fears of a DNA arms race

    China offered multiple countries help with covid-19 testing during the pandemic. The payoff for Beijing included access to the DNA of millions of people.

    orbital Orbital
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