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Google’s carbon emissions soar by 48% due to AI
  • It would seem that we shall be requiring you peasants to give up another 10% of your daily carbon footprint to meet the demands of our new machine overlord.

  • In just a few years, half of all states passed bans on trans health care for kids
  • Problem is, there is a fairly well known disorder where others (such as parents) will embellish/invent medical conditions for those under their care in order to obtain attention/support. As trans issues are being reported as exclusively positive, with any negative attention being censored/scrubbed, it makes it very easy for a parent to "support" their trans child for just this reason, as children generally lack the agency to deny what their parents tell them up until a certain age.

  • In just a few years, half of all states passed bans on trans health care for kids
  • At risk of getting myself banned (I guess a litmus test for myself to see how zealous the mods are here), one of the pioneering studies done in the field ended in suicide.

  • In just a few years, half of all states passed bans on trans health care for kids
  • Anyone speaking about regrets/harm done by transitioning has been aggressively shouted down and scrubbed from many social media sites, denying those with valid concerns the opportunity to voice them.

  • In just a few years, half of all states passed bans on trans health care for kids
  • If they ain’t hurting anyone

    See, that's the sticky point that people keep trying to ignore in favour of screaming BIGOT as loudly as they can every time someone raises concerns about it.

  • why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out.
  • Because you keep making salacious claims that can't be properly sourced instead of focusing on provable arguments.

  • Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks
  • If it works well for the job

    Your example is one where it clearly isn't a great fit for the job. If you wanted to transfer sensitive data discretely, a floppy could be significantly better than a wired network where you've got to worry about America/Russia/China/Israel/Iran and who knows who else peeping on the transfer, or a USB drive which is already known to be compromised by stuxnet derivatives.

  • Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks
  • If it works well for the job that it's tasked to perform, why change it? It's got the added benefit of being an unintentional security feature now too, as very few others will even have a drive for reading them. Sort of like how manual transmissions are much less likely to be stolen now.

  • Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks
  • "It's not that big of a deal" repeated enough times, is exactly how our society got to this state in the first place.

  • There is no red in this picture
  • Your brain isn't broken, it's just a really bad attempt at viral marketing.

  • "Suffering builds character". anarcho-primitivists, probably
  • Provoking others to consider that exact issue is why I asked the question. :)

  • "Suffering builds character". anarcho-primitivists, probably
  • So why is it that everyone pushing for 'reduced living standards' is also always shilling some new technologies to solve that problem?

  • The Failure to Track Data on Stillbirths Undermines Efforts to Prevent Them
  • Three guesses on why they don't track them, and if you invoke any events from the past 3 years you win a ban.

  • I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games
  • Some people get pissed at the suggestion it should have an easier mode

    Do they really though? Or are you just imagining the people you argue with online in the least charitable light?

  • I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games
  • seeth over it for some reason

    I told you what that reason was though, and you ignore it in favour of imagining strangers as entirely unreasonable antagonists.

  • I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games
  • wished there was an easier mode

    Okay, that's a completely different issue though. The reason that difficulty selection gets push back is because developers are often very lazy in how they implement it, and it makes the "hard" modes little more than an exercise in tedium rather than an actual challenge. So people who enjoy the Dark Souls style games tend to get protective over one of the very few significant titles which scratches that itch these days. There are a wealth of significantly easier games to explore (and frankly better, too, unless you are there for the challenge).

  • I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games
  • I'm just surprised some people care. If you want to play with rules for limited saving that go beyond what the game is programmed to do, good for you champ, but some people enjoy playing all of the systems for their maximum advantage, and even more simply do not care.

  • Discussion about admins abusing Fediverse moderation tools (with proof)
  • You're not kidding. All social media right now is plagued by extremists who only seem to know how to fight. Even when they lack any real purpose for it they go looking for one.

  • ogmios Ogmios
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