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{CW: Abortion} Need Abortion Advice for a Friend (in Texas)
  • Thanks. I am going to delete this post. This is enough to go on.

  • Is the Pope as in-flight entertainment not good enough for you? You sound like a Cathar.

  • Marvel Fighting Collection (MVC2 specifically)

    Anyone playing? I got to play a bit this morning and it was very good. This is easily my favorite fighter of all time, and I have been playing it on and off since, I am going to add some rambling thoughts:

    -Feels like input lag is reduced from the PS3 version, as I can magneto infinite way easier...which is nice. Actually, Maximillian confirmed this. I used to think my dropped combos on PS3 was just me being old...turns out, my reflexes just yearn for the Dreamcast input lag.

    -rematch remembers your characters and assists...which is cool. But picking a new team, the assist pick defaults to whatever assist was in that slot on the previous team...which is weird, because I kind of pic that shit on muscle memory. I ended up with Psylocke on gamma assist because I was not paying attention...that was no good.

    -They took out the screen flash for a KO'd character, which I did not realize was a response my brain relied on.

    -I really, really wish they added a placement system like in SF6, where you play 10 matches, and the game figures out what rank you should be in. If I am playing ranked, I want to play other decent people, and it's just a pile of bodies right now. MVC2 is basically two different games: the high level meta, and the fun low tiers. I have low tier teams, but, I want to play ranked to play good people it does not feel good to go in guns blazing because I don't know if I am playing the best guile in the world or not.

    All in all...this is going to greatly affect my productivity.

    Disco elysium 2 leaked screenshot
  • I the actual game good? I am very intrigued .

  • A Wells Fargo employee died at her desk and wasn't found for 4 days, even after employees noticed a bad odor ā˜ ļø
  • So, what you are saying is that this employee got paid for at least 3 days without doing any work?

  • Democrats be like
  • Trump will commit DOUBLE genocide, you filthy tankies.

  • Space Marine 2 is alright
  • A torrent repacker (smaller file)

  • Golly gee, I wonder whatever could have been the cause of death?
  • Hamas was using her as a gundam, obviously

  • BREAKING: Biden Administration to Accuse Russia of 2024 Election Interference
  • Rick Sanchez says "here I go, voting for a girl boss, again"

  • "REM sleep is the next AI"
  • I went to the website, and it was like I slipped into a lamer version of hell from Event Horizon:

  • UwU mayors of so called progressive cities feel the JOY in squeezing victims of crapitalism for their forced labor camps.
  • It's interesting how quickly they went from calling them "unhoused," which sounds like a poor creature that just happens to need a forever home, to "street dwellers," which sounds like a invasive horde coming to take your treats.

    Surely it's not the consent machine, though.

  • Zionists just out there quoting Fartlow to the goys like this will get us on their side
  • Cool hand -style font...just hand write the damn thing you fucking losers.

  • ā€˜Dynamic Pricingā€™ at Major Grocery Chain Can Vary Prices Depending on Your Income 'Dynamic Pricing' at Major Grocery Chain Can Vary Prices Depending on Your Income

    AI pricing could result in customers incurring higher costs based on personal data used to gauge their purchasing thresholds.

    'Dynamic Pricing' at Major Grocery Chain Can Vary Prices Depending on Your Income

    Please, for the love of all that is holy, just let a meteor hit us already.

    Can't wait for a pig in a MRAP to run me off the high way Prosper PD's $689K vehicle goes viral. Your department may have one too

    Prosper Police recently posted a photo of officers posing with the $689,000 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle.

    Prosper PD's $689K vehicle goes viral. Your department may have one too

    "The vehicle, valued at $689,000, was not paid for by the town or tax dollars. It was acquired through the Federal 1033 program run by the US Department of Defense's Law Enforcement Support Office.

    The program transfers weapons, equipment and vehicles from the military to civilian law enforcement agencies."



    Kevin O'Leary warns student protesters are 'trashing' job chances by fighting police Kevin O'Leary warns student protesters are 'trashing' job chances by fighting police, vandalizing school

    Investor Kevin O'Leary explained that student protesters should be concerned about their job prospects, especially if they are caught on video fighting with police.

    Kevin O'Leary warns student protesters are 'trashing' job chances by fighting police, vandalizing school

    Oh man, I am so glad that we have Biden keeping us from becoming a dystopian hellscape.

    Havana syndrome victims frustrated CIA isnā€™t blaming Russia for symptoms ā€˜There is so much angerā€™: Havana syndrome victims frustrated CIA isnā€™t blaming Russia for symptoms | CNN Politics

    When Bill Burns became CIA director in March 2021, he vowed to investigate a mysterious illness afflicting a growing number of soldiers, spies and diplomats who reported a sudden onset of debilitating symptoms, including severe headaches, loss of balance and reduced cognitive function.

    ā€˜There is so much angerā€™: Havana syndrome victims frustrated CIA isnā€™t blaming Russia for symptoms | CNN Politics

    Looks like the tummy ache gun never went away!

    Biden calls Xi a dictator after carefully planned summit Biden calls Xi a dictator after carefully planned summit

    U.S. President Joe Biden said on Wednesday he had not changed his view that Chinese President Xi Jinping was effectively a dictator, a comment likely to land with a thud in Beijing after the two leaders held straightforward summit talks.

    Biden calls Xi a dictator after carefully planned summit

    Early reports are saying that Biden said under his breath " A dictator says what?"

    "Were you in the shit?"

    You see so many weird troop companies in Texas

    If hell is not real, what TF is this?

    Lib, I mean link:

    (CW: Sexism, Racism, Bill Maher.) I did self flagellation by watching this, so now I'm sharing it

    Seriously, just the absolute worst takes on the planet. Can someone poison his weed in Minecraft?

    Found this in my daughter's backpack. Do I need to talk to her?

    What do you do when your seven year old is anti-Semitic and Grettapilled?

    Winamp Skin Museum Winamp Skin Museum

    Infinite scroll through 80k Winamp skins with interactive preview

    Winamp Skin Museum

    This might actually be the best site ever.

    Hey! Just go listen to the internationale

    Whatever version you want. I don't care. You are amazing people and I want the best for us.

    You fucking sickos
