mrbutterscotch @ mrbutterscotch Posts 0Comments 12Joined 1 day ago
Good, keep it up Ukraine!
We have literally arrived at 1984 levels of lies and delusion, it's incredible. And all the MAGA's are willingly falling for it...
Europe united is strong and the uk is part of europe
I hope it falls even more, what a loser
What a massive piece of shit
The Constitutional Court annulled the results due to Russian Election interference. So he didn't win shit
Yep exactly. We can't have anti-democratic Russia stooges. F that
For Christ sake have they become a joke...
Fair enough. May I ask where here is? I guess what I'm saying is that europe has to defend their own freedom now. American Democracy was outdated anyway. And I agree, I don't see an authoritarian USA being less imperialistic than they have been until now. I suppose it's a good thing we won't be helping them with it anymore
Oh absolutely, I don't mean in the way they invaded other countries for 'democracy' but rather in the way they acted as a shield for europe etc against Ussr/russia
A damn shame what he is doing to the States. It's up to us europeans to defend freedom and democracy now