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Image Upload issues
  • It works with a smaller (450KB) image ~

  • Nanahira - ななひらさん

    Image Upload issues
  • There is a correlation with file size. The picture I tried to upload was particularly big - about 20MB I think - so I probably should have downsized it anyway. There was no problem with uploading the few KB big screenshot.

  • Image Upload issues
  • Interesting, I did not know about pict-rs. Thank you, I will just try again, maybe with a downsized version of the picture.

  • Image Upload issues

    Do you also have image upload issues sometimes? I have posted a screenshot of how it looks when it fails. It is a known bug ->

    Do you maybe know how to get around it, and still be able to upload the image?

    among cherry blossoms


    MDD Burger sorry for the inconvenience~

    Seriously, it's impossible
  • Why summon Baphomet if you can buy a doll?

  • It’s all posturing
  • Why not spend your time on a Japanese platform? We got anime ~

  • RiPoP - Gochamecha×Wonderland
    Choko - sukina no, datte!
    Pajama Party!

    Fox flower girl

    YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • I just thought the same thing. This cannot be true. I refuse to believe it

  • Well well 🤨
  • Inside the home even.

  • Locked starting guide
  • Thank you very much for this post! It helped me a lot. I suggest caution with using though. They do not include all instances - like for example my home instance - you might miss a great community because of that.

    EDIT: Now is back on the browser again - Instances could get dropped due to long response times or rate-limiting issues, so depending on the time you search you may get different results on the Community Browser.

  • Done with Twitter and Reddit
  • Welcome!

  • So, libreddit and nitter are dead, what now?
  • Yes unfortunately Twitter did that yesterday. Hopefully they will be able to scrape the content somehow anyway (apparently Twitter still allows googlebot to crawl their Tweets, so maybe Nitter will just disguise as a googlebot)

  • So, libreddit and nitter are dead, what now?
  • If I want to still be able to look at the works of my favorite artists, photographers and animators, I will unfortunately have to use it to some extent. Some of them also post on other platforms like pixiv, which allows you to look at content without an account. If there is any other way to look at their content, I do, but some are Twitter exclusive unfortunately.

    People will naturally follow their favorite artists and will want to interact with them. If you could somehow convince the creators to post on a free and open alternative, I would not have any problem completely deleting my Twitter account.

    In the case of Reddit, I would delete my Reddit account if I knew that all the rock hounders, bug identifiers, mineral photographers and crochet enthusiasts were here.

    So, what now? If you are able to, create content that people are interested in and post in exclusively on free and open alternatives. If you have any useful skills or know-how, help people on free and open alternatives with their questions and problems. That is how I got into Twitter and Reddit at least. Maybe it will work for others too.

    And most importantly: be nice. Don't downvote people's comments and posts for no reason. Don't leave toxic comments. Say Thank you, give people compliments, provide constructive criticism and try to be helpful.

  • Hello from Tokyo!
  • Hello SDF Japan

  • Cartoons used to be wild
  • I agree with exec

  • muffin muffin
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