novacomets @ novacomets Posts 0Comments 42Joined 1 mo. ago
The right to life is the supreme law and rule. Everything else is secondary, including bodily autonomy is secondary to the right to life. During pregnancg, the lifeof the baby is most important. The mother has already lived her life, she decided to mess around and get pregnant, the baby must be protected at all cost during pregnancy because the baby has not had a chance at it's right to life yet, so the baby's life comes first, the mother's life is seconday.
She should never been with a man if she was not willing to sacrifice her own life and put the life of the child insider of her as first priority, she comes second.
For something long term like a "partner" of 5 years, is a joke of a relationship because there if there is no interest in marriage and a wedding after 5 years, it proves that at least one of the people is only wanting a good time for awhile and wants the freedom to dump the other person any day they feel like with no consequences or repercussions and move on to someone else any day they feel like it to be free and clear to cut out the other person from their life.
Bodily autonomy of the person inside her during pregnany. If she does not want to be pregnant then she must remain celibate and never be with any man.
Piracy is because of price.
Read the documents from the court case against Valve, such as their email communication. Valve got to this level by extortion and bullying.
I do not buy games through Steam store, I will never buy a game directly from Valve.
I am talking about before a woman gives birth to a baby, whether she is 4 weeks pregnant, or 3 month pregnant, and she wants to murder the baby inside of her before she gives birth.
Who is people of color and which people do not have color?
A blind fanatical devotion to Steam/Valve.
As a sound, allow people to develop a libre/open source client to play games from that client, there would be a different perception.
When do white people state publicly that they want non-whites and immigrants to be entrepreneurs to get wealthy through the free market and open competition to become millionaires and billionaires?
You are stating stricty your own opinion when you say "customer experience is excellent". Read the documents of the legal case against Valve, the documents show Valve to be an extortionist.
Skipping over the game debate, wbere did this "my partnet" fad trend get started, instead of good married people talking about husband or wife, or single people talking about boyfriend or girlfriend? It's because linguistically it's not a natural or normal way of speaking, the phrasing sounds like it's from indocrination, saying "my partner", unless it.s part of a firm.
I do not buy games on Steam, only on 3rd party sites for a Steam key so Valve never gets money from me.
You don't know the meaning of fascism. You are the kind if oersin that you are trying to insult.
You want to make legal for a pregnent woman to ask someone to murder her child while she is still pregnant.
Why do people love Steam's DRM on everything, online only gameplay? Why do people love Steams totalitarian control and extortion deals?
If people could built their own Steam client, it wouldn't be so bad. I use Heroic on Windows for both Epic and GOG and get new games through Heroic so there can't be telemetry or data gathering. Why won't Valve allow a libre/free software Steam client to play games and let go of what people choose to install on their computer. I'm nit asking for DRM-free games, I'm asking ti stop dictator how I am allowed to play games.
It's always white people who are against non-whites becoming billionaires and millionaires. Whites say they want opportunities for non-whites to be successful, but they do nit support entrepreneurs so that a dark skinned person works towards becoming a multimillionaire from their merits.
What are they doing advocate that pregnent women don't murder their children?
Which means you don't know anything about anything, your only concern is to post insults to spread misery, no matter how wrong you are.
When a woman inmate gets pregnant by another inmake, clearly one of them knows nothing about being a woman.
Who would you propose understands that government spending is causing mass damage in society and government regulations is wrecking people's lives?
There is no reason to not use X and post on X if that's what they decide to do.
Is the update only for DLSS or does it include improv raytracing? I don't use DLSS, it's always disabled in every game, but I like raytracing on psycho, even though it makes GPUs start crying, I enjoy the graphics.