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Wie geht ihr mit mehreren Joboptionen gleichzeitig um?
  • Ein Widerrufsrecht bei persönlich unterschriebenen Verträgen gib es nicht solange es nicht explizit im Vertrag drin steht. Der Vertrag gilt sobald alle Parteien unterschriebenen haben. Diese zwei Wochen von denen du da redest ist wahrscheinlich deine Kündigungsfrist in der Probezeit. Die Zeit gilt für beide Vertragspartner. Du kannst den Vertrag unterschreiben und musst dann aber noch mind. zwei Wochen dort arbeiten, bis du woanders anfangen kannst.

    In der Regel verärgerst du aber die Leute wenn du oft wechselst. Lass dir Zeit bei der Auswahl, triff eine Entscheidung und dann bleib dabei.

  • Snowden: "They've gone full mask-off: do not ever trust OpenAI or its products"
  • There is a big difference in being a "Russian asset" and chosing exile in Russia over going to prison for the rest of his life for blowing the whistle on a highly illegal, immoral and unethical spy program. The man is a hero and sacrificed a lot to tell us about it.

  • Google lays off staff from Flutter, Dart and Python teams weeks before its developer conference | TechCrunch
  • I typed in "python flutter" into Google and clicked on the first link. The first pictures shows a bit of code and a simple window with two buttons. I go back to the code and skim it. It defines the buttons. How you cannot deduce from that, that this library makes UI says a lot about you.
    I also think your assumption that click replaced argparse is wrong. Click heavily relies on decorators which makes separation of functional code and command line interface code either impossible or difficult. If you only care about your one program that is fine, but it does make your code not very reusable.

  • Walmart, Delta, Chevron and Starbucks are using AI to monitor employee messages
  • If your company adds it's own SSL/TLS certificate on every PC, then yes... they can see almost everything.

    • Browser traffic? Yes.
    • Chat messages? Depends on the program. If it uses the Host OS certificates, then yes.
    • Listening in on IP audio and video calls? Theoretically yes.
    • AI supported employee sorting based on Union friendliness? You bet.

    The buzzword for this is "Next generation firewall" and "TLS decryption".

    Your company does not give shit about customer data or your privacy or rights.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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