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Wait... why does Linux-libre (and #Freedo) exist?
  • You know anyone is capable of telling the same thing, but about proprietary code or about that stance you have? Not everyone has to follow the FSF steps nor LInux-Libre, they're there for people who want them and follows their principles. They do what they think is right and invest in that, you don't so you don't invest in that. I think it's great for them to work in projects like GNU Health, Linux-Libre or even Hurd (if it's even active) so we can see more free software development in the future and free software culture in things like health devices (which may or may not be inside your body). I agree with you about microcode, though, but I think AMD is working on opening some microcode in their GPUs (I'm not sure about CPUs), which is great! You can just do your own thing, I prefer to use free software when I can and settle with proprietary code I can't change, other people likes to settle with proprietary systems and a small group likes to force free software in everything they can. I can still help with donations, reporting issues (my favorite part about FOSS/OSS is clear communication) and helping the community until I'm knowledgeable enough in programming.

    Btw, I don't think we have to always settle, we can still fight and get things changing for the better. It may take some time, but I think it's worth it.

  • Not Total Recall (1990)
  • I found a small command to run KDE Spectacle (screenshot software) with Tesseract so I can OCR a screenshot if I want to, I only had to install Tesseract and a main language, you could easily do the same with an API and/or a local AI.

  • Mexico's new president!
  • If you do or know someone that will do, please take into consideration that the housing market in México, right now, has been favoring foreigners and that in some areas, they've displaced the locals and raised prices so much that they can't afford to be there anymore (be for shopping, working, etc.). Please don't contribute to this and research before, do not try to pay in euros/dollars, come legally and work legally.

  • Can You Use Linux Without the Terminal? (How to Geek article)
  • I think tools like YaST help to save time, instead of editing the bootloader in config files, you can simply enter, search for "Boot Loader" and edit there, be following a tutorial or official documentation. I sometimes prefer to use YaST just so I don't do things wrong. it's like the old Control Panel in Windows.

  • We have to stop ignoring AI’s hallucination problem
  • That's why I only use Perplexity. ChatGPT can't give me sources unless I pay, so I can't trust information it gives me and it also hallucinated a lot when coding, it was faster to search in the official documentation rather than correcting and debugging code "generated" by ChatGPT.

    I use Perplexity + SearXNG, so I can search a lot faster, cite sources and it also makes summaries of your search, so it saves me time while writing introductions and so.

    It sometimes hallucinates too and cites weird sources, but it's faster for me to correct and search for better sources given the context and more ideas. In summary, when/if you're correcting the prompts and searching apart from Perplexity, you already have something useful.

    BTW, I try not to use it a lot, but it's way better for my workflow.

  • But being vegan is more expensive!?
  • Where I live, processed stuff is usually more expensive because it isn't sold in most stores, so I have to travel a little far or order online in vegan stores (plus shipping). Also vegan restaurants are far or more expensive, but I've seen more non-vegan restaurants add vegetarian/vegan options :)

  • KDE Plasma needs stability
  • The last time I broke Plasma with themes, was because they weren't compatible anymore. They could do better with the store, though, there is a lot of stuff which doesn't work anymore.

  • Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years
  • I use Tab Stash if I'm about to close/restart the browser or I changed the focus of my research, but if I don't wanna lose some keywords or something, I prefer to use KNotes (or any sticky notes) and write why some keywords are important and their context, so I don't have to maintain too many open tabs. Just yesterday I had like 15 tabs and was overwhelmed lol

  • 5 Firefox extensions for Android I can't live without
  • It is a metasearch engine, so you can tweak the sources of the results, default language, etc. I personally use all the default plus some more engines and all languages, then reduce results if I can't find useful information. It has made searches easier for me, since you can find all types of information with just one click (Search | Images | Files | Academic | etc.) and multiple languages, but it can be not so welcoming to people that want simple searches.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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